My Forgiveness Journal by Ogaana Alkon - HTML preview

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Spiritual Liberation is AWESOME!



Ah! Another day of love, enlightenment and forgiveness . I am real y grateful for my dear friend Muna for the inspiration You know? during these past 23 days, I’ve learned that forgiveness has nothing to do with any person or anything outside of myself.

. . It has everything to do with what’s WITHIN me .

It’s about clearing the cluttered stuff I am letting in my mind and carrying on my heart that I keep them there sometimes for too long and for no reason!

Forgiveness makes you feel so much lighter, simply makes LiFe EaSy.

Forgiveness makes you feel so much lighter, simply makes LiFe EaSy.

You see, people and things keep coming and going .


That thing = Your Soul ! ! . .

that’s what it’s all l about baby ~ that’s what life’s really about.

and so, YOU are the only one that really counts in your reality, focus on that inner being WITHIN yourself who is always there.

CONNECT with your inner being. your SOUL . LET IT BE FREE ~

Let it flow and shine.

I find deep breathing helps to connect me instantly to the stream of soul’s pure energy, it is calming and soothing as it is full of power and excitement.

All that you need is within here and now .

Everything you need in order for you to feel happy, healthy, wealthy and marvellous IS right here, every time you turn to your inner being you become more and more in~lightened, and you automatically enlighten everything and everyone around you.

INLighten your soul ~ Then Light up the world