Modern Buddhism - The Path of Compassion and Wisdom - Volume 3 Prayers for Daily Practice by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso - HTML preview

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part of clear light 197

advantages of 75–76

training in universal 23, 79–80

two levels of 71

completion stage 15, 161, 163,

clairvoyance 16, 33


clear appearance 160, 163, 164,

completing 242

166, 249

definition of 169

training in 247–248

effective meditation on 224,

clear light 194, 195–196, 207,


210, 212, 257, 259, 260. See

five stages of 178, 200–201,

also example clear light;


meaning clear light; ultimate

of Mahamudra 199–214

example clear light

principal objects of 169

foundation of all other minds

The Tantra of 169–186


training in 255–256

fully qualified 199, 201

concentration 49, 196. See also

levels of experience of 200

three higher trainings

mounted wind of 184

bliss of suppleness of 202

nature of 195

nature of 59



of absorption of cessation 202

conventional truth 107, 249. See

of close placement 137, 248

also union of the two truths

of continual placement 137,

and ultimate truth 121–127


deceptive phenomena 122

of placing the mind 137, 247

gross and subtle 123

of replacement 137, 248

conventional world 133

penetrating central channel

convention, existing by way of

with 205


perfection of 84, 85–86, 88, 94

correct belief 91–92, 167, 248

conceptual minds 115, 120, 192

covetousness 39

conceptual thought 115–116

creative yoga 163, 169

imprints of 124

cycle of impure life 23, 26, 56.

mounted winds of 184

See also samsara

Condensed Heruka Root Tantra

156, 260


Condensed Perfection of Wisdom

daily life 67, 75

Sutra 101

Dakini Land, Pure 221

Condensed Root Tantra 216

outer/inner 255

Condensed Six-session Yoga

Dakinis 13


death 29–32, 36, 87, 89, 185, 207.

conscientiousness 16, 34

See also suffering, of death

consciousness 109, 179, 237

meditation on 31

at birth 43

permanent separation of body

at death 51, 177

and mind 208

consort 210. See also action

realization of 29


state of mind at 39

contact 109

deathless body 185, 206, 209.

continuously residing body. See

See also body, continuously

body, continuously residing

residing; vajra body

continuously residing mind. See

deathless person 185, 206, 208

mind, continuously residing

deceptive phenomena 122

continuously residing speech

dedication 241–242, 269


Deity/Deities 163, 164, 200, 215,

conventional nature 130. See

222, 257

also conventional truth

of Heruka’s body mandala

of I 114


conventional search 101

deluded views 62



delusions 22, 60, 74, 100, 116,

eliminating main obstacle to

160, 209


abandonment of 201, 206

obstacles to 237

conceptions of eight extremes

Dharmarakshita 14

root of 120

Dhipamkara Shrijana. See atisha controlling 5, 142, 252

discrimination 109

function of 57

dissatisfaction 54, 55, 92

innate 206

distractions 88, 205

intellectually-formed 206

overcoming 184

meditate on emptiness to

prevention of 59

overcome 108

divine pride 160, 163–167

reducing 90, 133

training in 248–249

root of 158

doctor 21, 36, 46, 87

sickness of 21

Dorje Shugden 231

source of daily problems 4

dream/s 4, 30, 43, 117

suffering from 6

appearances 117


elephant 98

rebirth as 8

mere appearance to mind 133,

suffering of 43, 79


depression 5, 73

of samsara 36

desire/s 53–54

phenomena as like 99

transforming experience of

relative validity of 122

objects of 263

world 99, 155

Dharma 3, 4, 26, 432. See also

Dromtonpa 22


drops 176, 210. See also

Buddha’s teachings; kadam

indestructible drop

Dharma; refuge

flowing in central channel

actual protection 37

202, 205

giving 85

flowing in left and right

great mirror of 23

channels 204

method to solve daily

free from obstacles 224

problems 6–7

melting of 202, 204, 205

Dharmakaya 216, 243. See also

red and white 175, 176, 204,

Truth Body

222, 223

Dharma practice 7, 26, 28, 29,

dualistic appearance 127, 176

30, 31, 52, 59, 68

as offering 236




and clear light 199–202

basis for training in ultimate

effort 7, 29, 31

bodhichitta 97

perfection of 84, 85, 88, 94

conventional bases of 129

to receive Buddha’s blessings

correct view of, qualified 141

35, 37, 227

direct realization of 86, 97, 107,

eighteen root downfalls 16

114, 125, 138, 176, 199, 200

eight extremes 120, 124, 129

existing by convention 108

emptiness of 116–121, 125

generic image of 113, 114, 200

eighty indicative conceptions

manifestations of 117, 129, 130


non-deceptive 199

elements 179

non-mistaken awareness of

earth 181, 190


fire 181, 190

object of negation of 111, 132

six, needed to experience bliss

of all phenomena 86, 98, 109,


125, 136, 215, 250, 261, 262,

space 182

263, 268

water 181, 191

of body 100–108, 110, 118, 128,

wind 181, 190


Emanation Body 159, 164, 243,

of book 108

of car 101


of coming and going 118–119

emanations 81, 91, 138

of eight extremes 116–121

of arya Tara 14

of emptiness 118, 124

of definitive Heruka 230

of I 110–116, 126, 136

of Guru Sumati Buddha

of impermanent phenomena

Heruka 241


of Heruka 216

of mind 109–110

of Heruka and Vajrayogini 217

of obstructive contact 131

empowerment/s 159

of permanent phenomena 118

four 265

of produced phenomena

of Heruka body mandala 230

how to meditate on 126–127

of Highest Yoga Tantra

of production and disinte-

commitment of 267

gration 116–117

emptiness/es 98–99, 107, 204

of singularity and plurality

all same nature 128–130


application in meditation

phenomena not other than

break 129

102, 243



practice of, in our daily

led to by Spiritual Guide 229

activities 132–135

meaning and goal of human

profound view of 28

life 25, 26, 28, 138

real nature of phenomena 60

path to 83

signs of correct meditation on

principal method to attain 14


pure and everlasting happi-

space-like 106, 113, 126

ness of 27, 61, 82

space-like meditative

quick path to 71, 76, 94, 155,

equipoise on 126

216, 260

studying 127

showing the manner of

synonyms of 123

accomplishing 3

universal solution to

state of 156, 250

problems 135


yoga of equalizing samsara

impure 22, 53

and nirvana 130

equalizing self and others 70–71

Enjoyment Body 159, 164, 216,

Essence of Vajrayana 184, 215, 243, 265


enlightened beings 197, 236. See

example clear light 16. See also

also Buddha; Shakyamuni,

ultimate example clear light


exchanging self with others

enlightenment 32, 87, 93


actual 251

existence from its own side/

as realization of union of two

side of the object 102, 110,

truths 243

115, 122, 124, 129, 133, 134.

attaining within one single

See also inherent existence

life 221

extremes of existence/non-

attaining within three years

existence 114–115, 139


attainment of 201, 255


bodhichitta wish to attain

65, 81, 82, 83

faith 37, 90, 138, 233, 242, 252.

definition of 26, 80

See also Buddhist faith

depending upon great bliss

as spiritual life 7


false objects 121, 123

depending upon kindness of

fear 44, 46, 51, 56, 99, 113, 160

others 69

of death 185

depending upon receiving

of lower rebirth 34

blessings 138

feelings 5, 6, 109



five impurities 22

function of 164

Form Body 85, 209, 210, 233,

motivated by bodhichitta

243. See also Emanation

168, 229

Body; Enjoyment Body

principal objects of 169

cause of 208

The Tantra of 163–168

subtle/gross 243

training in non-dual appear-

former lives 66, 236

ance and emptiness of

wasted 29, 74


fortunate rebirth 39. See also

generic image 113, 114, 115, 200


Geshe Chekhawa 91, 109, 133

forty-six secondary downfalls

Ghantapa 187, 198, 216, 222


story of 217–219

four complete purities 156, 157,

giving 76. See also taking and 158


four empties 195–196, 196

benefits of meditation on 94

Four Hundred Verses 92

in conjunction with six

Four kadampa Guru Deities 11

perfections 92–95

functioning thing 118

perfection of 84–85

Fundamental Wisdom 121


future lives 264

rebirth as 8, 56

countless 35

suffering of 43, 79

preparing for 29

great bliss 199, 215. See also

showing the existence of 30

spontaneous great bliss

happiness and freedom of 42

training in 260

suffering of 8, 36, 38, 41, 228

two characteristics of 202, 205,

cessation of 121

210, 260

liberation from 7, 56, 58, 60

great bliss and emptiness 231

generating experience of 244


great bliss wheel 223–224

great scope 21, 63, 141

Ganden Oral Lineage 212, 226,

path of a person of 65–247

249, 252

Guhyasamaja 217

essence practice of 252

Guhyasamaja Tantra 257

Gelug tradition 216

Guide to Dakini Land 242, 264, generation stage 15, 160, 161,


163–168, 186, 208

Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of

completing 242

Life 73, 74, 75, 93, 100, 102, definition of 163

124, 208



Gungtang 47, 199

heart channel wheel. See channel Guru 212. See also Guru yoga; wheel/s, heart

lineage Gurus; Spiritual

Heart Jewel 231


Heart of Wisdom 104, 132

meaning of 229

Heart Sutra 128

root 229–230, 232

hell beings 91

Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka

rebirth as 32, 35, 91

230, 233, 236, 237, 240, 241,

suffering of 8, 43, 55, 79

244, 324

Heroes and Heroines 166,

making requests to 242–243

222–226, 247

visualization and meditation

of the heart, speech and body

on 231–233

wheels 224

Guru yoga

Heroines of the commitment

gateway to receiving blessings

wheel 224


Heruka 14, 162, 176, 200, 230,

of Heart Jewel according to


Highest Yoga Tantra 231

basis of imputation for 216

of Segyu lineage 231

definitive 216, 230, 243

training in 229–245

etymology of 215

Gyalwa Ensapa 252

generation stage of 160,



interpretative 216

meaning of 215


Pure Land of 217, 221

cause of 39

Heruka body mandala 176,

depends upon 10, 36, 75


from virtuous actions 38

close retreat of 255

in samsara, no real 57, 92

lineage of these instructions

of future lives 42


pure and everlasting 23, 56,

mistaken appearance of 250

81, 93

obstacles to 237

hatred. See also anger

preliminary practices of

overcoming through medi-


tating on emptiness 120

training in completion stage of

heart 89, 90


good 66, 91, 229

training in generation stage of

warm 66, 67, 70




five stages of 244

ultimate goal and meaning of

three characteristics of 245

9, 42, 61, 138

what is the 222–226

obstacle to realizing 72

Heruka Losang Yeshe. See

wasting 42

kyabje Trijang Rinpoche

hungry ghosts

Hevajra 13

rebirth as 8, 32, 35

Hevajra and Heruka Tantras 13

suffering of 43, 55, 79

Hevajra Root Tantra 211

Highest Yoga Tantra 156, 158,


185, 199, 202, 204, 209

division of 257

I. See also emptiness, of I;

explanation of Buddha nature

inherent existence, of I


basis of imputation of 119

path of seeing of 206

conventional nature of 114

realization of 222

self that we normally see 111,

seed of realizations of 230

114, 167, 168

two stages of 163

ultimate nature of 114

very essence of 163, 260

ignorance 79, 81, 104. See also

Hinayana 16


human beings

controlling 22

basis of suffering of 45

sleep of 36

rebirth as 8, 55, 74, 79

illusions, magician’s. See

causes of 32


opportunity of 27

illusory body 178, 200, 207, 212,

suffering of 8, 25, 43, 79


human life 68

of the third stage 201

accomplish real meaning of 4,

pure 201, 206, 208, 209, 221

25, 26, 31, 38, 60

imagination 92, 159, 163, 167,

as result of virtuous actions



impermanence, subtle 118

freedoms and endowments of

impermanent phenomena 131

32, 62

emptiness of 118

inconceivable meaning of 202

imprints 39

preciousness of our 25–29,

karmic 117

32, 62

of conceptual thoughts 124

meditation on 27

imputation 108, 123. See also

solving problems of 60

basis of imputation



of our I 114

inner fire/heat. See tummo

upon our subtle body 208

inner peace 72, 261

inappropriate actions 39, 85, 167

inner winds. See wind/s

abandoning 58

intention 4, 90, 109, 117, 121, 252

purification of 236

isolated body 212

indestructible drop 169,

isolated body and speech of

176–177, 197, 212

completion stage 178, 200

attributes of 177

isolated mind 200, 212

inside indestructible wind and isolated speech 212

mind 185, 194, 207

meditation on 187


red and white 222, 224

Jangchub Ö 11, 17, 18, 19, 20

indestructible mind 207

jealousy 43, 76, 100

indestructible red drop 224

controlling 22

indestructible white drop 224

problems of 239

indestructible wind 200, 207,

Je Phabongkhapa 216, 257, 264,


267, 294

indestructible wind and mind

Je Sherab Senge 231

169, 177–181, 207

Jetari 12

meditation on 188

Je Tsongkhapa 4, 20, 21, 64, 212,

Indra and Brahma 3


inferential cognizer 115

founder of Gelug tradition

inherent existence 102, 108, 133,



founder of new kadampa

appearance of 121, 132

tradition 10

eight extremes of 120

instructions on Mahamudra

object of negation of 111, 132

Tantra given by 199

of body 102, 107, 127

ordained name of 199

of body we normally see 128

quotes by 66, 97, 203, 204

of I 113, 160, 164

Joyful Path of Good Fortune 139

identifying 110–111

we normally see 111


self-cherishing, relationship

to 72

kadam Dharma 22–23, 27. See

synonyms of 98

also Buddhadharma;

initial scope 21, 141

Buddha’s teachings; Dharma;

path of a person of 25–40

kadam Lamrim 10, 71



as great mirror 23

pre-eminent attributes of 21

as scientific method 23

laziness 31, 85, 88, 94

as supreme medicine 23

of attachment 28–29, 30

preciousness of 20–23

leprosy 87

kadampa Buddhism 432–433

Liberating Prayer 279–280

kadampas 10–20

liberation 56

kadampa Teachers/Geshes 432

attainment of 206

kadampa tradition 3

how to attain 8–9

kagyu tradition 216

path to 56, 58. See also three karma 38–40, 59, 73, 116–117

higher trainings

collective 116

permanent 7, 21, 32, 38, 60, 91

meaning of 38

temporary 8, 61

meditation on 40

why we need to attain 7–8

pure/impure 176

Liberation from Sorrow 381–399

purifying 233

lineage Gurus 212, 222

karmic connection 217

listening to Dharma instructions

karmic imprints 117

22, 138

keajra. See Pure Land

living beings 10, 23, 26, 36, 65,

kharak Gomchen 87

77, 80

khedrubje 220

as our mothers 67

killing 39, 75

cherishing love for 75

kindness 13, 78

countless 19

of Buddha 9

in Pure Land keajra 221

of living beings 68–70, 72

kindness of 23

meditation on 70

repaying kindness of 13
