My Forgiveness Journal by Ogaana Alkon - HTML preview

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Oh, dear one. Always REMEMBER That;

Whatever is going on out there, big or small , whatever you are doing, significant or not, should be means to strengthen your connection with the Divine love in you heart, not to part you away from it!

Be aware of how you relate yourself to all those outside circumstance, people, things and places. and always try to be aware of +acknowledge the source of divine love within everything and everyone; for that is how you can slowly and gently yet surely grow, expand and evolve spiritual y. every day and in every way. Effortlessly.

Know that every soul you treasure, will be adding more beauty, light and value to your own soul. for we are ONE, in essence. When one lights up, the spirit of this whole world then lights up a little more.

Let’s make a contract together now, wherever you are in this world: *To always connect and relate to ourselves first, and then to others and to everything around us, through the bond of the light of divine love that is the very essence of all creation.

*To always stay true to our soul truth and respect other’s soul truth Affirm this using the mantra: keep it real, loud and clear.

*To always “shine bright like a diamond” ~_^ as we live our truest most transparent pure selves, and allow others to do the same.

I love you all soo sooo much thank you for walking, running, stopping, flying, dancing, swimming, ,or even crawling with me on this journey ~

Always, for better and better

Xoxo Ogaana

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