My Forgiveness Journal by Ogaana Alkon - HTML preview

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Let’s get specific.



It’s your turn to write a caption today .

Please take a moment to think about and write down: what you wish to forgive? and why you would forgive?

For me I wrote:

Ogaana is forgiving and letting go of her self doubt, second guessing herself and belittling herself, not being able to ask others for her value and feeling ashamed of not being able to follow what others ask her to follow. I am asking my angels today to take away this painful feeling of being rejected because I trust and know that there is a place where I would fit perfectly in but at the same time being able to still stand out and feel special . take it all away angels , and bring me closer to my true place, show me the signs in my heart, mind and body that will let me know that I am no longer suffering from my own self . .

Thank You