Millionaire Scope: Secrets of Wealth & Prosperity by Martize Smith - HTML preview

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Self-purpose is seen in many different forms, but at the basic level, it is when someone is living in such a way it allows them to feel fulfilled or in the process of completing their fulfillment in life. I will discuss this later in the chapter on how I generally see self-purpose, suggestions on how to find it, how to live it, and maximizing your purpose in life. On a different note as crazy as this may sound because someone is living and making lots of money does not necessarily mean they are living in their purpose.

Let us not use wealth as an indicator of a person living in their purpose. There are numerous millionaires and billionaires who are not living in their purpose but this is my opinion and assumption in that not all wealthy people are living in purpose. There are an estimated 15.3 million millionaires and 1542 billionaires worldwide and to say that 100% of them all are living in their purpose from a probability stand point I just do not believe that.

This next statement may sound contradictory but ill address why it is not. I do not believe that a person can tell another person they are or are not living in self-purpose. Self-purpose comes from within. Only a person themselves can feel the feeling of fulfillment that other cannot feel for you. Some may claim they can sense or tell but that is through their own judgment. I do not see my previous statement as a contradiction because it is not unreasonable, but is mathematically probable, to believe not all are wealthy are living with purpose even with their riches. Regardless the point here is to not judge money as an indicator of walking in self-purpose. The ultimate judge is yourself and the feeling you have internally. If you are unsure, ill list ways to approach finding your self-purpose. Additionally, often when living in your purpose, this allows a person to develop a legacy. Having a legacy also is what everyone should desire to have. Legacy and self-purpose are closely related and in all things even in wealth having a purposeful life means far more than any amount of wealth accumulated.

Generally speaking on self-purpose as well as how to find it, one way to approach self-purpose is meditation. Meditation allows you to unlock and uncover more about yourself and the direction you are headed in. It empowers strong conscious self-thoughts and a way to see more of your inner self. If you have no knowledge of what or how to meditate it is a good idea to research about meditation and find what methods would increase your ability to get the most out of it. What I did was create a purpose or a goal before each time I meditated so that way once I finished I had good outcomes or good insights into how I would shape my own future to live in my purpose. For me, meditation helped me clear my thoughts and concentrate on a bigger picture of life. I often choose quiet places. I mean extremely quiet places to meditate. I felt depressed at times in the beginning when meditating. I was not able to find what I was searching deep down inside for quickly, but in many cases, patience is critical also as one decides to meditate. Earlier when I mentioned having a plan or goal before going into meditating is necessary if you want to speed up results and uncover or expand your purpose. An example is for one whole month focus on healthy and ethically appropriate things and subjects that make you happy and fulfilled and see how doing these things would help satisfy your life. The next month of meditation concentrates on how to structure these subjects that make you happy into actions. From here on out continue to grow your actions stemming from the things that make you happy and fulfilled. Another way to approach self-purpose is prayer.

I believe prayer is by far the strongest and best method to find your purpose in life. I am a Christian and a full believer in Jesus Christ. This is not a sermon but it has been and continues to be God who has led me to my aspirations and have helped me see and unlock my gifts then use them for his glory. So, here if you are a Christian, using the most basic but amazing tool to find your purpose is prayer. Understand that when you pray to God you humble yourself and repent if you need to and align it with God’s purpose for you as that within itself will fulfill you even without worldly riches. It is better to store your treasure in heaven instead of on earth so no robber can steal them (Matthews 6:19-20). Also, I know that God wants us to succeed and have great health as well as achieve greatness and prosperity (3rd John 1-2). It is important that when we pray, it is about serving Jesus and saving souls. Also, by praying this is a direct connection to the Creator of all existence which takes great pleasure in revealing our purpose in life. It is great to be worldly wealthy but what is all of that worth if you lose your soul? It is not worth gaining wealth but losing your soul. Therefore, it is better to be spiritually wealthy in God rather than worldly riches. Understand this even as you grow in God and desire to become wealthy but not forgetting who you serve and the true purpose of what you are to do in life. I recommend praying continuously as well as daily for self-purpose guidance coupled with reading the Bible intensely. There is no time limit on praying to uncover your purpose because God does as He pleases. Remaining strong with a sincere passion to serve and improve your Christian walk will, on God’s time, produce great results.

So, in the past, I stated meditation and or prayer are good ways to find your purpose so now another way but not limited to only what is mentioned here are self-seeking and exploring ideas and opportunities that may or may not be related to your past experiences. In short, this means searching out ideas or opportunities until you uncover what fulfills and gives you a self-purposeful feeling. Take a person who has a special need relative and struggles to take care of relative but has a burning interest in helping and developing ways to give the best care to special needs people. This person begins ethically, responsibly, and legally creating or modifying theories, systems, or practices to aid special needs people in their day to day lives. Once successful and if ideas produce results this person’s work reaches greater audiences or people who also would like to know how to best help special needs people. How great this special need innovator would feel after others see that his methods are effective and lasting? This gives the person a great sense of self-purpose and feels that their work is meaningful and purposeful.

Also, when searching out ideas or opportunities to find your purpose it may or may not be in the field you are in which is the point of searching through ideas and finding the right opportunity that leads to your purpose. Briefly, another example is of a person who has experienced a loved one commit suicide so dedicates their time to organizing and deploying national and international programs that detect suicide trigger behaviors and ways to prevent the actual suicide and name the movement “Save a Soul.” Undoubtedly this person felt strongly enough to help others prevent what they wish they could have stopped in time their loved one from killing themselves. This is seen as a way or a step in living in your purpose for this example just shown. This one thing does not have to be the only thing the person does to live in their self-purpose but this example acts as a guide to help you see how people uncover their purpose or live in ways that are fulfilling. It is my hope that you, the reader, may find ways to uncover your own purpose by observing your surrounding and situation then acting or expanding your purpose if you have already found it.

Expanding your purpose is critical as this not only improves your purpose and grows it but enhances your purpose by having a further reach in life and the chances to exceed pass the capabilities you once thought you were limited too. In other terms expanding your purpose is what I would also call scaling your purpose. Through scaling your purpose, you think then act to increase your appearance and work throughout massive populations. Easier said than done I get it, but if you are walking or even running toward your purpose, this should be something worth doing. As an example, take a man whose full or partial purpose is writing poetry and or spoken word literature to shed light on real struggles and issues to bring awareness and spark reform or change for the greater good of humanity. Assuming this man as of now only writes poems and spoken words pieces weekly and performs every few months at open mics type related events a way he could scale his purpose is by creating poetry albums to distribute.

Another way this man can scale his purpose is by performing monthly or even weekly at open speaking events and participating in poetry slams as well as making YouTube videos to promote the message he is trying to put out to everyone. Once all of this is done, it does not stop the work continues, and next is to advance to the international settings, so people worldwide know his poetry and themessage he has. What is also important is before dying this man should organize a way to keep his poetry movement going even after death. In a sense keep the works going after death and or pass this information and life’s lessons learned to the next generation and have it cycle repeatedly with no end reaching every generation. This example is for you to see the structure and how this man would scale his purpose, so image your purpose and aim to scale it in a manner where you gain greater audiences, impact more lives, and influence others to do great things in life.

How self-purpose relates to wealth is by that when you conduct yourself there are a burning and undying energy that catapults you to break boundaries in life that have once held you back and often finances is one of those areas. When self-purpose is used to accumulate wealth, it can become an unstoppable force. Unfortunately, not every one may achieve the same degree of financial wellness in life. The reason for this is by chance sometimes even luck. If you have two men and two women who all are living in their purpose with businesses and other vehicles that are wealth producing instruments do not mean all of them will reach the same degree of financial wellness. One man and woman may reach millionaire status while the others do not. Then you have people who do not live in their purpose but become wealthy too. This is not to discourage you but people say working hard is the key to financial success but working hard is only a fraction of the equation to building wealth. The main goal is producing results especially if it is in the business sector. Having a business is my greatest recommendation for building wealth. It is nice if a person is able to sell their way to a million with their business and live in their purpose which is my desire, as the author of this book, for you the reader. Also, I will acknowledge that if you are able to find a way to create wealth even if it is not in your purpose still pursue it but ultimately this is your call, and your judgment as long as its ethical, legal, and appropriate. I say pursue it anyways because if you are able to make lots of money without being in your purpose then you can use the money you earn to shape your future and explore finding your purpose with everything else taken care of monetarily.

It was self-purpose seeking that led many of today’s millionaires to their fortune. I could use big names, CEOs, and founders of billion-dollar companies but I prefer to use common examples of those who have done remarkably well in acquiring financial wealth. I know of a man who was a skilled musician went to college then afterward was working a $30,000 annual job but also did gigs on the side which increased is overall income. He was a super saver and become a millionaire by saving large portions of his income than purchasing real estate rental properties while others he renovated then sold. His purpose was music but applied investment strategies off his regular salary job and gigs to acquire wealth. There is no one way to become financial independence but here you will see a series of ways from different lifestyles to gain financial freedom. Ultimately, you will have added more knowledge to yourself, and hopefully, that will lead you to act and not sit on the idea of one day becoming a millionaire but actually becoming one yourself. Another thing this musician did was position himself to become a millionaire by developing a tactic and look at the numbers. Numbers are for as what we’re making and how much to save before becoming able to buy assets, which are things that put more money back into your pocket. This musician planned and knew how much money he would need to purchase his first real estate income producing asset as well as how many more assets that could eventually lead him to his millionaire goal.

A married couple become millionaires by age 37 because of strategy. What they did was live on only one of their incomes then pay the debt off with the next income and once finished started investing especially in mutual funds, stock funds, whether through Individual Roth accounts or with another retirement account. Whether they were living in self-purpose or not, which I still suggest to, the idea and concept here are to uncover ways that work best for you and your own personal situation to accumulate wealth. They were not business owners but had jobs one salary of $45,000 the other $50,000 annually.

What if you are way below this threshold maybe around $25,000 or even $15,000? It is no easy task but there is also a solution for that too. If you fall into this low salary range, it is best to focus on increasing your income. Easier said than done I get it but here are a couple of starter points. Read books on entrepreneurship and find ways to start a small business but not just any business, one that does not require upfront cost or if so very little so you are making money as you do business. Examples are like becoming an author and creating informational products that solves issues or reliefs pain from people experiences. I learned in sales academy that large amounts of people buy because of pain in a sense that this pain represents a struggle or frustration so relieving this pain gets people wanting to buy what you have to offer. You do not have to be an expert you can simply compile research information then interpret it, find trends, simplify it, then sell it on digital platforms. Another way is to increase income so you can eventually pay off debt then invest or do both at the same time which is my recommendation. No one way is the right way a millionaire once said if there are limitless opportunities try one if it does not satisfy you try another until one works. This statement is not to say run recklessly into anything that presents itself but be a conscious thinker and judge opportunities wisely. The self-purpose aspect here is if you are in a position where you do not have much money believe you can find a way out and let your self-purpose seeking self eventually lead you into a direction of discovering your purpose.

Motivation and the millionaire scope are the force, energy, effort, commitment, and unwavering faith to produce and bring to life your own wealth. This is not something that can be taught. How can one expect to be great if they do average things that make you an average person? Refuse to be average and refuse to let your circumstances prevent you from rising to greatness. The millionaire scope is about hope that you turn into reality and take failures and setbacks and make them stepping stones out of them to reach heights not visible once before. The millionaire scope is a greater insight into wealth and prosperity and also the key or a trigger that unlocks your untapped potential or grows your eagerness to continue chasing your dreams but you must first believe to proceed then eventually succeed. You do not become great by waiting it is by action. What are you afraid of? Just go out and do it. Expect to fail because you will but no that with each failure brings you closer to success.

The millionaire scope is embedded with tears of struggle; pain from major loses and heartache from disappointments but is filled with an aspiring light and a direction that transforms you so that you can begin or continue to seek out and produce wealth but more importantly self-purposeful living. You work for assets that put money in your pockets, not liabilities that take money out of your pocket. Also, have or at least know what financial statements are and prepare your own. Motivation behind the millionaire scope want us to unravel our inner motivation selves, so we are pushing ourselves to make things happen versus just sitting on an idea and never doing anything. With little to no motivation, it is tough to get things done. Often you will have to motivate yourself because others may not. If I had to make bullet points on actions to take to increase wealth then it would be the following:

  • Aggressively read about finance, entrepreneurship, investing, and money management
  • Set realistic goals, write them down with deadlines as well as every day act toward goals
  • Every last breath you take should be about business and wealth
  • Become marketing and sales experts
  • Stay motivated and positive after countless rejections and failures
  • Produce solutions and sell them

I try to at least make building wealth practical. Here I will outline concepts to building wealth and I will speak generally because all the details from my outline are summaries and snap shots to get you thinking and on your feet to move and apply to your own life. The basic break down to building wealth is to work toward four major investment instruments that make people wealthy, and they are; (1) Real Estate (2) Business Owner (3) Paper (4) Commodities.

Real estate and owning property is necessary, and if you pursue it, this produces income continuously. Most common way or traditional way is by saving money to have at least 15% or 20% down to make a purchase. Sometimes the percentage to put down is lower but let us assume the highest so you have a big chunk of money to put down on the house and can increase your chances of getting the property. From there the plan is to rent it out in a way that the income or total rent charged is greater than the total expenses such as examples are like maintenance and insurance. You can also flip properties but I recommend buying and renting out. There are other factors that may impact your purchase or even after you have purchased your property but in total do not let this discourage you because making this move is a step to bring you closer toward building wealth. There is an entire approach toward buying rental properties assuming you have no knowledge start with the basics there is material out there for you a search away whether it cost you money or not these are all investments to help grow your knowledge so you can take practical steps to accumulate wealth.

Owning a business is easier said than down. I feel too many people are all talk and no action. Then people start businesses then do not do well. Starting a business is a risk but you do not become great without taking any risks. My suggestion is to take a calculated risk and no how much you could risk or lose that would not hurt you in a way that would make you homeless or of anything detrimental. For low income people it wise to have or start a business with low or no startup cost but carefully choose.

Motivation is big because you cannot just start a business and expect it to just succeed with bogus effort. It may be one of the most challenging things you have done or ever will do in life. I look at it as all or nothing. You are either all in on your business or all out of it. Your business is an asset if it is making you money. As I said earlier if your funds are limited try businesses that allow you to provide a solution or service so you can make money with the option of you losing money being eliminated here you just give up time. If you are a writer, then write then try to sell. If you make homemade products, then sell your creations. The concept here is to find or if you already know your skill and profit from it. There is a person who is in graduate school for finance one of his projects was to read, interpret, analyze, then write out a comprehensive summary on a business to determine its financial health for the purpose of investors to determine if the business is worth investing into. With this skill, the person began marketing this ability and charging investors per business financial health write up. Whether this made graduate student rich or not this is the whole idea of starting a business or generating more income. Who is to say from his side hustle students develops good clients then creates an investment firm, so the possibilities are there.

Also, the category of becoming a business owner many people struggle to get started and that capital or funds or startup cost or often the reason. I recommend direct selling and expansion. This business model is difficult but has lasting financial rewards. Paying the people you hire commission is unattractive because many want to be paid right away or as soon as possible but if you sell the dream of financial freedom and how through this business they can branch out and make their own money then that is what makes the opportunity worth it. Start direct selling but do it in a way that you hire and train people then they repeat what you have done to expand the sales people and sales force to make more money overall.

One thing that is critical is that you need organization so to do that create a system. An example would be like such:

System of Recruiting and Selling

Post jobs (Free or by paying only once or just when you need the momentum into hiring) img3.png Hire selected people w/ large recommendations on other who would like same opportunity img3.png Train new hires (Independent Contractors (not employees): Commission only) focuses: (1) marketing/sales techniques (2) How to hire others (3) business growth expanding techniques

Repeat the system over and over again. You can create your own system does not have to be this one above but something that gives you structure, so you are able to run with it and put all your energy into and make changes as you move forward. On another note as far as business ownership I would suggest creating a marketplace that connects buyers and sellers or any two or more parties that would benefit from being in contact. Businesses like Indeed, Monster, or Zip Recruiter are all businesses that connect job seekers with businesses and business pay them to find talent. Or other businesses such as eBay or Amazon that connects people wanting to sell their items to consumers. This is broad but the point made is to produce a marketplace that is efficient and effective in helping others connect for whatever purpose it may be. If it was easy to create Amazon or eBay or any successful business we all would be doing it.

It is tough and time-consuming but all of this is worth pursuing. Another idea is becoming a supplier, but in a way, this can be connected to being a producer depending on how you look at it. Along with this, I would classify a supplier depending on the production scale, and if units produced are around 20,000 to over 100,000, then I would say this is mass production. If materials like sugar then it would be in pounds or any such equivalent scale. Imagine a business that is or supplies items for small, medium, and large enterprises like sugar to drink companies or chicken nuggets to fast food chains. This is also good because one contract could mean thousands to even hundreds of thousands, but hopefully, more businesses are involved so a supplier company could gain millions.

Paper is an investment vehicle because it can produce more money or you but this also comes with risk. When I say paper, I am referring to stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc. Many people have 401(k)’s or Individual Retirement Accounts or any such retirement account. This form of wealth-building is often liquid which means you put your money in but you can also withdraw it. Careful because there may or may not be tax, regulations, and limitations on such accounts. There are numerous ways people have benefited from these investments. True story, there was a man who never made more than $12 an hour but he retired with $500,000. Great story he simply invested his money into these types financial instruments then experienced his money growing exponentially. It is good having that much money when retiring but I would hope that people would want that much money or more before retirement kicks in.

Let us be real here who wants to wait that long to enjoy the fruits of their success? Hopefully, people are motivated to pursue it now. It is sad and depressing when people work a life-time and have nothing to show for that is embarrassing and stressful I would image. Therefore, having a business is good but if it is not something you wish to pursue but would still desire to build wealth then consider paper investments. You do not just pick randomly there is a tactic for these types of investing. The simplest thing to do is read and select paper investments that suit you the best.

A commodity is a simple good used in a market that is interchangeable with other commodities of a similar type. Examples of commodities are as follow:

  • Metals (gold, silver, bronze, etc.)
  • Energy (crude oil, heating oil, natural gas, gasoline, etc.)
  • Livestock and Meat (e.g., including lean hogs, pork bellies, live cattle, feeder cattle)
  • Agricultural (e.g., corn, soybeans, wheat, rice, cocoa, coffee, cotton, sugar,)

There are risks to, if not all, then most things in life rather small or big risk. So, wealth is accumulated not by random but carefully choosing investments so to expect to choose a random commodity then put money into it thinking you will be rich would be too easy. Common ways you would invest in commodities would be to either buy physical amounts of raw commodities or future contracts or exchange-traded products that track a commodity index. Like common investing the goal is to develop a strategy in that allows a person to accrue gains or also known as return on investment (ROI) that you continue to invest and let the money grow. Much information about creating and developing ways to invest come from research and experience along with consulting with investing professionals. After developing strategy, act to invest is next then if you do not like your results then make changes until you like your results. It is with all I hope that you are encouraged to act and with the mindset to become your own influential character for the ages and generations now and to come.