Millionaire Scope: Secrets of Wealth & Prosperity by Martize Smith - HTML preview

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Influence is what I hope we all are able to do to others in a positive way. When you influence someone, they can choose to make better decisions about their life. At the end of the day, this should become something we all as people should work for to not only reach success but to engulf on a journey to establish ourselves as an influential character. Anyone can influence others. Here as we discuss influence it is important to note that this is a remarkable boundary breaker. I say this and mean that in such a way that a person’s influence on another can break boundaries such as doubt of success for others. It is something magical and inspirational when a person is positively influenced by another then gain confidence and starts to make changes in their lifestyle bringing them closer to greatness. The connection influence has to wealth is that people who become wealthy have enormous amounts of followers there by empowering them the more to have a greater impact on the people that are following them. Also, if not wealthy yet but a person has a good or rising influence then this position the person to become wealthy. If you have 100,000 followers, because of something unique like you, sing well or any skill, on YouTube, social media, or any medium that allows people to follow you then that presents an opportunity to retain and expand your influence.

If a person has no influence or little, there are ways to gain influence. Start simple by using your talent to reach others. Find areas where you are able to place your talent in front of others. If you are an author, write books in any literary form, then have book events. If you are a spoken word artist or poet participate in open mics and poetry contest. If you are a good presenter give free speeches about any subject of interest. Opportunities to give free speeches are often found in community settings. Taking a closer look at building wealth and using your influence an example is like where you consider the author who after writing books, assuming the author was not known, promotes his self by giving free books away to set up the audience and potential buyers of author’s next book. This creates cash flow. The idea is to gain influence and use that as a way of selling items a person has produced. Regardless of what talent or gist you have a person must influence and how to increase their own and use selling techniques to build income streams and wealthy altogether.

Let us observe influence at different levels. I will categorize them as local, state, national, and international. If you only have friends and family, you may or may not be known any really any of these categories I say this for a purpose. Just because a person has a family through cities, different states and over the world does not mean they are well known. It wise to measure influence but not limited to by followers or appearance and impact on speaking or being in front of masses of people whether in person or through marketing points digital or non-digital. At the community level, influence is seen when a couple hundred or even a couple thousand firmly know you or if you have a brand or business know your products or services. As for the state level and all of the other levels it is the same. State influence occurs like the local but at a much higher number and larger distance out across the state. Like stated earlier as you move up to the national and international realms of influence number increase dramatically. This influential part has to deal with wealth because as a person or business expands their appearance, it is likely to produce more revenue and profits but takes on bigger risks.

In connection with influence, when we look at the heart of why this book “Millionaire Scope: Secrets of Wealth and Prosperity ” was written it is because it challenges you to act and in all your ideas make them practical and have a way of scaling upward or in other words expand. There are countless ways to become a millionaire. It is best to create a series of practical steps to reach that goal. Also, think of the respect and support people give to people who have positively influenced them. I can surely say to the people who I admire and were influenced by them to pursue my aspirations I would give and support them in their ideas in life. It looks like this say a member of a community group influenced a person in such a way to run and get a city council position and later person’s influencer starts a business and tries to secure a city contract through the network the person has in the city council position. The purpose is that the person working for the city does not mind putting influencer in front of city leaders for a possible business opportunity. Even if this was not the case say the influencer asked to borrow money for business startup capital as long as it is within the person’s budget and is reasonable lending money is likely to occur due to the impact his influencer has had on the person. All I am saying is when a person has the influence it can become easier to sell to those who are have been influenced or develop solutions that they are looking and willing to pay for. The solution here in this book is like many others to help you build wealth and gives you a universal, comprehensive approach that is simple and duplicable to people. The knowledge in this book is easy to understand and has already worked and is still working which is why people are becoming a millionaire more every day.

Marketing whether business or in a way to promote yourself in non-business ways what is a way to go about it and succeed in attaining a high level of influence. I recommend a four-point method of gaining influence as influence, retain, and grow. The first point is creation. Whether a tangible or intangible object one must develop or legally alter something that currently exists to make it your own. For influence as a person is marketing for business purposes let people know the product or service is in the motion of being created there by people get a chance to develop interest leading up to its official date of release or servicing. Ways to make public aware is by accessing paid or no paid channels of advertising. Assuming little to no budget it is best to use word of mouth techniques like tell others and offer free items that cost no money or little to get people attention. Most people will accept free items even if they do not utilize them. For non-business purposes, the first point in creation is more so in terms of creating a way to present yourself to others or like trying to spread the word of your religion to gain influence something such as volunteering is a powerful tool. Volunteering can also be used for business purposes. I used volunteering in assuming a person wants no monetary benefit from the opportunity to have an influence on others.

The second point which is after creation is taking the creation or the way a person plans to present to others and getting in front of people. My suggestion is non-paid ways unless you have the budget to handle paid ways. To put an opportunity in front of people with no budget social media and email outreach is necessary. Also, everyone you come in contact with must know of your created product or service or if non-business purpose your movement like before as I used the example of someone trying to gain influence and spread the word of their religion. This method is useful and this is to maximize your appearance which supports the second point in getting what you need in front of others. Do not rest until every ounce of your time is focused on getting in front of others what is needed at every influential level from local to state to national to even international. Those who succeed try and fail then adopt and become creative until a trend leads to more success than past attempts. The third point is following up with people who have bought from you or for influence for non-business ways to see what their feedback is but with a reward to them for providing feedback ultimately setting up a chance to potentially sell again or continue the movement of whatever was originally started and using the past example here a person would send or invite people who were followed up with to a religious gathering. The final fourth point is growth. This is similar to point two in getting in from of others but here the primary goal is numbers where as in point two it is getting established. The main object is traffic so seek out every avenue that is free then once free opportunities are exhausted or are at a point where there is a good reason to shift focus if it means satisfying the people who you are influencing or customers. Afterwards set a course to become internationally renowned and known for creating partnerships with both parties benefiting from promotions, volunteering, networking and any such things that increase your visibility.

Briefly, these are the faces or names of the people who have inspired me to reach greater heights in life to always have a deep desire to want and achieve more out of life:

Jesus Christ of The Holy Bible

I have so much I need to improve on that sometimes it feels like I am not making progress. I have been in trouble and have made disastrous choices in my life but continued to see the beauty of Jesus and his mercy and grace upon me as he has restored me and continued to show me the direction I need to go in life. I owe all my thanks to Christ and wish that for anyone, regardless of a person’s faith, who has had a troubled past it is not the end but to gain confidence and have hope for your future. This influencer has by far been the strongest and most influential to me.

Russel Brodie (My academic guide and counselor in college)

Russel had a unique ability in so much as to help draw out a person’s full potential. His words not only inspired you but also empowered you to act. Russel held many leadership positions and knew out of everything how to produce results and positive outcomes. I was influenced by him because he equipped me with the knowledge and how to create practical steps that would make me an above average person and he enhanced my thinking to a higher level and I began to view things on a global scale. Lastly, the influence he left on me is more valuable than anything a person could teach at any university college classroom a teacher or professor can teach.

Malcolm X

This person has made his mark on history and accomplished a remarkable amount of success. Regardless of social activism philosophies Malcolm stood out and was one of many leaders of his era. I bring him up in this book about wealth because of his influence and his passion as he conducted his life’s work. In this same manner we all should progress or seek resolutions in the attempts to attain wealth and to some extent become politically active in good ways.


Many refer to him as a super intelligent man who made history from his work in science. I was influenced by but not only his work but his relentless ability to uncover the answers to questions that were not fully understood. I choose him as an influencer for the purpose of showing the reader that taking steps to find the genius in you is powerful in seeking out and applying knowledge to create wealth and live purposefully.

Lonnie Dwayne Jones (High School Athletic Coach)

My high school coach was discipline and had an eye for spotting talent when no one else saw it. I respect him and learned many lessons. He influenced me by trigger the inner competitiveness and this translate to all areas of life. In sports, I out worked others and became successful, and in this manner, in life, this is necessary to get head and not be just average. In business, careers, and any such thing is having a competitive spirit really helps shape a person’s growth. When it comes to building wealth with the assumption a person starts a business the odds are others have businesses in the same industry so it will require competitiveness to become the industry leader or profit more than other related businesses.

Eric Thomas (Motivational Speaker)

This motivational speaker is truly amazing. He has influenced me by his use of words in speeches, ideas, rules to success, and many other philosophes that are simple but highly effective. When it comes to pursuing wealth and happiness from purposeful living, it is clear one must seek it with every breath and ounce of energy in them as this is the difference between an average person and one who becomes great. People become great by always working toward creating, improving, or discovering things while others settle for an average life of working all the way until they die leaving no legacy nor real impact on this earth.

William (My barber)

My barber good influence on me in a way that positively put pressure on me to become great and often spoke of the limitless ways to make more money in life and establish wealth. Also, he had a large network of successful people ranging from other business owners to such people who were wealth producing individuals or had valuable insights on the subject of wealth. He freely shared practical ways to build wealth and tactics to increase a person’s net worth. I used this motivation to start my own methods to build wealth.

Christopher Massenburg (Dasan Ahanu)

Dasan is a public speaker, organizer, workshop facilitator, poet, spoken word performer, educator, songwriter, writer, and emcee. He was an influenced on me mostly by his lifestyle of motivational literary arts in forms of books and poems as well as his teachings as an educator. He continues to strive for greatness and leave his impact on the world.

Willie Mae Smith (My mother)

I have been influenced by my mother through general means in terms of having a strong work ethic, showing up to opportunities, and to be on time to everything. In this world to become wealthy having the skills or developing them is one thing but having the motivation is another. The purpose of this section of all my influencers is for you to see for yourself who has influenced you and to channel that influential energy into a practical plan to attain wealth.

In conclusion, I have spoken on many subjects and would like to leave the most important concepts here whether in connection or not to the subject of influence. First, know what success is and the type of successful life you desire to live and make it plain and write it down and the steps broken up leading to that life style. This successful life must also include wealth goals in a realistic form and cash in numbers with deadlines by certain dates. Approach greatness by preparation and dedication to learning and improving every day through practical measures like reading books and become a person who minimizes distractions and endures hardships and produces results under pressure. Also, understand greatness is within your grasp but you must seek it out as if your life depended on it and without becoming great you would surely die. Know what greatness looks like and know average people done become great unless they are results-driven and relentless in their pursuit to become great. Make your vision reality by taking practical steps and not resting into it comes to fruition. Ideas and vision stay that way until actions are taken to fulfill them. Get the proper education necessary to excel and overcome any obstacle that gets in your way. Have a purpose in why you are pursuing the things out that you so desire and allow this to keep you motivated and driven to complete everything. Build or create influence, so others continue your work through generations even after death. All of this is connected to building wealth and creating a legacy as well as empowering for people to become the masters of their own fate.