My Forgiveness Journal by Ogaana Alkon - HTML preview

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Because who you are is never really compromised, no one can really TAKE away your “self “worth, you are forever resilient ..Your soul is an untouchable, abundant, overflowing river of possibilities.. We always have and we will always be self sufficient, as long as we are in alignment with our souls.

I find that when someone seem to "hurt” me, it makes me feel less .. makes me feel like something valuable was taken away from me by force,

while the reality is: I had nothing in the first place ..Or that the thing I thought I had was invaluable.. I didn’t really need it!!! It was only the false ego identification with self as a thing that caused me to feel that lack..

Think about that for a moment .

Recall a time when you felt that way. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

You will probably REALIZE that there is a part of you which was and still is intact . And it will always be .

. .it’s that still awareness of “things” happening, as Eckhart Tolle explains in his teachings, your true identity . always detached from ,while actively involved in, your life experiences . and that itself is not something . It’s NOTHING . It is a Nothing ! So, Don’t take “things” too seriously, you don’t really need anything to BE. It’s the nothingness that counts! !