Mind, Body & Spirited: Beyond Meditation, Dieting and Workout by Us - HTML preview

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Section 2

“Finding You”

“The Darks greatest fear is you will find your Light!”

“Start to Change.”

You may loose some battles with yourself when you start changing your way of being. This is to be expected but do not let the battles defeat you.


When you can stay in your Peace and Calm space no matter what the circumstances you are your Light and have mastered thoughts and emotions.

“Dim Light…”

Your Light Dims every time you give up a part of you that is Good. To get Brighter you have to bring back what you gave up.

“Self Discovery”

The first step in discovery is: You notice other people's words and actions. Next step: Denial that you do any of this. Next step: you look at yourself and realize you have similar words, actions and more. Next step: You change; The Key here is not to get stuck on any of the steps.

“Choices to be made.”

It was never intended for you to suffer, it is your choice; you can continue or take the action and let go. Look at yourself to see where you are suffering.


Sharing and allowing people's choices is the Light path. Forcing, controlling or demanding your way is the Dark path. Be the Peaceful Warrior.

“Walk on By”

Now that you know what Darkness Feels like, when it crosses your path “Do Not Engage,” Keep Walking and Do not Look Back!

“Expand Yourself!”

Look to see where you Limit yourself, such as, you will only be nice to certain people and no one else, you need to change this and expand it to include all people, animals, and nature. Remember your Light has No Limitations.

“More Layers”

When you blame what you are feeling on someone or something else, you are doing a behavior that does not fix the problem it is just adding another layer. The Feeling is what you do not like and what needs to be fixed.

“Get the Idea.”

Look for where we agree and not where we disagree. The Idea is what is important.

“Making Changes!”

The more comfortable you are in life; you will make little or no changes. The more uncomfortable you are in life; you will make changes and make more progress moving towards your Light.

Doors opening…”

When a different idea or perspective is given to you, it is a door opening for you. Try to leave the door open and when it is time, walk through it. This is your Lights way of sending you help for what ever situation you are faced with on your path, letting you know there is always more than one way to see and do life.


Your Light is observing everything you say and do in Life. Now it is time for you to become the observer of you. Look and Listen to everything going on inside and outside of you, then start changing everything that is not inline with your Light.

“Don't Give Up”

The only one who gives up on you is you. Everyone else is waiting to assist.

“Get the Message!”

When you can look past the surface stuff and see the message in every situation, now you can see the Magic in Life.

Action Step.

Your abundance is already here; you just have to get rid of your limitations and allow it to come to you. Talking about making the changes is not enough and saying I Know is procrastinating. Take the Next step of “Action” and Make the Changes.


What is Autopilot? It is words with no energy behind them. Such as, sometimes when people say Thank You. How do you change this habit? Focus and be there for the words, put your Light Energy behind them and the energy will return to you. Autopilot is another habit that has to go.

“What you send out”

The Energy you send out is what is important. Dark energy is a lower energy and it “Drains” you. Light energy is a higher energy and it “Empowers” you. Just know that your Light will only co-create with you when it is positive.


Your focus is your attention. If you want to know what intense focus feels like, then reverse the hand with which you normally write. This kind of focus is needed for when you create.

“Changing back to Light”

The Dark path offers you pain and suffering. The more you practice it the bigger it gets and it will take everything from you. The Light path offers you Heaven on Earth and never stops giving. The choice here is not hard; changing from Dark to Light is the challenge.

“Steps in Life”

Each step you take in Life prepares you for the next step. Every step is only for a moment until the next one is shown to you. Never hesitate taking the next opportunity to change.

“Deeper Connection.”

In order to solve certain situations in Life that are so “Dark”, you will need to come from a much Wiser and Deeper energy. The Mind or Ego is too shallow too handle an event of this nature.

“It's Time!”

It is time to let go of who you Think you are and become who you “Know” you are.


Your Light says success is, “Shining your Light in every moment everyday” and “Everyone” can achieve this. Everything else is an Illusion for success and only a Few can achieve it.


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