No Man has the Right by Ross Jackson - HTML preview

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The majority of Rapists obtain their gratification not from actual intercourse, but the subjugation of the woman. They want to exercise their feeling of power over the now helpless woman.

Here are a few comments to think about that may affect if you should take any action:-

Are you worried that if it came to a court case, do you think that the court would say that you encouraged the attack?

Do you think that when he has finished the he will be satisfied and leave?

Do you think that he will leave you alive if you could identify him?

Are you prepared to retaliate fully? No half measures will do.

Do you think that your resistance would increase the risk of further bodily injury?

Nobody can make the decision for you It is yours and yours alone.

It is easy for others to make decisions in hindsight, Most people become experts in hindsight, but at the time?

People (men), do not seem to be able to comprehend the abhor-rence that women feel against the crime of rape.

The bodies physical reaction to such a violation is hard enough for a woman to bear. But the mental trauma that accompanies a violation lasts not for a short time, as it does in the male counte-nance when an assault has occurred on him, but sometimes life long in the case of a woman. These mental scars affect woman in many different ways.