My Forgiveness Journal by Ogaana Alkon - HTML preview

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Be intentional.



I want you to sit down quietly for a moment today, and write down all the good things you did or said or even just thought of ... even if it’s a small gesture like saying THANK YOU .. Even the brief moment when u drifted on a daydream imagining yourself being able to do something that would make someone else happy .. Or just make you really happy. Being good to you also counts ~_^

I know that some of us -especially the type of people who choose to pick up this kinda book-tend to remember the bad things we did, said or thought of but fail to recall the good things. This practice will help you see objectively what a good person you are or you can be! the truth is, we are naturally bipolar, yin in yang! it’s just a matter of harmony, and what we choose to focus on and express at each moment. So, seed the seeds of positive karma as you forgive now, and watch the future blossom with this beautiful intention. then reap the fruits and savour them, knowing that you’ve earned it.