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 Chapter 7


 My PEP Story


What better way could there be to endorse PEP than sharing my personal story of how PEPtransformed just about every facet of my life? That's why I call this chapter “My PEP Story.” This story started when I was a teenager, bubbling with the positive energy derived from reading all kinds of books on positive thinking gifted to me mostly by my father. It built in me a storehouse of positive energy, which I did not understand initially. But I was charged and excited with this unstoppable positive energy. Authors like James Allen, Norman Vincent Peale, Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, Robert Schuller and J.P. Vaswani further influenced my thoughts and feelings and put me into action.


When I started my positive journey of life, I attempted to “think positively.” I used to read positive books, use positive autosuggestions and mingle with positive people; all these activities filled me with a lot of positive power. However, a few years later, I discovered the power of PMA or Positive Mental Attitude. I realized that I could only think positive if I had a positive attitude, but I did not know how I could develop a positive attitude. Yes, several positive thinkers suggested many ways, but none explained to me how one could definitely and incessantly think positive. It is only now, two decades later, that I discovered PEPand I realize, in hindsight, how my story had PEPin it all the way. When I started, I was positive as if by chance, but today, I am positive by choice.


The positive emotions of faith, hope and courage made me start an advertising agency at the age of 16, and by the age of 18 I had enough earnings to buy my own car. My friends found it weird because they were still engrossed in activities like studying, playing and enjoying life. My positive energy gave me enormous amounts of focus and direction. It gave me the confidence to start my success journey before others could even think about it or plan for it. Normally, a youngster would be paralyzed with fear, but I found myself confident and full of faith. Instead of being uncertain, I was self-assured, patient and passionate, only due to my optimism. Instead of questioning myself, “Can I do it?” I would expectantly tell myself, “Yes, I can do it!” And this made things happen. The positive energy in me created positive thoughts through a positive attitude, which then eliminated all negative options and possibilities. I was so positive that I would declare, “Nothing is impossible. I have removed the word ‘impossible’ from my vocabulary!”


My success as a teenager was only the beginning of my PEPstory. From then onwards, it was one success after another. When I turned 20, I collaborated with my father to launch the retail brand “Kids Kemp.” At all stages of my early years, my father was more than just a parent. He was a good friend and a guiding light, who helped build my positive energy and emotions that supported me positively. There arose a time that called for us to let go off a brand our family had owned for nearly four decades. Overnight, through courage, belief and positive conviction, we finally took the bold step of changing the brand name. We made a life-altering decision with faith and hope, and it worked! The store with the new branding was a mega success! And this was not just limited to Bangalore, where we lived, but the success of the brand spread all over India.


The PEP story became even bigger as “Kids Kemp” metamorphosed into “Big Kidskemp” – India's largest store for kid's garments. Big Kidskemp too was a huge success. Soon, our positive energy drove us to invest a huge capital in advertising, marketing and the real estate business that would normally paralyze anyone with fear, considering the risks involved. But we forged ahead without hesitation, and with our confidence intact, we reaped rich dividends. We were able to make more money than we had ever imagined we could and created wealth that we could never dream of. We believed in sharing with others, and the more we shared with our team, the more positive the results were. Our growth rate was unprecedented due to the positive synergy of all our team members. We began each day with love, hope and cheer. The enthusiasm spread to our customers as well, and they shopped excitedly. Although we worked for over 12 hours a day and 7 days a week, each day ended with joy that was gained from the satisfaction of the positive energy with which we worked.


My PEPled me to start humanitarian activities at a very young age. Positive Energy Power enriched my life with compassion and concern for others' welfare and created a burning desire to selflessly serve suffering humanity. This positive energy paved the way for adding more to the positive energy bank that I had accumulated at that time. My compassion helped me initiate the RVM Humanitarian Home project, a home to accommodate 100 destitute people. My faith led me to build the Shiv Temple, a project that would generate faith and hope to thousands of people every day. Being confident and optimistic from the infusion of positive energy, I somehow found the required land, financial resources and business opportunities to see these projects through.


I was not aware of it at first, but at hindsight, I knew that all my dreams would turn real due to the positive energy I lived with. Had there been any Negative Energy Poison in my life, many of my projects would have definitely crashed. I didn't know what doubt was. I rarely experienced fear. I was so full of hope that there was no place for despair. My positivity ensured that all my projects came to completion, successfully.


Then I decided to open a huge store, called “Kemp Fort,” covering 200,000 square feet. It went on to become India's largest departmental store! The idea was to open a single store, which would be the size of a mall.


At each major juncture of my life, I experienced what anyone would normally feel at moments of decision making. I would have to choose between courage and fear; between conviction and disbelief in the project; between hope that the idea will work and doubt that it wouldn’t; between pursuing it with confidence or allowing hesitation to creep in. Each project was either implemented cautiously and with careful planning or would simply “happen” just by giving it my all. But invariably, at every step, I would choose the positive. I would make use of my “Positive Coin” (which I will explain later) to flip over from negative to positive and conquer all the negative emotions with positive energy. When I started the megastore “Kemp Fort,” the challenges were far greater than anything I had faced before. I found myself overwhelmed by negative energy and faced resistance from all quarters of my life, which was unprecedented. Yet my heightened inspiration and positive energy kept me focused and passionate. I knew there was no turning back because I was fearless.


PEPcreated a miracle. At that time, almost everybody thought that it would be impossible for me to make it happen. But yes, PEPdid it! On October 15, 1997, the grand megastore created history in India, long before modern retailing had taken root.


 I made millions; it was more than I ever needed, and then I realized, that there was much more to life than just accumulating material wealth. I recognized that positive living was my greatest priority and focused more on my humanitarian endeavors to establish the RVM Hospital. Using my PEP, I set up a team to pick up homeless and helpless people from the streets, who were afflicted by pain and disease. Every day and even to this day, we help make a difference by alleviating their pain, disease and suffering, and PEPhas made it possible. Soon, the RVM Hospital intends to become a 1000-bed free charitable hospital for the poor while reducing pain and suffering by saving valuable lives and giving a new lease of life to many.


My humanitarian and spiritual efforts kept on building up my PEP, and at 40 years of age, I decided to transform my life. I shut down India's largest store and leased it out as a mall. My positive emotions and energy gave me the confidence to become a philosopher, an author and a speaker. Today, my PEPhas helped me author three books, and I have started travelling all over the world to give talks and vibrate positive energy. Would all this ever have been possible without PEP? Certainly not!


My faith is so strong that I have decided to spend all my excess material wealth, beyond my basic needs, on humanitarian, inspirational and spiritual endeavors. My Positive Energy Power eliminates fear, doubt and worry about the future. I believe in the Universal Power, who can create miracles in my life, only if I have unconditional faith, hope and belief. My PEP, I must humbly state, has climbed peak after peak, and the power of the positive fills me from head to toe. I have been able to give up several negative qualities and PEPhas completely transformed my life.


Negative emotions have attacked me at times as they confront any living individual. Doubt, worry, fear, hesitation, hatred, indifference, pessimism, revenge and cynicism would knock at my door at every possible opportunity. But what did I do? What I did was very simple. When hate troubled me, I turned around and acted with love. When revenge consumed me, I would change it into forgiveness. I destroyed fear with courage, anger with calmness and worry with confidence. Whenever doubt fumed in the air, I diffused it with faith.


 It was not that my life was devoid of negative energy. Negative emotions kept knocking at my door but I did not let them in. I gently, but firmly, redirected them by converting them into corresponding positive energies. That is how the battle was won. Instead of allowing poison to flow into my life, I converted it into power. I changed every NEPpossibility into a PEPaction. I could see victory marching forward each time I chose PEP, leaving NEP far behind, destroyed and eliminated. And I kept practicing this until it became a habit.


I never let NEP raise its ugly head, and even if it did, PEP would shoot it down. I used to tell myself, “I will never allow negative thoughts, feelings, emotions and people to poison my life. I will accept only positive thoughts, feelings and people that will add to my positive power.”


How did I do this? I must share the secret of this Magic! I developed a habit that made me remain positive all the time. I got the inspiration for this habit from a very simple concept. Several times in life, I was faced with the situation of choosing between thinking positively and negatively; I knew I had the choice of reacting with a positive or negative attitude and taking either a positive or a negative decision.


So I devised the concept of a card, with PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) inscribed on one side and NMA (Negative Mental Attitude) on the other. Whenever I faced a negative circumstance, I would look at the NMAside of the card and turn it over to PMA. By doing so, I was consciously communicating to my mind that I had to react positively. Since my response and reaction were within my choice, the card would trigger a positive response instead of a negative one.


From time to time, we all face such choices, and I believe that using a card to flip over helped me convert my attitude from negative to positive. This card was so effective that I created a coin with PMA etched on one side and NMAon the other. I carried this coin with me at all times and would play with it by flipping it over from the negative to the positive side.


What I discovered with this concept was that at every stage in life, we have a choice between positivity and negativity. We are faced with emotions that are either nourishing or toxic and we need to make up our mind to carefully choose emotions that will enhance the quality of our life. But without the help of a trigger, we may at times end up choosing negativity, either by default or due to pressure. However, I would invariably choose a positive attitude over a negative one; similarly, anyone can choose faith over doubt, courage over fear and hope over despair.


The PMA/NMAcoin developed my willpower. It was so effective that although the idea started with a plastic card, it eventually became a bronze coin, then turned into silver and finally became an everlasting gold coin. Today, I still carry the coin with me at all times. It gives me the strong will that I need, to choose positivity. The PMA/NMAcoin and card triggered Positive Energy in my life. It helped me choose a positive attitude whenever I was going to react negatively.


In the last few years, I discovered that while I wanted to have a positive attitude and wanted to flip over from NMAto PMA, it was not possible, because the negative forces of NEP were too strong and dominated my life. I then discovered the power of PEPand how by filling our life with positive emotions it weakened NEP and made the process of flipping over from negative to positive easier.


In fact, I melted my gold coin, which had PMAand NMAon it, and made a coin with PEP and NEP inscribed on it. This is because I realized that while attitude was a choice most of the times, it generally followed our emotions and that if I filled my life with PEP, then I need not have to choose PMA; my attitude, response and reaction would automatically be positive.


My PEPstory is not a fairy tale. It is a factual account of how PEP helped me achieve success after success. And each success can be attributed not so much to my skill but more to my will that was born out of the positive energy I lived by. My PEPfilled me with energy that made the seemingly impossible possible and made me invincible at every step and in everything I did.


My story endorses the power of positive energy and my present life is a testament to it. I have chosen to share PEP with the world because I know that PEPhas transformed my life. And not just my life, but it has also transformed the lives of many others with whom I have been in touch with and shared this secret of PEP. I hope my PEP story will continue to inspire others to choose positive emotions over negative ones.


 If one has a choice to live with PEP or NEP, I see no benefit in choosing NEP. I only see failure and sorrow surrounding those who choose NEP, for their life will be led by their negative emotions, thoughts and actions and will lead to disaster. Not only does NEP create misery for those who choose it, but it also unleashes a chain of negativity and trouble for all those who come in contact with those afflicted with NEP. I say this with conviction because the PEP that I lived with vibrated positive energy to thousands and made people dream big and realize their dreams.


My PEPgives people hope and optimism and motivates them to be inspired with the belief that they too can do it. It continues to generate confidence, courage, joy, cheer, passion and power. Thousands of people have been positively influenced by the PEP that I live by.


Now, can there be a better testimonial for PEP than this? Use PEP and turn your life around from NEPto PEP, and you will experience the magic of living positively and arriving at the destiny of your dreams.