Power your Life with PEP by RVM - HTML preview

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1. Think Positive! Everybody would like to think positive all the time. But is it possible? In reality, you cannot always control thoughts, but surely, you can influence them.


How can you take total charge of your thoughts? This can be achieved by taking charge of your attitude. Attitude is the raw material for the thought factory (the mind) that manufactures thought. If our behavior, reaction or attitude were always positive, our thought too would be positive always. By taking charge of your attitude, you can influence and control your thought.


2. What is attitude? It is the way we react, respond and behave. Can we control it? Yes, we can almost control it, always. Our attitude is strongly influenced by our Emotions, which can be referred to as Energy in Motion, that is, the energy by which we live. If our life is full of positive emotions, we can live and react with a positive attitude. But if we choose negative emotions, our attitude will be negative. Attitude is critical for our life and it is a choice.


3. What are habits? Habits are like a strong cable that are built from repetitive thoughts, actions and behaviours. They are formed by the emotions we choose. Positive emotions create positive habits, just as negative emotions build negative habits. We form most of our habits in our childhood. But as we grow older, we can change these habits bit by bit. Our life depends on our habits. Our habits build our character. Therefore, we must take care to build positive habits.


4. Emotions are both Positive and Negative. Positive emotions create PEP – Positive Energy Power. The different emotions that create PEP are Faith, Hope, Enthusiasm, Joy, Love, Tranquility, Courage, Confidence, Optimism, Trust, Compassion, Forgiveness, Selflessness, Belief, Cheerfulness, Humility, Patience, Acceptance, Thankfulness, Sincerity, Proactive, Appreciation, Contentment, Kindness and Pleasantness. Imagine a life filled with all this positive energy. There would be no scope for thinking negatively or behaving and reacting negatively. PEP will push you toward Positivity and the good news is that you can choose to live with PEP!


5. NEP is not Negative Energy Power. It is Negative Energy Poison. Emotions like Doubt, Despair, Sorrow, Hate, Worry, Fear, Hesitation, Pessimism, Indifference, Revenge, Selfishness, Shame, Dispassion, Treachery, Depression, Impatience, Ungratefulness, Criticism, Greed, Cruelty, Ego, Hostility, Anger and Jealousy create poison in our life. They destroy positive thinking and positive attitude. Beware of NEP. Once it takes charge of your life, you will be filled with poisonous negative thoughts, actions, and habits and will eventually reach a negative destiny.


6. While attitude, thoughts, feelings, actions and habits influence each other, there is a clear chain that we must understand if we want to control our thoughts, actions and destiny. Positive energy leads to positive attitude; a positive attitude manufactures positive thoughts; positive thoughts generate positive feelings; positive feelings trigger positive actions; positive actions form positive habits; positive habits carve a positive character; a positive character leads to a positive destiny; and a positive destiny builds a positive life. Similarly, negative energy leads to a negative life. By choosing the energy and emotion with which we live, we can kick-start a chain reaction that will control our destiny and our life.


7. We know that PEP is Positive Energy Power and NEP is Negative Energy Poison and these create success or failure in life. The good news is that PEP or NEP is a choice. We can choose positive or negative energy by choosing the emotions that we live with. We can choose to take revenge or forgive; we can choose to love or hate; we can choose faith or doubt. These choices determine our destiny and the important thing is that it is our choice.


8. I have lived with PEP all my life. I always think positive because I have a positive attitude. I have a positive attitude because I choose positive emotions in all that I do. Throughout life, I have been confronted by negatives, but I have always chosen positives. The choice of PEP has destroyed NEP and led me from one success to another. PEP is no fairy tale. All successful people endorse it. I have lived each day of my life with it. Now, you too can choose a life ofPEP.


9. PEP and NEP are like two sides of a coin. Just like there is pleasure and pain, sun and rain, loss and gain, we have PEP and NEP in life as well. The secret is to flip over from NEP to PEP, that is, from the negative to the positive. Discover the secret by discovering the emotions and energy that create PEP. Every day, make it a point to choose emotions like love, faith and forgiveness over the negative ones like hate, doubt and revenge as they confront you. Each moment, wherein you flip over from NEP to PEP, deposits a positive power in your life, which will lead you to joy, success and fulfillment. But the key is to flip over. You Can!


10. You wanted to think positively all the time, but you thought you can't. Sure, you can't control thoughts, but now you have learnt how to influence them. By controlling your emotions and choosing positive energy, you build a positive attitude. This leads to positive thinking and crystallizes into positive habits. This way you can literally choose your thoughts. Not just your thoughts, you can even choose your destiny because your thoughts will lead you to feelings, actions, habits, character and finally to your destiny.


Therefore, choose PEP or Positive Energy Power in your life and eliminate NEP or Negative Energy Poison. Don't ever forget that this is a choice. So choose your destiny by flipping over from NEP to PEP in every possibility. You will see your life transforming into a more positive one. By choosing PEP as the dominating force ofyour life, you will soon experience joy and fulfillment like never before. You will learn to think and live Positively all the time.


 Reinforce your life with Positive Energy!

Now fill your life with positive energy. Are you convinced after reading this book that you should live with PEP? Are you keen to build positive emotions into your life? Are you determined to eliminate all negative behavior, negative thoughts and negative habits from your life?


I have created a set of 52 cards called the “PEP Cards” or “Positive Energy Power Cards.” They have a positive attribute, value or emotion printed on one side and a corresponding negative one on the other. These cards can help you build all the positive energy you need to turn from NEPto PEP. To create positive reinforcements for yourself, build a positive foundation and eliminate negativity from your life; these cards will be the key for your transformation.


Cut the perforated cards attached herewith and keep them with you at all times. Flip over from NEP to PEP, and transform your life!


Use the PEP cards to PowerYour Life with PEP


What you hold in your hands isn't just a pack of cards; in your hands is a treasure that can transform your life. These cards challenge you to flip over from being negative to being positive, that is, choosing the orange positive emotion (which gives power) over the black negative emotion (which is poisonous). Ask yourself each time, what would you choose? Remember, the choice is completely yours. And your life is in your hands.


This pack contains 52 cards, each having two sides: black and orange. While black stands for Negative Poison, orange stands for Positive Power. Look at both the sides of each card and think for a while. For instance, if you've picked up a card that has “Revenge” on one side and “Forgiveness” on the other, think and find out which emotion dominates your life. Keep that side facing up and go to the next card. This card may have “Fulfillment” on one side and “Jealousy” on the other. Ask yourself which of these overtakes the other in your life. Keep that side facing up. Repeat the same process with all 52 cards; you will find some orange and a few black cards facing upwards.


 Keep the orange cards together, look at them every day and keep building on the positive emotions by reflecting upon them. Then, look at the black cards that have negative emotions on them. These rob us of our happiness. Each time the negative emotion fills your life, suppress it consciously using willpower and choose the opposite positive emotion.


This is an individual exercise, therefore be candid. The goal is clearly to turn over from negative to positive. Make it a habit to go through these cards regularly, no matter where you are and what you are doing – waiting for an appointment, watching T.V., travelling or just before you go to sleep. Make use of these cards and challenge yourself to overcome all the negative emotions, one by one. Once all the cards facing you are orange, you will know that your life is full of PEP, and this will lead you to bliss, joy, prosperity, achievement and success. Positive emotions and feelings form the backbone of a happy and joyful life.


Remember, your life is in your hands. You are in command of it. Make the most of it by filling it with a treasure of positive emotions. A positive life is a priceless possession and worth more than all the material wealth of a millionaire. Generate positive energy in your life – a power that will help you rejoice and be a blessing to the people around. And these cards can do it for you!