Micha- A Disturbance of Lost Memories by Aimee - HTML preview

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Bad trip

Dreamt my grandfather picked me up as one picks up a small child, with legs around the waist. He said something in my ear, but I did not hear (or did not wish to). I think my mom was in the kitchen doing the dishes. He looked incredibly old, not like the old man I remember with white hair and smooth skin. His skin was all wrinkled and he looked more like a corpse than anything else. I was extremely passive. I did not move. I did not respond or struggle. Was I thirteen years old?

I was riding a bus. The driver was a woman. Sitting on the right looking out the window I saw a little girl (three years old?). She had gotten off the bus and was walking alongside in what appeared to be a roadside garden. She wore a pale blue apron with many pockets filled with tubes of paint. She was the driver’s daughter. I went to the front, as the bus was moving very fast down the highway, and I told her that her little girl had gotten off the bus. I thought she would turn the bus around but she just kept right on going.

In a washroom where there is only a sink and mirror, I wanted to change into a sports outfit (was I a football player?). I looked into my sports bag but all that was there was dirty laundry. I realized I had no underwear and thought I should go to the mall to buy some to put under the uniform. Just for that day, as all I had to do was wash the clothes in the bag for more clean underwear. As I was leaving the washroom, Bernice came in. (Bernice is my boss’s travel agent; all of his trips are booked through her agency.) I am in a building (a mall again?). I am going down some black metal stairs with the bus driver and her thirteen-year-old daughter. As we are about to leave the building, I turn around to go back and pick up some paper I dropped on the stairs. I see several pieces of paper (I do not remember what was on them, but I think I never found what I was looking for).

All three of us are in a sports car (Trans-Am? Firebird?). It is a convertible and the top is down. The car is white. We are all sitting in the front. I try in vain to put on the grey safety belt. It has two D-rings holding the buckle and I cannot figure out how to work it to clasp the right part to the left part. I am concerned about getting hurt and I tell the woman driving (bus driver from previous dream) to slow down, as there is no top and if we should get into a car accident we will all be terribly hurt. She takes an exit the wrong way into a busy road. We are moving towards the cars coming from the opposite direction. There are many of them. Finally we clear the exit and run head on into oncoming traffic. She drives forward and misses the cars, as if with perfect timing, and finds her way into the proper lane, way over to the right.

Somewhere in the dream, the bus driver tells me that her husband has gone to go pick up the little girl, since they have a special connection and see each other through a mirror. Besides, she says, he was much closer to the girl than she was, distance-wise.