Power your Life with PEP by RVM - HTML preview

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 Chapter 4


 Power Your Life with PEP


Although the Thought Chain is a very simple concept, people have not understood how they can control their thoughts, feelings, actions, reactions, moods, beliefs, will, habits, character and destiny. All these are part of the Thought Chain, and if the first link of this chain is positive, the entire chain becomes positive. Begin with a negative link and you have no choice but to end with a negative life.


What is the first link of this chain that will determine our life? What is it that can ensure that the mind produces only positive thoughts? We know that if the mind produces positive thoughts, then we don't have to worry about feelings and actions. Once the mind shelters positive habits, beliefs and will matching its positive attitude, we can rest assured that the mind cannot be wrongly influenced by negative attitude. This is because the source of energy for the mind is so potent that it cannot be misdirected.


What is the original source of this energy for the mind? The energy in the mind is not static; rather it is in a state of flux and makes the mind active or creates motion in the mind. This same energy is responsible for our attitude and also builds our willpower and is further responsible for crystallizing into habit through attitude.


This energy becomes the life force of the mind. Not only does it produce the raw material that manufactures thought but also lends an aura to the mind, which creates the mood that also leads the mind to manufacture thought. This active energy in motion is nothing but our EMOTIONS.


What are emotions? Emotions are those powerfully strong feelings by which we live. They are the “Energy in Motion.” They are not mere impulses that follow thoughts but are derived from certain choices we make; these are choices that each one of us make as we grow up. Emotions can be either positive or negative and they build the foundation of our life. They are the source of all the factors that influence our thoughts, feelings, actions and destiny.


As we grow up, our life is filled with emotions – emotions that we can choose and emotions that we can change at any time. We are influenced by emotions not just as kids but also as we grow into adults. We choose our emotions till the last day of our lives. It is this choice of emotions that controls our life's destiny.


Emotions can be positive or negative. We can choose the emotion “love,” and this energy in motion will make us affectionate and will prompt us to behave in a friendly and warm way. Alternatively, we can choose the emotion “hate,” which will create unrest in our heart and mind, creating negative feelings and thoughts. The good news is that whether the emotion is love or hate, it is our choice. We can choose to fill our life with love or hate. The moment we fill our life with either of these emotions, we choose a source of energy that creates a motion that will trigger attitude, thought, feelings and actions.


Let us look at another choice of negative emotion over positive emotion. When someone does something to insult us in front of several people, we vow to take revenge, that is, we choose the negative emotion of “revenge.” This emotion not only fills our mind with poison at that instance but also leads to the production of poisonous and toxic negative thoughts. Once the negative emotion establishes itself as a source of energy in the mind, the mind begins to be controlled by it. In fact, we develop negative habits and a negative mood and our positive willpower gets destroyed. Negative thoughts are produced leading to negative feelings, actions and destiny. Instead, if we chose forgiveness, this positive emotion would create peace and tranquility. The mind would be at rest and there would be no worries. Positive thoughts will be produced and this would result in a positive destiny.


So, the good news is that we can chooseemotions in our life. We can overcome negative emotions by making a conscious choice of the corresponding positive emotion and thus power our life with PEP.


What is PEP?


 PEP is Positive Energy Power. It is a power that can lead us to a positive destiny. It is the choice of positive emotions that can power our life with positive energy. PEP acts as a source of energy and nourishes the mind. PEP, which is a combination of positive emotions, produces positive attitude that manufactures positive thoughts that build positive habits. PEPalso creates a positive mood that influences the mind to produce positive thoughts. PEPcreates a positive willpower directly and indirectly. PEP is a source that determines a positive life. If only we understand PEPand accept it, we would be able to think positively and live positively all the time!


Is it that simple? Yes and no! If you power your life with PEP, you have discovered the way to a positive life. However, many of us are unfortunate and have the presence of NEP, Negative Energy Poison, in our life. Just as PEPcan power our life, NEPcan destroy our life. It can create toxins and poisons that can devastate our life through negative thoughts, negative feelings, negative actions, negative habits and a negative destiny.


NEP creates a negative mood and a negative aura in the mind. It kills the positive will that PEPcreates and pushes us into the whirl of negativity. While NEPis so powerful, what is most encouraging and exciting is that at any given time or circumstance, we can always change and choose PEP. Yes, you can power your life with PEPand take charge of your thoughts and life!