My Forgiveness Journal by Ogaana Alkon - HTML preview

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it’s really simple!



Just let it happen . It only takes a moment of clarity: Set an intention and send it out into the world. TRUST that it is received, known by, and carried away by a power greater than you can ever imagine.

According to Abraham hicks “pioneers of The Law of Attraction”; holding on to the frequency of “focusing on” a thought for as little as 17 seconds in your mind, is worth 2000 hours of physical work ! ! Isn’t that fascinating?! I choose to BELIEVE in that , And I know it’s true . .

I want you to hold on to the thought of unconditional love today . Live it in your mind, even if it doesn’t seem possible in your physical reality. But if it actually is possible for you, then DO that thing that represents unconditional love to you.

Declare to the whole world that you want more of it in your reality, and you MUST have it. It is Law.

Forgiveness, Love and Living Life, are not something that you do alone, it’s a co-creative experience, we all get affected by each other “ if not by other people, then by the environment we live at” whether we like it or not, that’s how things are in this time-space reality, why not choose to create positive “desired” life conditions?

This simple choice will not just affect us ourselves but it will for sure create some level of change around us at least in the ones we are forgiving, loving or living with.

Make that better choice from right where you are, right now :

To Live more

To Love more

To Give a little more