My Forgiveness Journal by Ogaana Alkon - HTML preview

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As I Am improving, THE WHOLE WORLD is improving.



Value every little answer and clarity you come to know, Great mountains are made of tiny rocks. As we walk through our spiritual journey, we inevitably improve with each small step we take . . And also at each stop .

As we set to relax, reflect and meditate on our “self”.

As we come into more and more alignment with our inner beings, we automatically heal , atone and improve .

Don’t ever underestimate a part of a second that you set to do your meditation or prayer . Know that YOU ARE improving yourself . and in turn THE WHOLE WORLD is improving. We all are becoming better and better , coz of your mere decision to “want” to be better , the fact that you are willing to take time to ask the questions and seek the answers . Is amazingly powerful . The fact that you are willing to forgive , and you want to heal and you want things to be better . Is amazingly powerful .

OWN It , celebrate it . And always give thanks for it .

I am happy and grateful for having the space and time to connect and communicate and share my journey with you let me know how it's going for you