My Forgiveness Journal by Ogaana Alkon - HTML preview

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This is True Forgiveness.



“When we have entered this phase, in every situation, we know the outcome to be certain. We are going towards God. .period.

Upon encountering unkindness (war, anger, negativity) in another then, we see it’s beginning in our own minds. It is a judgment, a projection, a quality that we have assigned to “someone else”.

To “forgive” the “other guy” is nothing more than the recognition that we are willing to be wrong in our assessment and to allow the Truth to correct the errors in our mind. In doing so, we accept the atonement for ourselves and extend healing.

There is no more powerful act of love. This is True Forgiveness.

“The holiest of all the spots on earth is where an ancient hatred has become a present love.” (A Course in Miracles) .”
