Modern Buddhism - The Path of Compassion and Wisdom - Volume 3 Prayers for Daily Practice by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso - HTML preview

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part of conventional truth 122

meaning of 252

to waking/dreaming mind

of Heruka, essence 252–253

99, 133, 155

of sixty-two Deities of Heruka

using to solve problems 117,

body mandala, condensed



mere imputation 116, 165. See

of Vajrayogini, three-OM

also basis of imputation;

253–254, 267




of singularity/plurality 119

projections of 98, 102, 108,

mere name 88, 94, 105, 107, 115


merit 39, 78, 87, 167, 233, 236

pure 155–156

cause of Form Body 85

uncontaminated, definition

collection of 94, 201, 230, 263

of 124

destroying 85

valid 67, 115

middling scope 21, 141

mindfulness 16, 34, 178, 192

path of a person of 41–62

subtle 193

Milarepa 42, 47, 211, 219–221

very subtle 194

empty cave 81

miracle powers 16

quote from 155

mirage 99, 100, 107, 122

teaching on emptiness 130

mirror of Dharma 23

mind 65, 117, 130, 178, 205, 206.

mistaken appearance 26, 80, 86,

See also emptiness, of mind;

122, 260

peace of mind; subtle minds;

Buddhas free from 36, 125

very subtle mind

subtle 127, 156, 202, 205, 254

appearances as nature of 155

abandoning 242, 255, 262

appearances to 98, 107, 108,

preventing 260


root of self-grasping 158

at death 30, 39

two moons reminding us of

basis of imputation of 109



wisdom free from 251


mistaken awareness 122

continuously residing 185,

due to imprints of self-

201, 206

grasping 114

creator of world 116–117

mistaken view 165, 167

deceptive 72

modern technology 4, 62

depending upon 99

modern world 4

existing by convention 108

monk 14, 15, 219

gross 197

moral discipline 39, 59. See also

impure 22, 117, 155–156

three higher trainings

depending upon impure

nature of 58

winds 175

necessary to progress in

imputed by 108

spiritual training 59

like a field 39

perfection of 84, 85, 88, 94

mistaken 67

three types of 15

nature and function of 30, 179

three types of higher 15



mother 9, 79


kindness of 68

recognizing livings beings as

object of negation 111, 132


obstructions to enlightenment



obstructions to liberation 160

Ocean of Great Explanation 14

nada 143, 188, 268

Ocean of Nectar 104, 132

Nagarjuna 78, 121, 209

offerings 234–236

Naropa 216, 257, 290

definition of 236

negated object. See object of

Offering to the Spiritual Guide



new kadampa tradition 10

omniscient wisdom 86, 87

New kadampa Tradition 433

ordinary appearances 94, 157,

nirvana 9, 28, 56, 61, 135, 221,

226, 249, 262

261. See also liberation

freedom from gross 200

attainment of 60

meaning of 159–161

meaning and nature of 204

ordinary beings 102, 123, 159,

non-affirming negative

192, 216

phenomenon 132

appearances to 124

non-Buddhist 6, 18, 21

experiencing only ordinary

non-conceptual direct perceiver

bliss 260


very subtle body, speech and

non-conceptual mind 115

mind manifesting at sleep/

non-dual appearance and

death for 207

emptiness 249–252

ordinary conceptions 94, 157,

non-virtuous actions 4, 23,

226, 262

38–39, 51, 79

abandoning of 201

arising from ignorance 4, 57

gross 200

avoiding 34, 76

meaning of 159–161

main cause of lower rebirth

ordinary death, intermediate


state and rebirth 164

purification of 87, 230,

ordination 14


origins 56

nothingness 60, 112, 113, 134

meaning of 57

Ornament of Clear Realization 20




permanent phenomena 118, 131

emptiness of 118

Padmasambhava 16

person 102, 179. See also initial Palden Sangpo 231

scope; middling scope; great

Pamtingpa 257


past lives. See former lives

phenomena. See also emptiness, path of accumulation 80, 86, 87

of all phenomena

path of bodhichitta

existing as mere imputations

training in 83–95


path of meditation 80, 86, 87,

existing conventionally 108,



path of No More Learning 80,

gathered into emptiness 243

86, 87

like dreams 43, 99, 133

path of preparation 80, 86, 87

like illusions 99

path of seeing 80, 86, 87

like rainbows 134

of Highest Yoga Tantra 206

not other than emptiness 102

path/s. See also spiritual path real nature of all 60

bringing future result into 94

poison 57

correct 60, 229

liberating 62

police 36

meaning of 58

potential 92, 185, 237, 241

Vajrayana 252

for taking rebirth in a Pure

vast and profound 12

Land 91

wrong 237

to benefit livings beings 87,

path to enlightenment 27, 69,

88, 94, 265

80, 84, 94, 97

poverty 52, 55, 61, 84

patience 75

powa 221. See also transference perfection of 84, 85, 88, 94

of consciousness

peace of mind 40

Pratimoksha vows 15

depends upon 10, 36

Prayer for the Flourishing of the

destroying 57, 100

Doctrine of Je Tsongkhapa 199

dying with 39

prayers 37, 219

happiness depends upon 10,

Prayers for Meditation 281–289


preliminary guides 234, 239

method to experience 135

preliminary practices 226–245.

permanent 9, 56, 60, 65

See also Prayers for

Perfection of Wisdom Sutras 15, Meditation

20, 121

uncommon 212



pride 14

realizations 7, 58, 59, 69, 88, 233,

primary mind 109


problems 4–7, 22, 55

common/uncommon 16

inner and outer 6

development of 23

solving 23, 70

Tantric 92, 167

source of 4, 66

real nature of things 4

universal solution to 135

rebirth 197, 265. See also lower produced phenomena 116–117

rebirth; suffering, of rebirth

emptiness of 126

contaminated 45, 55, 79

produced space 131

freedom from 206

promise 35, 37, 38, 83

fortunate/unfortunate 39

prostration 233–234

in a Pure Land 91, 221

puja 37

various realms of 8

Pure Land 30, 91, 202, 242

what determines our 39

akanishta 209, 221

red increase. See subtle minds, red increase

keajra 217, 220, 221–222, 263

refuge 12, 27, 32, 34, 36, 263

attainment of 248

gateway to entering

outer Dakini Land 255

Buddhism 35, 226

outer places of Heruka as 176

going for 35–38

Pure Dakini Land 221

meditation on 37–38, 227

rebirth in 91, 221

vow, commitments of 35, 37,

Sukhavati 91, 221


Tushita 221

regret 46, 50

purification 39, 87, 230, 233,

for non-virtuous actions 237

236–238, 263, 264

rejoicing 239–241

of our world 155

relative truths and relative

signs of 89

falsities 123


renunciation 7, 28, 41, 61, 138,


Quick Path to Great Bliss 264, development of 23, 56

268, 333–380

gateway to liberation 65, 226

motivation for three higher


trainings 59

qualified 141

Rahulagupta 13

realization of 56

rainbow 99, 117, 119, 134, 215

solving problems of attach-

Ratnasambhava 181

ment 5



training in 56, 228

different aspects of 120

requesting the turning of the

imprints of 110, 114, 125

Wheel of Dharma 240

inner poison 57

Rinchen Sangpo 16, 17

poisonous tree of 60

Root Tantra of Heruka 257

reducing 128

Rupakaya 85. See also Form

root of 158


source of all delusions and

suffering 5, 7, 9, 57, 61


sense awareness 182

samsara 6, 8, 27, 45, 53, 65, 105,

sense powers 182

116, 130, 176

Serlingpa 15

free from 86, 221

seven limbs 233–243

no real happiness in 57, 81

Seven Sets of Abhidharma 14

root of 120, 158, 165

sexual intercourse 204, 210

Sangha 35, 37, 227. See also

sexual misconduct 39


Shakyamuni, Buddha 2, 7, 14,

Saraha 58

20, 209, 229

satisfaction 54

founder of Buddhism 3

scientific method 7, 23

reliance upon 10

Secret Mantra 155. See also

Shantideva 74, 102, 105, 106,


107, 208, 209, 210. See also

self-cherishing 100, 141, 184

Guide to the Bodhisattva’s

abandoning 88

Way of Life

and self-grasping 72

Sherab Tseg 257

destroying 89, 90

Shilarakshita 14

disadvantages of 72–75, 77

sickness 22, 36, 90, 252. See also what is 72

suffering, of sickness

self-generation 208, 220, 261,

freedom from 206

262, 263, 265

six perfections 15

self-grasping 45, 57, 89, 90, 114,

as our daily practice 84

141, 164, 165

training in 83–95

abandonment of 9

Six-session Yoga, Condensed

profound bliss of 202


and self-cherishing 72

Six Yogas of Naropa 211

cessation of 204

Song of the Spring Queen 203

dependent on mounted wind

special request prayer 242–243


speech wheel 224



spiritual experience 46, 51

suffering 4, 6, 8, 9. See also

Spiritual Guide 12, 17, 19, 83,

future lives, suffering of;

212, 216, 242. See also Guru

human beings, suffering of

as Buddha 161

changing 81, 93

as emanation of Buddha 138

conceptions of eight extremes,

as emanation of Heruka 216

root of 120

inner 60, 81

developing fear of 56

reliance upon 138–139, 229.

from non-virtuous actions 38

See also Guru yoga

from self-cherishing 73

who is our 229

future, prevention of 236

spiritual path 23, 29, 37, 69, 264

human, basis of 45

necessary conditions for 62

liberation from 6, 9, 36

training in 259

of ageing 8, 37, 47–50, 61

transforming daily actions

of birth 43–45

into 268

of death 8, 23, 37, 50–51

transforming daily

of others 76, 79

experiences into 263

of rebirth 8, 53, 61, 79

transforming worldly pleasure

of sickness 8, 23, 37, 45–47, 61

into 157, 158

of this life 42

spiritual practice 40, 50, 52, 62,

other types of 52–56


permanent liberation from

Spiritual Teacher 38, 138, 227,

61–62, 221


protection from 3

spontaneous great bliss 178,

root of 5

205, 225. See also great bliss Sukhavati. See Pure Land

Stages of the Path to Enlighten-

Superior being 124, 195

ment 10

superior seeing 86, 137

stealing 39, 75, 122

suppleness 205, 220, 248

subtle body 208, 222

Sutra 1–142, 153–294, 155, 157,

subtle minds 192, 197

205, 209, 261, 277–418

black near-attainment 193,

as basic foundation 204

193–194, 195, 196

Buddha nature in 206

of reverse order 197

gross body is the real body,

red increase 193, 194–195, 195

according to 209

of reverse order 197

types of bliss 202

white appearance 192, 193, 195

Sutra and Tantra 4, 10, 16, 20, 87

of reverse order 197

no contradiction between 157



union of 156

things that we normally see 57,

Sutra of the Four Noble Truths 41, 132, 133, 141, 158. See also

56, 58, 61

inherent existence

three higher realms 8


three higher trainings 15–16,

58–61, 202. See also


concentration; moral

in conjunction with six

discipline; wisdom

perfections 87–92

meditations on 89–90

meditation on 61

taking and giving 83

Three Jewels 37

benefits of 87

three lower realms 8, 27, 32. See

in conjunction with six

also lower rebirth; rebirth

perfections 87–95

Togden Jampel Gyatso 212

in Highest Yoga Tantra 265

Training the Mind in Seven Points

Tantra. See also completion

109, 133

stage; generation stage;

tranquil abiding 16, 85, 137, 202,


205, 248

as Buddha’s ultimate

transference of consciousness

intention 204

30, 221

definition of 157

transmission 230

divisions of 257

Trisong Detsen 16

four classes of 158

true existence 98, 100, 105, 107,

preciousness of 155–161

108, 117, 122. See also

principal objects abandoned in

inherent existence


true-grasping ignorance 114.

synonyms of 155

See also self-grasping

uncommon attainment of 16

true nature. See ultimate nature; Tantric commitment objects 292

ultimate truth

Tantric Grounds and Paths 184, of body 105, 106


of phenomena 107, 116

Tantric practitioner 163, 210

truth 107. See also conventional Tantric vows 15

truth; ultimate truth; union

Temples 37

of two truths

ten grounds 15

synonyms of 123

Theravada 3

Truth Body 85, 164, 194, 216,

The Yoga of Buddha Heruka 229, 265

231, 291–308

cause of 208



Heruka imputed upon 243

synonyms of 123

Nature 159, 243

uncontaminated mind

Wisdom 159, 243

definition of 124

tummo 176, 204, 211, 220, 221

unfindability 107, 134

Tushita. See Pure Land

of body 105

twenty-four places 174

of I 113, 114

inner places 175, 176

of mind 109

of Heruka 223

union of great bliss and empti-

of our body 223

ness 201, 206, 207, 209, 216.

outer places 176

See also Mahamudra;

two abandonments. See central

meaning clear light


as the actual inconceivability



union of meaning clear light and

ultimate bodhichitta 125, 138,

pure illusory body 178, 201


Union of No More Learning

definition of 97

208, 218

levels of 125

union of our very subtle wind

simple training in 135–139

and very subtle mind 185,

training in 97–139


ultimate example clear light

union of spontaneous great bliss

178, 196. See also example

and emptiness 175

clear light

union of Sutra and Tantra

meaning of 200


ultimate nature 106, 107, 121,

no pure practice of 17

128. See also ultimate truth

union of the indestructible wind

of I 114

and mind 207

of mind 109

union of the two truths 127–132

ultimate search 101, 102

realization of 243

ultimate truth 97, 250. See also

universal compassion 28, 69, 76,

emptiness; ultimate nature;

90, 157. See also compassion

union of the two truths

quick path to enlightenment

conventional truth and



solving problems of anger 5

definition of 124

training in 79–80

solving daily problems of

unmistaken awareness 124

ignorance 5

unproduced space 118, 131




realizing two truths 251

very subtle speech 185, 206

Vairochana 182

manifesting at sleep and death

vajra body 206, 208, 209


Vajradhara 211, 213, 238, 264

very subtle wind. See winds,

Vajradharma 246, 264

very subtle

vajra-like concentration 160

Vidyakokila 12

Vajra Master 203

Vinaya 17

vajra recitation 184

virtue/non-virtue 32

Vajrasattva 239, 264

virtuous actions 38, 39, 40, 49,

Vajravarahi 215, 222, 223, 224,

51, 75