Power your Life with PEP by RVM - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


 Now Can You Think and Live Positively All the Time?


Gone are the days when we had to be helpless with negativity ruling our life. We wanted to be positive, but we could not. We could not control our mind and our thought. Somehow, even while we wished to think and live positively, it was not possible.


 Now, we have discovered PEPand we can power our life with this Positive Energy Power. Let us recall what we have discovered.


We have discovered that we cannot control our thought. The mind keeps producing thoughts the way a popcorn machine produces pop corn. These thoughts could be positive or negative depending upon the raw material that we feed into the mind. We learnt that attitude is the raw material for thought and that if we filled our mind with positive attitude, our thoughts too can be positive. Whenever we react negatively, the mind in turn produces negative thoughts. We further learnt that attitude is not just the raw material to produce thoughts, but it also crystallizes into habits. Habits, in turn, produce thoughts. We understood in the Thought Chain that thoughts lead to feelings, actions, habits, character and destiny, and if we wish to control our destiny, we can do so by controlling our thoughts.


 All the Time?However, we know that we cannot control thought directly but can certainly influence it through our attitude. But how do we control our attitude? We discovered that attitude is created by emotions. Emotion is the energy in motion that makes us respond and react. Therefore, the most important aspect of our life is emotions. We also identified that emotions are either positive or negative. The positive emotions together constitute PEP, Positive Energy Power, and negative emotions cumulatively create NEP, Negative Energy Poison. Finally, our significant revelation was that if we chose PEP and eliminated NEP, our life would be full of positive energy, positive attitude and positive thoughts. This automatically led to positive feelings, actions, habits and a positive destiny. And the biggest discovery of all was that this is a “Choice.” At every instance of life, we have a choice to choose PEP or NEP. If we discover and make PEPthe source of our life, we can think and live positively all the time.


First of all, our life will be full of positive energy. The positive emotions will create an aura of positivity. PEP will make sure we react, think, feel and act positively, infusing our life with positive energy.


 Does this mean that there will be no more negativity in life? Of course not! In reality, we will meet different types of people, some of whom may be filled with either PEP or NEP. These people will invoke either positive or negative reactions in us depending upon their actions. They may act positively or negatively; we cannot control their actions. But if our life is full of PEP, we can certainly control our reactions and choose to react positively. We will not let NEPproduce a negative attitude and negative thoughts, actions and reactions.


Why do we react negatively at times? If our life is full of PEP, chances are that our impulsive reactions will also be positive. If sometimes, a negative action is very strong, we may momentarily react negatively and think negatively, but if the foundation of PEPis stronger, we will soon bounce back with positivity, destroying the negative energy that confronted us.


Filling our life with PEPis an ongoing process. Every day, we need to nourish the body by eating healthy food, drinking clean water and breathing fresh air continuously to live. Similarly, we also need to imbibe positive emotions of Love, Hope, Faith, Courage,

 All the Time?Confidence and Compassion. We consistently and continuously choose specific emotions to rule our life. If we keep building PEP, the source of our life becomes stronger and stronger, making our life full of positivity. Occasionally, if we let NEP – anger, worry, fear, frustration, hate and revenge – enter our life, we are draining our PEP and creating an opportunity for our mind to think negatively. However, if we eliminate the negative emotions completely by not allowing any of the negatives to enter our life, we will kill the source of negative energy and thereby the source of negative attitude, negative thought, feeling and action.


If only we understand the power of PEPand how dangerous NEPis, we will eliminate NEP completely and choose PEP all the time. If we understand PEPand the Thought Chain and start living our life with PEP, that is, with Freedom, Strength, Happiness, Calmness, Enthusiasm, Smiles, Kindness, Faith, Optimism, Love and other positive emotions, we can think and live positively all the time. The choice is ours!

