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Importance of Education

Education is the backbone of a person’s success as well as the force that propel a person’s vision. All of the great people who were leaders in their time and even now have obtained the proper education. Education in most terms is becoming knowledgeable in one or more areas of study. Education does not have to be limited to the traditional way of higher education or anything beyond a high school diploma. It is any form of learning that is effective in increasing a person’s knowledge about anything of their own interest. An obvious way of attaining an education is what many do, which is to go to school like a college, university or any such educational facility. These facilities usually offer degree programs and others certain certifications in a specific field. Regardless of what education endeavors you choose it is critical because the knowledge you acquire is what allows you to implement your ideas to practical actions in the real world. Also, education is not only traditional institutes but could refer to gaining or enhancing trade skills or anything that is used as an asset to generate wealth.

Some would say that education is the trigger that ignites a movement that explores limitless theories and testes numerous ideas to uncover and find the truth and improve our livelihoods. Access to education has been made more available, and opportunities for professional growth are at our finger tips. The question is to figure out what educational pathway is right for ourselves. Furthermore, we should find out what educational pathway is appropriate for our vision’s success. There are many roads to a solid education. Choosing can prove difficult. It is worthwhile to find the education that is most closely related to your vision and often time your vision is sometimes also your passion. If a man or woman’s vision is to have a family restaurant in locations all over the world, then education in the food and business sector is the no-brainer here to seek out. For activist seeking social change, political science or sociology would benefit their vision for social change. For this particular case, it is helpful to have the education in those social areas but there have been those who had no social education background and did well in the social settings. The point I make is that it is great to seek out opportunities for education that is related to your vision however if you have already completed your education and have moved on maybe discovering new interest then exploring the new interest is fine even if your completed education background is not in that area. This is normal. It is as easy as someone majoring in music in college then later in life pursuing a career in law enforcement.

A person’s interest may change over time or stay the same. The most important thing is that we understand and see our big picture. The big picture is the tough question some may avoid because some do not know the answer to the question I am about to ask. What is it that you want out of life? Many have figured it out others are still searching and although this may sound bad but it is the truth while others never figure out what they want and go to the grave never knowing what they desired or wanted most out of life. Some people mature faster than others then realize what they want in life then pursue it relentlessly. Others just live life day to day they work and some start families. I think a person’s life goals or vision and whatever education needed to advance their goals or vision is what people should seek out in life. Additionally, I feel there is much more to do for ourselves and for those around us then to live a basic life. I wish and hope that above all things that everyone prospers exceedingly educationally and achieve their vision. A world full of extraordinary people was we all are considered great for our contributions to our families, friends, and societal impact. Success is the results of preparation. This preparation occurred through our dreams and vision as we educate ourselves to break boundaries and do amazing things in life. Education is like the “Do or Die” phrase. If you pursue education which is not limited to traditional standards we do well for ourselves. However, if we do not pursue chances to educate ourselves, we die educationally. The only hope for revival is through education that is how important its value is.

Education is so critical that some race’s great elders or grandparents gave their blood for the future of immeasurable possibilities while other races fought to maintain the power of society but controlling the education of others and catapulting their own kinds for far gains. On a different note, the culture of employment is heavy on education and experience. People often advance their careers faster than their peers due to their personal abundance of education as well as experience. Education is regarded as power in some cases. Many have channeled this power from education to control their personal situation and thus create their own bridge that they cross over into exceptional success. The biggest stories we often hear in the news or by word of mouth is exaggerated but would put the spotlight on the homeless person who overcame their homelessness to become a millionaire. What needs to also have been said is how they used the education they either previously had or newly obtained to forge a successful path for themselves and rid themselves of poverty. The education used from this experience may not have anything to do with actual educational facilities the homeless person may have started reading business and entrepreneur books that guided his education. Although a person may not have had a degree, their education acted as a trigger for their success and vision. Also, in previous example, even if reading educational books were not involved in homeless person’s success the person knew enough education to make their first steps into action while in the past deep down the education may have already been there just had not been put into action. When you live and grow in life you encounter intelligent philosophes or ways to life by that admirable people speak of. One thing people often say is that your education never stops. I agree with this statement and believe we all continue to learn whether intentionally or unintentionally. It is because we constantly learn that opens our minds to the endless imagination.

Our imagination may become the final product produced by our education. From another view, our imagination may have already been there before education, but afterward, now our imagination takes on a real form. Imagination or our vision comes to life before our eyes. Moving on to say, I know that the illusion of education is not for everyone to me is a lie. Education is not for everyone. However, I do believe that one form of education may not fit everyone. There is a form of education that is for everyone but not all are able to learn from the same forms of education made available to them. Many take the traditional form of education and go to colleges and universities. Others may seek trade school educational opportunities while another person may seek to enter the military. There is something out there for everyone it is the manner of searching a finding what best fits you and your desires of life. Education has its economic advantages.

One economic advantage of a decent education is having a good geographical and socio- economic status. If your education lands you opportunities to generate a good income you can afford to stay in areas that are safer and often less violent. This is beneficial and may lead to less stress and enable you to have access to other networks of people in the neighborhood or their network of people. It is likely that those in your areas are just as successful if not more. Peace of mind also is something one may have if their education empowered them to become financially free and now there are no worries over money because their income streams exceed their lifestyle and expenses even when they are not working. A second economic advantage of education is when skilled workers perform well this brings more business to cities and towns which allows an area to produce more resources that help improve their economy. This could result in better schools, shopping centers, and community centers for the public’s interest. Education helps one to become skilled at one or multiple tasks, and now you become an asset to yourself and your surroundings. There are numerous economic advantages and education has and will always help to enhance our knowledge and skill set. When it comes to education, a person must desire it fully and stop at nothing to obtain it. Education is like treasure and you are the person hunting for it if you have not already acquired it. Even when you are done with education in the form of a degree program education still continues. Some already know but for those who do not understand the impact that education has on a person’s life they must first understand it then they can then organize a way to get it and use it for the betterment of their own life.

Education is critical to a person’s portrayed success but within it what is equally as important is to maximize your educational pursuits. Imagine a first-year student, called “A” for this example, in college who just goes to class then back to their dorm and that is his entire routine all the way through their senior year but did not really do much other than just attend and pass classes each semester. We can assume this student did community services every now and then and maybe even had an internship. Regardless let us compare first-year “A” to first-year “B” college student who does the same plus more. By more, I am speaking of first-year “B” becoming involved in college clubs and extra curriculum activities, career fairs, conferences, political events, study abroad or anything that pushes you to succeed at a higher level than the average person. The greatest of people who have contributed the most to society have all one thing in common. They invested in themselves. Generally, an investment into something usually means the investor is expecting a decent return. From this view, the investor does not always have to be another person. The investor can very well invest in him or herself. How this is done is simply by adding experience and knowledge to yourself about a particular area of interest. The single best investment one can make is to invest in themselves. This investment in yourself includes your education and the valuable information you gather can be put into practice in your life as you pursue your own happiness. The idea is to not only dream but to chase it with good and appropriate action leading you right your dreams. A part of dream chasing or at least having a vision for greatness is taking education seriously and maximizing it.

Maximizing your education could also mean more than the example that I gave you. If you are in class and a semester’s class only teaches from chapters 1 to 20 but there are 30 chapters then when your time allows it why not read the other 10 chapters and improve your knowledge pass the condensed scope of the lessons taught in the class. Going a step further what is the use of knowledge and information if it is not applied to our lives for benefits or for a better way of living. In this manner, let us become the best of ourselves and learns trades or ways to resolve conflict or issues. Often through education, it empowers you to think, learn, observe, analyze, interpret, and solve. With education, it is a tool equipping us to perform marvelously and enhance our environments. The difference in a person who has education compared to someone who maximized their education assuming both of them has similar and equal educational opportunities the one who maxed out his education has the wealth of intel and even connections to achieve success abundantly excel at unimaginable levels.

There are many things that can hinder a person’s growth in regards to maxing out their education. These obstacles can become intimidating its best to develop ways to stay on course. Let us stick with the example of the regular undergraduate student who is just going to class and does not really do much in any other types of work. This student is becoming more interested in global awareness and believes his participation in global program aboard would expand his thinking and logic of challenges he faces in internally and externally. He notices that in his attempt to pursue international opportunities that cost is a big factor so he now has a challenge that may prevent him from this endeavor thereby hurting his pursuit of maximizing his undergraduate experience. I am not discouraging this person to stop and quit but finding an affordable opportunity is critical because you may not get the dream chance of whatever your maximizing educational goal was but it is still ok to get close to it or have an alternative that is relevant to your originally desire. Mentioned a moment ago the student faces financial challenges and still has a few options. One option is to seek scholarships that support global education and raise money yourself. It is simple but not always easy because you may encounter many no’s before you get to the yes’s. Timing is important to you may have to plan years in advance, or if you are pressed for time, you may have to become creative to fully accomplish global education desire to help maximize your learning.

Another option is changing to a study aboard that is more affordable. What holds people back is their own self in them thinking if something is possible for them or not. So often opportunities are blown because of those who do not seek them out or take advantage of them or even over-looking what is right in front of you. There is no one single best way to tackle your issues whatever it may be in that you are freeing yourself from forces that hinder you from increasing your intellectual prowess thus your education. Going away from this academic example let us see how another scenario might play out in one attempting to maximize their education. Let us take a high school dropout and or a convicted felon who is struggling in and out jail but reaches his breaking point and has had enough. Let us assume two types of behavior from this one being he still continues his life of crime and the other he changes his life to become a productive member of society. I do not in any way condone living a life of crime but if he continues to do so the hope may come from education in that it provides a way out of the life of crime he so commits to. Depending on the length of your time or demand in jail or prison educational programs may not be available if they are to pursue those are great ideas. If for whatever reason a person or inmate is not able to seek educational programs while an inmate talking to case managers or filing a grievance may help. If all ideas and actions are to become exhausted what is also nice to try but may not come easily to everyone is to self-teach yourself about a certain subject. Although this is easier said than done it could become useful to you in developing your own skills. Books are available while you are an inmate chose genres or topics of books closely related to your interest. Jails and prisons do not do well overall at rehabilitating and recovering inmates so they are better when they are released. Regardless of laws already in place to prevent discrimination on felons when they need employment, business and entrepreneur books, classes and other resources should, in my opinion, be mandatory for felons in their recovery and reentry back into society.

The other assumption from this scenario is that the inmate changed his ways and decided to leave his life of crime. In a sense that he does this there are things that should follow after his decision to live crimeless which includes much, but for now, education should play a role in his new life. As times are changing and with it, the dynamics of the minimum expected educational requirement for most average jobs employers are leaning toward wanting more higher education professionals. Since this man has dropped out early in his younger years starting from their and getting a GED would be beneficial. What if the guy does not have money to become a part of the GED program and there are no career advice facilities for him in the local area? I will acknowledge the circumstances here are extremely difficult and even worst when there is no support by family, friends, or shelters. Regardless the issue remains, and a suggestion is really how bad are you willing to tolerate hardships and preserve to change your life in full. Many desire better lives but become discouraged after little or a few attempts in the right direction, and they fail. From all that I said before about this gives obstacles suggestions or starters would be to find a way to at least contact educational or staffing centers to help provide money even if a little while you are aiming to improve your life. If you cannot travel, there may be a way to call these educational resource centers and develop relations if not fully able to go in person. Also, online access to resources is unlimited and may be time-consuming but the surplus of knowledge and wisdom online is useful especially if you are striving toward a new lifestyle. The important part is to make sure your environments are positively focused and not bad influences of things that pull you back into your old criminal habits. My most favorite and liked suggestion is to read, read, and read some more. Altogether, if this inmate reads more on the go, he will uncover ideas and ways to get things going faster from him on his way to his new lifestyle. Let us not just read only but act after the things we read to enhance our lives and learn as we go

The bread and butter or in some cases the most critical part is creation. By creation I mean after during or after education one decides to act and create, modify, or improve systems or mechanisms in some form or manner then profit off of it. This is what makes us all uniquely designed in that we have the power to accomplish amazing things in life but it starts with unlocking the potential. As this potential is unlocked and you began to unravel where your place is in life the next thing to do is figuring out how to apply education to practical means to attain desires and goals. The example I will use is sensitive to women so please for all woman readers try to understand my logic. Women are often victims of abuse so I use this to bring awareness that it is not ok to harm in any way females. Imagine a woman who experiences a series of brutal physical and emotional abuse but develops the power to overcome and understands that her knowledge and life events will act as an escape for other women who have are currently dealing with abuse. How this woman could bring to life a movement that disrupts the bad acts of men or anyone causing harmful abuse to women is by organizing a social group with a social construction to expand to all areas and develop a presence even overseas.

Here I assume the woman is educated with a college degree in health science but it would not matter because anyone could pull this off. After overcoming abuse, she has the burning desire to reach others, so she begins to read the effects of abuse victims and methods to reverse any negative effects caused by abuse or at least allow victims to not allow their experience to stop them in life. How this woman takes education and makes it practical for a cause is by like earlier organizing a social group with a social construction that models to first to identify victims at a greater level, reach out to them, and provide support and resources.

In practical ways the setup at a closer glance would be first assembling a team then once team is formed developing posters, guides, and flyers to promote the cause as well as deciding on a location to meet even if it is not the best of location this is scenario assumes the phase is at the startup level. Secondly, developing or using current methods to identify female victims of abuse. Lastly, outreach with volunteers and other supporters would not guarantee victims would be open to getting help because research has shown that many victims close other people off but extending the invitation is creating more opportunities for a woman of abuse to get help. Once the women who do decide to get help it is best to have an environment ready for them to support them as this would likely encourage them. This is according to who that environment would want to be setup. Imagine a woman gets the invitation to get help with abuse experiences then she arrives at the location and the design is the first meeting with a specialist and or counselor and then meeting others who have made the same decision to get help and see that the resources she came to are effective. Also, another design could be creating online private forums where people are anonymous so women, if they are not yet comfortable, can ask questions and have certified counselors as leaders giving advice and help. Once momentum is gathered expansion plans are also something that should take place as time and the success of the movement grows. There are already women movements out that exist for this cause and getting connected with these movements also would empower further growth or if creation is not something a woman would do joining up with already established movements are great to expand the awareness and resolve of a woman who encounters abuse. This here is small example of how someone can use education or experience to create or join movements that support a cause.

Another example would involve a male high school dropout. I assume this individual is struggling to find work and opportunities to enhance life and reach financial success. After while this person decides to go to the library for large amounts of time day end and day out and read books on success, finance, and entrepreneurship to uncover a way out of poverty. Here is the trigger that unlocks this person’s potential with the more knowledge gained this person starts to believe more in themselves. In the books, he read it talks about successful habits, self-starting businesses, and wisdom in creating and growing wealth. This person puts together a plan. First, this man conducts research then creates a business in particular one that offers solutions to do independent research for companies and compile relevant data to help them make conscious business decisions to grow sales. In first-year this man only makes a couple thousand dollars from service but in spite of short-coming, he decides to turn this low incoming producing business into another opportunity. He writes a book about what not to do when starting a business, mistakes to avoid, then self-publishes it and sells his information. Also, to promote book the person gives free speeches at community events to grow larger audiences. With success from the book, people start to notice advice on mistakes to avoid when starting a business, so more people are asking for advice that becomes overwhelming. So now the person creates another business now online that consists of classes, courses, and webinars that teach more and answers the questions people are having. With this person is able to reach six-figure income off of this business. Here demonstrates another example of how a person turned his education from books and his knowledge to cash to succeed.

In summary, it is critical to find ways to use education or knowledge to create, modify, or improve things and benefit from it financially. Each of us in some way can do something to make more but the trick is to find out what it is we can do. It is nothing easy, or others would do it so easily. Some may discover their opportunity sooner than yours while others may take longer but starting now or continuing to search for chances to increase your net worth, and income is the key. I have also have found that those who are able to uncover what works for them often find their purpose in how to serve and help others giving them self-purpose. As finding your purpose is powerful because it is motivating and self- fulling.