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 Chapter 6




 Negative Energy Poison


What is NEP?


 “NEP” is an acronym for “Negative Energy Poison.” Just as positive energy creates power, negative energy creates poison.


How does negative energy create NEP? It paralyzes thought; it creates hesitation, fear, worry, anger, hate, jealousy, greed, sorrow, pessimism and doubt amongst other things. All these lead one to respond negatively. They create an environment of negativity giving rise to negative thoughts, feelings and actions. NEP or negative energy poison can never result in any positive action.


We don't realize it, but at times, when we don't fill our life with PEP, poisonous negative energies enter our life without our knowledge and lead us to failure and disaster. These negative energies build negative habits, brick by brick. They capture the mind and take charge of the thought factory. Cumulatively, they become so poisonous that they can destroy life. Hence, I call them NEP – Negative Energy Poison.


 Generally, negative energy is far more powerful than positive energy. Negative energy can be lethal because it produces chemicals and hormones in the body that create depression and sorrow. People who live with NEP will generally be sad, dejected and hopeless. It is difficult for them to choose a positive attitude because they are surrounded by negative energy, which paralyzes them.


 Slowly but surely, NEP leads people to a life full of sickness and disease. The sunshine of positive living escapes these people because negative energy has enslaved them. They seem to be injected and drugged with the influence of negative emotions.


By now, we have understood that when such negative emotions are present, it is impossible to think positively. This negativity will be followed by negative thoughts, feelings and actions. Those who live with NEPcannot escape from a negative destiny. The poison of negativity is so strong and powerful that its influence and effect lasts for a long time and becomes difficult to overcome. What is needed is a strong antidote of positivity to slowly convert the negative energy into a positive one. It is definitely possible to convert it; however, it is not an easy journey. It can only happen when every negative situation is confronted with PEPand changed from the negative to the positive.


 Some of the negative energies that create NEP are revenge, jealously, ego, greed, anger, worry, cruelty, hostility, agitation, disappointment, agony, frustration and guilt. Let us understand the negative energies that create poison in our life and also how they lead us to disaster.




 Revenge is an action taken in response to an injury received or perceived as unfairness. It is a negative reaction and attitude that makes a wrongdoing justifiable. Unfortunately, revenge can never deliver peace, because it is a negative poison. Only forgiveness can undo the wrong done to us. When we choose revenge, we fail to realize its nature and instead choose to house a poison within us that constantly emits toxic fumes. Instead of getting even with the one who has wronged us, revenge is sure to suffocate us and steal our joy and happiness. It is a negative poison and can never create a positive power, no matter what. Although one will feel an immediate sense of achievement, after executing this negative emotion, one experiences a sense of regret. Due to the poison that revenge carries, one will wonder why one ever chose to take revenge in the first place.


 Revenge is NEP. It will lead us to negative thoughts, feelings and actions. The only way to flip over to positivity is to replace revenge with forgiveness. Then this NEPwould be transformed to PEP.



 Jealousy is another negative emotion, which emerges in response to others and their possessions. When one feels a lack of something and wants what others have or when one painfully desires others' advantages, one becomes jealous. Jealous individuals focus more on what others have rather than on what they themselves possess and get upset. For a jealous person, the grass is always greener on the other side. Due to jealousy, people react with negativity. They may have enough to be happy, but instead of enjoying what they possess, they lose their happiness because they are more concerned about what others have. Jealousy, therefore, robs away one's joy and happiness.


 Why choose to become unhappy by craving for others' possessions?


Why not rather choose to count one's own blessings and vibrate positive energy. The resentment caused by jealousy or envy for others' good fortune leaves behind the poisonous influence of negativity in one's life.


 Jealousy is NEP and can never create positive energy. To flip over from this NEP to PEP, one must focus on contentment and fulfillment. These emotions will defuse jealousy and lead us to think positively.




 Ego is one of the strongest negative emotions. It is born from the nominative Latin word “I” that translates to “I, myself.” It is an inflated feeling of pride in oneself and a feeling of superiority over others. Egoistic people feel high and mighty and look down upon others with disdain; they don't respect others. Whenever they react to something, they do so by only keeping themselves in mind. It is only “I,” “me,” and “myself” for such individuals.


 Ego is a negative emotion that kills the positive emotion of humility that is needed to live a positive life. Humble people are able to attract cooperation and get things done. To succeed and live a life of joy and bliss, we must learn to give up ego and choose humility.




 Greed is an excessive desire to acquire and possess more than what one needs. Greedy people are never satisfied; they continue to acquire and hoard only to show off to others rather than enjoying the acquisitions themselves. This selfish and negative emotion makes one blind to the reality of life, thus making one react negatively. Though greedy people have enough, they behave as if they have very little, and their actions and reactions clearly reflect their negativity. Wanting more and more is a negative poison. It consumes one's thoughts, feelings and actions thus displaying negativity all the time. Greedy people forget their need and focus on greed.


 Instead of greed, if the PEPof contentment was chosen, one would attract far more positive energy, love and affection. Nobody likes to be with a greedy person. Thus, we must learn to flip over and be content by attracting PEPinto our life.




 Anger is a strong negative emotion that emerges out of displeasure, frustration and helplessness. When something doesn't happen as per one's expectations or when one has no control over important matters, then one becomes angry with somebody or something. Anger creates poison within; it raises one's blood pressure and emits venomous thoughts, words and deeds. The strong feeling of anger creates an environment of hostility.


 When one is angry, it is natural for one to react negatively. Anger takes away the power to think and reason from an individual. An angry person is highly emotional, volatile and mostly unpredictable at times. Being highly volatile and reactive, the only way an angry person can react is by being negative, causing pain to oneself and others too. Thus, anger is considered to be the most dangerous of all the terrors lurking inside one's being.


 It is sure to burn one's heart and soul far more than it could ever hurt the one who is being targeted. One can choose to continue the negative influence of anger by either suppressing it, or expressing it or converting it into a positive power through forgiveness. Angry people are people who are extremely impatient as well.


To eliminate anger, choose calmness, the PEP that can overcome the NEP, anger. Calmness, in turn, will attract many other positive emotions that create Positive Energy Power.




 Worry is the most commonly found negative emotion. Most people worry. Worry consists of an uneasy feeling; it is a troubled concern or fear that strangles and chokes a person from the inside. It creates anxiety and destroys the ability to think. Hence, worry causes unhappiness.


 A worried person is like a rocking chair going up and down but getting nowhere. The thoughts of people who worry never progress. They worry about what might happen in the future rather than enjoying what is in the present. Worry can never have a positive consequence, as it is a pure unadulterated poison that can only kill. Instead of choosing worry, which is a negative poison, why not invite tranquility that can create positive power. Tranquility is an emotion that can give extreme calmness, and with it the mind can truly think and introspect.




 Cruelty is the lack of kindness, compassion and mercy. It leads to behavior that is brutal in manner, while inflicting pain and suffering upon others. This negative poison starts with a lack of understanding that turns into indifference and finally peaks with cruelty. The poison of cruelty makes one's thought and actions barbaric.


 One who is cruel does not realize how negative their actions are. At first, the cruel thought lead to cruel actions, until slowly they become a habit. One emits the poison of cruelty without even realizing it.


 It is better to choose the positive emotion of kindness as kindness is sure to give us joy and success and build PEPthan allow cruelty to destroy us.




 This negative emotion reveals symptoms of one being very unfriendly. It almost makes one feel that others are their enemies, and this emotion vibrates ill will. Thus, it emits poison and is most unwelcome. Instead of hostility, if one flips over to the positive emotion of harmony, one could live a life of joy and bliss. Harmony welcomes positive thoughts and people, as it expresses a willingness to work toward compatibility.




 This negative emotion creates extreme disturbance in the mind leading to negative thoughts, feelings and actions. An agitated person cannot react positively.


 Only when agitation is replaced with serenity can positive power be attracted. Serenity on the other hand, eliminates all stress and turbulence in our mind, thus creating Positive Energy Power.




 When one develops a feeling of being let down, one builds the emotion of disappointment in one's life, not knowing that this will lead them to NEP. A feeling of being let down along with dashed hopes and crashed expectations results in dissatisfaction. These generate NEP. While it is true that we often feel disappointed, we must realize that this feeling grows into a strong negative emotion. We must desist it, and instead of being disappointed, learn to develop the positive emotion – gratification.


 Gratification will dissolve the poison that disappointment created, generating PEP.




 Agony is another strong NEP. This intense feeling of suffering, torment and torture gives us tremendous pain.


 If only we learned to develop the habit of being blissful, this positive emotion would transform our life, creating power and defeating the pain that agony brings.




 Frustration is the result of feeling defeated or extremely disappointed when expectations are not met. Sure, many of our plans in life will not materialize, but why should one be annoyed and frustrated creating further poison that one has to deal with?


Is it not sensible rather to flip over from frustration to peace? Choosing the positive emotion of peace dissolves frustration. It is a choice that we must make to choose to be peaceful or frustrated.




 Guilt is one of the strongest poisonous emotions. It is born out of committing an offence or mistake and feeling extremely negative about it. It pricks us from within, releasing negative poison.


Of what use is it to create this NEP! Nobody is perfect and if you have made a mistake, use the positive emotion of innocence to humbly accept your error and eliminate guilt, which is only counter-productive. This is the only way to pass from negative thinking to positive thinking.


All the negative emotions discussed in the preceding text create Negative Energy Poison or NEP.Imagine living a life with all these negative poisons! The very thought of anger, hate, jealousy, worry, revenge, indifference and doubt creates panic in the mind. How could one fill one's life with such negative energy? Of what good can these emotions be? Can they lead us to any positive consequence?


 While positive energy has power, negative energy is poisonous. Negative energy creates a toxic environment in our mind and body. The body becomes listless and lifeless and instead of being inspired, we become depressed.


 We have all experienced what it feels like to be criticized unjustly, to be condemned and treated with cruelty. How can this poison motivate us to live happily? NEP is negative and cannot lead to anything positive. When the mind is thinking of revenge, it is consumed, controlled and constricted, unable to do anything else but produce strong negative fumes that will make us feel negative and act negatively. Many of us have experienced pessimism and hopelessness and know how these can shroud a visible opportunity in a cloud of uncertainty and doubt. While the positive power gives courage to act, its negative counterpart creates hesitation and paralyzes action.


 PEPcreates courage, but NEPcreates fear. The former creates hope, while the latter creates despair. People with PEPhave faith in their faith, but the ones with NEPbelieve in their doubts.


 It doesn't take time to identify those who carry PEPin contrast with those who carry NEP. The visible signs of joy and cheer are smiles. They symbolize PEP. Sorrow expressed with a frown reveals NEP instantly. Can you imagine living a life of hatred and worry without any enthusiasm for anything? You would end up being dull, lifeless and bored. Can this create any power to progress? Of course not! These are sure to poison us into inaction and lethargy. NEPensures a negative attitude, produces negative thoughts, generates negative feelings, creates negative actions and builds negative habits. NEP will surely lead to a negative character and a negative life


. Does it make any sense choosing to live without trust, while being confused and de-motivated? Will this catapult us into an orbit of success? Rather, these negative poisons will enslave us. All the negative energies mentioned are destructive and some can devastate us. Surely, we have all experienced negative emotions such as anger and its power to create a terror within, fear and its paralysis, indifference and its freezing chillness, cynicism and its vicious fumes and ego and its singular loneliness.


 No doubt NEPcan be terribly destructive! Each constituent of this negative poison is extremely toxic and lethal. Some may destroy instantly, while others may act as a slow poison, but cumulatively NEP will kill whatever PEP creates. Do we still want to choose NEP? Would anyone still prefer to fill one's life with these negative energies? If it were a choice, would one adopt these poisons to be the energy of their life?


 Flip overfrom NEPto PEP


 I believe one requires Willpower to turn one’s life over from NEPto PEP. These can be visualized as two sides of the same coin. We must make a choice and flip from NEP to PEP – the positive side. To change from NEP to PEP, it is important to introspect and check whether our mind is producing negative thoughts. If we realize that we are producing negative thoughts, we need to use our willpower to stop this NEP from being produced. This may need grit and practice; but once we make it a habit to flip over from NEPto PEP, the subconscious mind becomes trained and programmed.


Whenever a situation of NEP confronts us, our willpower should react and respond with a positive attitude. PEPwill conquer NEPif we develop this strong willpower. It needs practice and commitment, but it is not difficult. We must consciously choose to be positive. If we don't, NEP will arrive, occupy our mind and destroy us. NEPis poisonous. It can transform positive power into negative poison destroying our joy and bliss and all the positive emotions that we could otherwise choose to live with. Therefore, we must become champions in flipping over from NEPto PEP!



