Micha- A Disturbance of Lost Memories by Aimee - HTML preview

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Wind in the night

Did I dream this or was I awake?

I heard a bell clang. Once. Very loudly. It was a bell, not a telephone ring, not a gong ring. One loud DONG. I opened my eyes.

I was lying in bed, on my right side. A wind came. The sound was very loud. I thought there was a hurricane in my bedroom. I could feel the wind blowing over me and its force pulling the sheet back; I could feel it pushing against my back. It was swirling and twirling about me — just me; nothing in my bedroom was moving. There was no wind anywhere else. Nothing stirred around the open window; nothing stirred the chime next to it. It was only around me. I seemed fully conscious of this. I turned on my back and everything stopped.

I was lying there, wondering what it was all about and whether or not I had dreamt it, a voice coming from my solar plexus said, “You are now connected.” Not a voice in my head, not a loud voice. Not a voice from outside, heard by my ears. A voice inside of me.

At 2:50 a.m. I got up because I was having the kind of attack I get sometimes, caused by my stomach hernia. I drank an ounce or so of milk, hoping to calm my stomach. A half hour later I experienced severe intestinal cramps, and I spent the rest of the night eliminat-ing excessive amounts of bile. Everything calmed down around 5:30

a.m.Whirlwinds in the night! Being wired for sound! If life is a school, then I should get an A for Imagination 101.

June 14, 1999 (NSA journal entry after adjustment) Today I felt (when Hell put pressure on my neck) that I am finally about to connect with my lower spine. I could feel a stretch from both, trying to meet in the middle. That pressure on my neck felt great.

June 18, 1999 (Dream)