My Forgiveness Journal by Ogaana Alkon - HTML preview

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Forgive to be free, to flow & grow.



When we let go of what troubles us “heart, mind, body and soul”,

We find space in all those respective areas of our being.

Space to flow easier and smoother,

When our energy is flowing, we are able to be and grow, in more healthy and wealthy ways.

When we grow , we don’t just grow UP, we also grow IN . into our core being; our soul.

Our roots are able to travel deeper in as our branches are reaching up higher. We are able to experience more aliveness, then, more connectedness to our true self which, in essence, is ONE with all that is.

Forgiveness then becomes natural to us . It’s a mere act of self love and self care that we do daily to maintain our health, exactly like taking a shower, washing our face!, drinking water or feeding our body.