Modern Buddhism - The Path of Compassion and Wisdom - Volume 3 Prayers for Daily Practice by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso - HTML preview

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part of clear light 197

awakened one 36

qualified 141

compassion of 9

shepherd-like 94

existing by convention 108

training in actual 80–82

faith in 7, 9, 10

training in the path of 83–96

function of 10, 36

Bodhisattva 80, 94, 115, 160, 202

kindness of 9

meaning of 65–66

quotes by 81, 156, 262

Superior 86, 138, 243

all phenomena are like

Bodhisattva’s path 65, 83

dreams 99

Bodhisattva’s vow 15, 83–85

blind turtle 26

body. See also emptiness, of

from Sutra of the Four Noble

body; inherent existence, of

Truths 41, 56, 58, 61



magician’s creations 9, 132

What is 3–7

rarity of experiencing great

Buddhist 6, 21

bliss 260

Buddhist faith 7–10. See also

searching for body with


wisdom 101

Buddhist path 35

source of all happiness 10, 36

uncommon quality of 125


Buddhadharma 20, 22, 26, 27,

97, 156. See also Buddha’s

cancer 87


car 6, 28, 54, 117, 123, 165

meeting 27

emptiness of 101

Buddha nature 88, 159, 164, 206

central channel 159, 169–171,

according to Highest Yoga

171–173, 176, 177, 178, 193,

Tantra 230

204, 205, 207, 267. See also

complete ripening of 243


our real 185

four attributes of 170, 171

very subtle body 93

meditation on 186

Buddha of Compassion 96

like a wishfulfilling cow 256

Buddha’s body 209, 225


seed of 207

of another’s body 210

Buddha’s mind 225

of our own body 210, 212

emptiness of 243

ten doors 210–211

seed of 207

cessation 61

Buddha’s speech 225, 265

Chakrasambara 215. See also

seed of 207


Buddha’s teachings 3–7,

Chandragarbha. See atisha

8, 10, 20, 28, 73, 199. See

channel knots 170, 172

also Buddhadharma; Dharma

at heart 177, 187

method to solve human prob-

channels 222, 223, 224. See also

lems 4

central channel

scientific method 7

explanation of 171–176

supreme medicine 21

free from obstacles 222, 224

three sets of 15

life 170, 171

two stages of 4

right and left 170, 172–173,

Buddhism 116, 236

176, 178, 184, 190, 203

entering 27, 35, 226

ordinary inner heat

founder of 3

increasing in 204



other names for 172

of bliss 188, 201, 205, 260, 268

channel spokes 173

of death 259

channel wheel/s 170–171, 173

of sleep 259

chart of four major 173

realization of 260

crown 172, 205, 211

three types of 259

heart 172, 173, 182, 205, 210,

training in 260

211, 223, 224

what is 259

chart of spokes of 174

Clear Light of Bliss 192, 211, 212

dissolving winds into 194,

compassion 4, 11, 23, 66, 74, 94


as gateway to path to

importance of 174, 187, 212

enlightenment 69

jewel 174, 211

as main offering 236

navel 172, 196, 205, 211

as nature of conventional

secret place 174, 211

bodhichitta 97

throat 172, 205, 211

dying with mind of 91

wheel of fire 211

Heruka, manifestation of 164

wheel of wind 211

meditation on taking with

cherishing love 66


training in 70–78

of Buddha 9

cherishing others 79, 84