Meet the Real Deal Chicken: No Process, No Steroids or Cloning


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Book Description HTML

Discover Everything You'll Need To Know About Raising Chickens At Home, In Your Back Yard, In The City, Suburbs, Or Anywhere For That Matter! If your wondering why you aren't feeling healthy or at your best -- it's because the foods we eat are shot so full of steroids and other harmful drugs, that our bodies rejects and cause us to be ill all the time. Raising your own chickens can be the easiest thing you can do for you and your family health and over all well being -- like fresh ( eggs, chicken, etc ). My eBook will give you a simple step by step process to start raising your own chickens.

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    බුදුරජාණන් වහන්සේගේ උත්පත්ති ස්ථානය
    13 May 2024
    මේ පොතේ දැක්වෙන්නේ බුදුරජාණන් වහන්සේගේ උත්පත්ති ස්ථානය පිළිබඳවයි. බුදුරජාණන් වහන්සේ උපන්නේ ලංකාවේ නොව ඉන්දියාවේයි. මේ සඳහා සාක්ෂි ගණන් කිරීමටවත් බැරි තරම් ප්‍රමාණයක් මේ පොතේ දක්වා ඇත. හෙළබිම උපන් ගෝතම බුදුන් යනු මිත්‍යා දෘෂ්ටිකයින් විසින් ගොතන ලද බොරු කතාවකි. මේ පොතේ සත්‍ය ඉතිහාසය දැක්වෙයි. මේ පොත විකිණීමට නැත. නොමිලේ ලබාගත හැක. මෙම පොතේ ඇත්ත බුද්ධ ධර්මය සහ පැරණි කරුණු, සාක්ෂි, සූත්‍ර, ධර්ම කරුණු, සිතියම්, ඡායාරූප, දඹදිව ජම්බුදීපය පිළිබඳ තොරතුරු අන්තර්ගතයි. This book tells about the birth place of Lord Buddha. Lord Buddha was born in India, not Sri Lanka. There are too many proofs for this in this book. Gotama Buddha born in Helabima is a false story made up by illusionists. This book shows the true history. This book is not for sale. Available for free download. This book contains information about the true Buddha Dharma and ancient facts, proofs, sutras, dharma facts, maps, photos, information about Dambadiva or Jambudipa.
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Terry Clark

It's kind of hard for me to tell people about myself -- I'm sort of a private person. I speak when I have something important to say; But if someone would ask me 'What Do You expect to accomplish in Life'? I Would say? To help somebody, feed somebody, clothe somebody... And provide people with good advice to their problems combine with a solution. It my not sound politically current, but it's from heart!

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