My Forgiveness Journal by Ogaana Alkon - HTML preview

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Or vs. Both


ugh! this is getting on my nerves I am DONE !

When is day30 coming? I can’t wait to start being a normal human again!

Too much ideals are just TOO MUCH sometimes !

You know, we need to just feel whatever we are feeling without judgement!

We only need so much forgiveness if we have so many virtues and rules that we don’t allow ourselves or others to cross!

I am just amazed at how simple life can be once you let go. . just LET IT BE! Whatever it is. That’s true freedom; the state I once read about in Greek Philosophy that is called the Epochè

: suspension of judgment . we often play the role of God, or an angle or idols that we simply are NOT! Instead of playing who we ARE!

Why can’t we just be human! . We need to be more human, that is our ultimate truth . That is how we unlock our fullest potential, even if it means to be mad sad angry afraid lost for now . Even if it means just holding on to whatever is left of yourself.

Maybe the reason you lost everything else “including sanity” because you just do not need them anymore right now, and they never truly belonged to you.

Right now, I feel like I am only left with THIS; my heart , and my fingers typing on the screen, telling the world what’s been bubbling up inside of it. . Sharing my truth . And I am grateful for that.


I forgive the million things that I failed to do ..

The many challenges I failed to win..

I release this disturbing urge to go get it,

I celebrate the parts that are left for me,

 for I know they truly are mine