My Forgiveness Journal by Ogaana Alkon - HTML preview

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I was guided to dig deep today, for deep healing... As I opened up my iPad to design today’s forgiveness post, I asked what should I write, and the word fortitude came up.

“Patience and fortitude conquer all things” -  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Words have a magical way of activating or deactivating certain frequencies in our energetic field.. try it if you would:

( close your eyes and repeat a certain word again and again and just feel how it resonates within you and vibrates in your body)

I personally felt the word fortitude coming from a deep place within me.. I feel like it was born with me .. and is essential for my very existence. Without fortitude I would not even BE where I am now!

So, I figured, It must be a powerful manifestation tool to use to bring my desires to life. That urge within that wants to experience what you dream about and “have it” see it , touch it , feel it , taste it , smell it . Being ONE with it , playing with it .

Knowing that it’s WORTH it . Worth being patient for it to BECOME or being persistence in making it happen . .

So be sure to direct your energy towards the steps that you need to take, as well as the things that you need to get rid of, for you to be able to focus on getting where you want to get .

You will get there in time , trust that.

just keep going. . . and you WILL get there

Till then, Keep Following The Signs that are calling you into that way.

I Believe in you.