Our Destructive Self by John Murphy - HTML preview

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In what way am I destructive?

That will depend on what is taking place in your life and the number of issues that are currently in place. Consider your thoughts and the way they evolve as you interact with people - 

What emotions come to the surface and what effect does it have on your physical body? 

Do you become tense, angry, defensive? 

Or do you withdraw further into yourself?

Our feelings, thoughts, emotions and reactions are a physical movement in the body and are not easily forgotten when we have had an unpleasant experience. 

When you hold on to those feelings etc., they remain within you and they will continue to affect every part of your life; whether those experiences are unpleasant or not. 

That is a heavy burden on your body, and will, over time, create other problems for you. This series of events can be avoided, provided you take the necessary steps, as they are needed.

You can begin by making small adjustments in your approach to life and allowing yourself to become comfortable with yourself, as your life begins to change. Even the smallest change will alter the future. 

It is worth remembering, that a very small change is an enormous change, for a person who has been constantly going in the wrong direction.