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Section 5

“Illusion or Truth?”

Eye Candy and True Beauty are not the same. One is an Illusion the other is Truth.

“What Restricts the Flow?”

Everything in Life has energy Flow. What Restricts the Flow is decided by you in the form of, “I Can't Have”, “Not for Me”, “I'm not worthy”, “It Will Never Happen”, and “I Don't Believe”, also known as Limitations. Eliminate these Ideas and the Flow returns.

“It Begins Inward”

Most are so Busy on the Outside, they Miss what is going on Inside. Inward is where it all begins and is created, outward is just the result.

“Powerful Moments”

The Morning Sunrise and the Evening Sunset are Very Powerful energy moments. Try to be there for these Time Frames and just “Be”.

“All Relationships”

You must look at All your Relationships in Life Not just the ones with people. Such as, what kind of Relationship you have with food, money, yourself, nature, animals, words, to name a few. Whatever the topic that Troubles You, You must make peace.

“More Options”

We are taught to “Go Get”, your Light says, “Bring it to you”, is also available.

“Need to be Open!”

When one way of Being no longer Serves You Another way will Always Present itself to You. Being Open is Key when you are Moving on to All the Steps that will come on your Path.

“Steps towards Change Process”

Steps Towards Change: (1) Not Open to Any Different Idea (2) Now Open to Different Ideas but Fear and Uncertainty shows up and Holds You Back. (3) The Talk Step, You Like the new Ideas so you talk and talk, but cannot go to the next step. (4) The Action Step, you finally Walk-the-Talk. All these Steps Equal Change in Your Life; Because We Didn't Know these Steps it took us Many Lifetimes to make Any Changes. Now that you are Aware You can process the steps towards Change faster, just do not get stuck on Any Step.


How you Handle and Value You are what is Important, everything else is practice.

“So Much More”

Society wants us to stay within the lines to live our Life. When the Truth is we are so Much more and the lines are holding us back from what Life Can Be. Everyday I see so many people with so Much Talent Not being used because they stay within the lines and keep their Talent a dream, with only a thought of Someday crossing over the lines. For most, that Someday never comes, or they stay in the closest.

“Stand as Many”

You will stand as “One” when you unite all of your Lifetimes that got you to this moment.

“No Expectations”

Having Expectations is a crapshoot. Instead, let Life surprise you the odds are better.

“Eager to Change”

When you are shown a part of you that needs to be Fixed, You should be Eager to Change instead of Eager to Defend.

“Speak with Awareness”

The words “Wish For”, “Someday”, “In the Future”, means to your Light, “Don't bring it to me now I'm not ready”. Speak with awareness and change your world.


Listening is an Art that is not practiced by many, Masters Listen, Students Talk.

“One Path”

Everything Positive You Do in Life is Ascending You. Everything Negative You Do in Life is Descending You. You must “Live” to Change and Walk One Path.

“Only You Know what makes You Smile.”

Find Your Natural Happy Not the Chemical One. There is a Huge Difference; one you can sustain and Keep the other will end in Tragedy and Loss.

“Path of Unknown Direction”

When you Let Go of Controlling your Life and Follow the Unknown; Patience, Faith, Calmness and Awareness are “Required” when you walk this path.

“Moving Down the List”

In Society what is Valued More, All Beings of Life or Money? If All Beings is not Number One then Greed is in control. Just know the more Devalued you become the easier it is to continue to “Take From”, “Control” and or “Eliminate” the least Valued so that the Most Valued, “Greed”, can Survive.

“We Come Back To”

Believing in the Unknown and trusting there is more to Life, are what we All Come Back To.

“Forgiving” is Our True Nature “Unforgiving” Holds Us Back.

We are Not supposed to Carry or Keep Pain and Suffering, we are to “Let It All Go.” Forgiving will help You Do It. Use it Generously, it is not something someone can do for You, You must do it for yourself, no permission is needed to use it. Why do this? Pain and Suffering is a lower energy and destroys you and others. Clean this out and a Higher energy takes it place should You Choose.

“Made with Light”

Anything Handmade and co-created with Your Light is Far Better than the other methods that have neither. Remember this wisdom when you buy or consume.

“Ends with You”

“Don't Let Fear Tell You Otherwise!”

“Walk this Path”

If your view point for solutions in Life are, “Everybody Wins”, You Walk the path of Light.

“Manipulation is a Disease.”

Example, the new word for “Tax Increase” is “Fees”. The words are Different but the Idea Is Same. One phrase is “Not Accepted” the other “Is Now Accepted;” A form of Manipulation, Indeed! Always look at the End Result to know the Truth of what just took place.


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