Re-Engineering Yourself with Dynamic Affirmations by Chrisanthia Pierre - HTML preview

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Powerful Affirmations That Work

Reprogramming your beliefs:
I feel a powerful connection to the infinite source

Which guides me
Everything comes to me quickly, effortlessly and with great joy
I am a powerful creative center
Whatever I hold in my mind with focus must come into my

Everything is perfectly timed to enter my life
I am a powerful creative being
Each and everyday I am getting better in every way

Reprogramming your self image:

My body is a divine instrument of light
I feel exhilarated with each breath that purifies my body
I now carry my body with poise and confidence
I feel deep love for all the ways that my body has served me
I am attractive and exciting
I radiate an inner and outer beauty where ever I go
My body is healthy and vibrant
I am more personable and charismatic
People are attracted to me where ever I go
I now take total control of the thoughts that enter my mind

Reprogramming Yourself for Wealth:

Money comes to me quickly and easily
It is my divine right to be abundant
I now earn and spend money wisely
I am guided in meeting all my financial goals
Financial opportunities attract themselves to me
I respect money as a divine part of life

Now that you have a better idea of the making of a good affirmation take these suggestions and tailor them to suite your needs adding your FEELING words to each. It is amazing how the mind takes instructions from you. The emotions with the intent will elevate your well being transforming you. As a group we are more inclined to do things which bring us joy. Giving your mind instructions of positive emotions along with purpose will yield faster results

Apply these techniques to all aspects of your life.

You will realize that life becomes easier once you take control of your internal program.
Now that you have a greater understanding to the process of shifting your energy and aligning yourself with affirmations dive even deeper into the methods which will elevate your life.

How to use your thoughts in a precise way that
will bring to you the things that you desire.

How your thoughts influence everything in
your life.




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