My Forgiveness Journal by Ogaana Alkon - HTML preview

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The End ~ The And



The end of each moon cycle conveys a spiritual meaning of the death of the old+rebirth of new, it’s a great time to let go and start new ways of life. You can use this time to practice forgiveness. It’s a new moon tonight and I’m reminded of this prayer I picked up from Gabrielle Bernstein: “I forgive this, release this . . (say what you want to let go of). . I ask for what it is of a greater service to me and to the world”

Elaborating on the Epochè State I mentioned before; I thought that adopting this state of mind will make me apathetic, but it actually made me humble. But, I find that I release my judgement towards myself and others more easily and completely now. and so, I am always inviting renewal and creativity into my life.

I’ve come to the conclusion that this Epochè State is what is described as the State of Detachment in Buddhist Teachings, which is practiced in order to achieve spiritual freedom, Moksha in sanskrit. That state of Epochè and Detachment; The suspension of judgment, is a really blissed, carefree state of mind and personal attitude, which could be mistaken for Apathy on an emotional level. But what it truly does is that it increases your compassion when u see yourself equally human as others are, and you are able to then see others as you see yourself, you can feel them as you feel your own self and then, connect with/ relate to them as effortlessly as you connect with/ relate to yourself.

Today, I forgive ..

myself, for I could not be more present and always available for others, special y those who are important to me: my family and my dear friends. I also forgave them for not being there for me specially for the times I needed them the most, I realized that THIS was my real deep desire when I set the intention of forgiveness . At this time of my life journey I am feeling like I am a disappointment, and that I am disappointed . Mainly for promises that were not kept, either by me or them, and I don’t want to let these disappointments get between us anymore. .I wanna live free and love free. Now that it realized that, it was a mutual case of “clouded judgment”, I am able to truly and deeply forgive.

I Forgive that I couldn’t accept them as they are exactly as they failed to accept me as I am. I am really happy and grateful to be able to rise above the clouds and SEE clearly the big picture.

Release the judgment to the fair cosmic laws of the universe that governs every micro & macro-cosm that exist, and you shall be eternally FREE.