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Section 4

“Get past the Surface.”

When you can look past the surface of things and the masks people ware, your decision-making is far wiser.


All forms of Life Matter; One without the other is a loss beyond measure and has a ripple effect on the fabric of Life. Coexisting is the answer.

“Levels of Negative”

There are different Levels of Negative: Extreme, Medium, Mild and Silent. The Most obvious are the ones we can see and hear, others that are not, The Silent Ones. The Layer of Silent is Energies and or Thoughts that are only inward. You can feel them but do not speak them. These too have to be processed and “Let-Go-Of,” and when you Become Neutral in All Levels then you are “Done”.

“Doing and Being”

Living Life as Doing, is Chasing the Feelings that Come and Go. Living Life as Being, is Having the Feelings that Come and Stay. The Difference in these two paths, one is Inward and the other is Outward, and you can choose which one to take or do both. Just know “Both” exist.

“Rebuild You.”

The Fast Track to Finding Yourself is to Let Go of Everything and Travel. Everything about you will show up and how you Handle You are Key. Clarity will be one of the first to show up among others to help as you Rebuild You. Time and Patience are needed on this path; when you are done, your viewpoint will be different.

“Checking Inward”

If you ask a question and are checking inward for the answer but get no response, depending on the question this could mean: (1.) No answer (2.) Does not matter what you choose. (3.) It is a lesson and the choice to be made is a change in your way of Life, you must choose on your own.

“The Wealth is yours.”

You are to make yourself wealthy not others.

More Signs

If you have to give yourself a reason for what you are about to do, then it is a clear sign not to do it.

“Life's Equation”

Thought + Energy (a.k.a. emotions)+ Belief+ Intentions = Your Life Experience You get to choose what to put in each step, choose Wisely. Remember you can Change at anytime.

“The Good News is You Will Learn It”

How each chooses to See Life is the Path They shall walk. The more difficult perspective You Choose will give You Understanding to the topic you desire faster, but the level of intensity is underestimated by most on this fast track. In addition, all the variables can never be accounted for should you think you can.

“You make the Decisions!”

Know you always have a Choice, do not just follow. It is important for You to choose, not others.

“Don't get started”

Society teaches us to compete and challenge. At first, it is seemingly harmless games. However, once you allow this behavior into your Life it will spread to other areas and take on a “Whole New Life of Destruction”.

“Skip some Steps.”

We have noticed that Life is moving you to “Look” and Be Inward. It is been a gradual process, but none-the-less this is the direction. Start Now and Skip a Few Steps; you are Ready.

“Taking care of Business”

Your To-Do List and your Lights To-Do List are different. You can be sure both Lists will be looked at, willingly or unwillingly, it does not matter.


Your Light wants you to Enjoy Every Moment Especially the ones Happening Right Now. Why, because how you behave Today will also be Your Tomorrow.

“One Belief to Another”

The Moment You Stopped believing in “You” was when you started believing what others said. See how you went from one belief to another just like that, then Everything Changed in that Moment.

“You are to Evolve You.”

Evolving “You” is going from one way of Being to another. Letting go of old beliefs, thoughts, habits, emotions and incorporating new ones is your Evolution.

“All Happening Now”

Your day will show you the Past of what was, Present what is, And the Future what is waiting. Most will miss the Present and Future signs, go directly to “Past”, and do it in the Present.

“All Beliefs are True.”

What You Believe to be true will be true. Therefore, that means what others believe, and if it differs from yours, will also be true. Life is about what You Believe; therefore, “All” is True.

“Theme Park”

The Outward Life is a Theme Park; the rides are endless and will have their way with “You” if you do not get off. Remember you can just “Observe” the rides from a distance and still learn. This does not mean not to go on any rides it means “Choose Wisely”.

“What You Accept to Be True”

Because you are living in pain, the door is not open to the “Idea” of living “Life Without pain.” Therefore, you will live Life to the end in pain. There is a choice here, understand Life is about what “Idea” You Believe In and Accept to be true.

“Wisdom and Knowledge”

When you make a choice, it will be based on your Wisdom and Knowledge at that moment. When you expand your Wisdom and Knowledge, your choices will be different in that moment. Expanding your Wisdom and Knowledge is the Key.

“Your Body isn't as Hungry as You Think.”

Try asking your Body what it wants to eat instead of your Taste Buds or habits making your choices for you.

“Nature is Healing”

Go and stay in Nature as often as you can, it is the Most Healing place to be in so many ways and levels. Magic happens if you can just “Be”.

“Full View!”

Outward is just a partial view you must include the Inward to have the Full Picture.


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