Re-Engineering Yourself with Dynamic Affirmations by Chrisanthia Pierre - HTML preview

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1) Have a clear thought of a thing you want.
2) Find the feeling place of what it would be like to have that thing you want.
3) Write out an affirmation emphasizing your feelings of having it now.
4) Become comfortable and begin to experience in your inner mind what it is to now have or be the thing you desire.
5) As you hold the inner image begin to repeat the affirmation over and over until you have a rhythm of it.
6) As the rhythm builds focus on your feelings of it. Let’s say you choose, “I am now happy to be healthy and fit.” Focus all your feelings on the happy feelings while repeating the statement and holding the image. Notice the feeling of happy growing inside of you.


7) This is what you want to capture and hold for as long as you can. Ideally 20-30 minutes would be best.

The idea is to get the new rhythmic vibration to shift through and replace the old. This exercise should be done daily until you are witness to the physical manifestation of the thing you want. It should also be fun and enjoyable and done with the confidence that you are actually reengineering your mental, physical and emotion self. You can transform yourself in months and radically improve all aspects of yourself.

Where there is failure and blocks can now be replaced with success and power.