Reaching Out by Stephen Tan - HTML preview

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Chapter 97 More Morality, Less Misery.

The present scenario. In this world many people have swimming pools, others are struggling to keep their heads above water. Some cry tears of joy while many lament in sorrow. Jonathan Swift noted, "Nothing is so hard for those who abound in riches as to conceive how others can be in want. The income gap between the rich and poor is big and widening, yet many are oblivious of it. Ruthless ambitions and moral decay is becoming widespread. Amidst economic abundance, many of us starve, not just physically, but spiritually.

The lack of spirituality shows in the global expenditure on the arms race, which has an annual budget approaching US$1 trillion! It is amazing that humans, wiser and more intelligent than animals, still use guns and bombs to settle differences. History has revealed us as atomic giants and ethical dwarfs, Martin Luther bemoaned this, "War is the greatest plaque that can afflict humanity; it destroys religion, it destroys states, it destroys families. The money spent yearly on weapons, drugs and alcohol, lost in corruption, wasted in huge income disparity and idleness are in trillions of dollars. Just think what we could do for the world with these funds. Pricks on our conscience come from the millions of needy and suffering. Take for example, the estimate by UNICEF of child prostitutes, which in Asia alone numbered 640,000! The high rates of teenage pregnancies, cohabitation, single-parents and divorces, coupled with the decline of the nuclear family, are a great threat to the mental and spiritual health of society, and this increases social disorders and crime. It is high time morality and religion are embedded in our economic and political policies.

The causes. Misery arises from: 1. Illiteracy. 2. Lack of nutrition and medi-care resulting in diseases and famines. 3. Incoherent families or broken marriages. 4. Racial, territorial and political conflicts. 5. Injustice. 6. Uneven distribution of incomes, and poverty. (No doubt there are unequal efforts and achievement, but uneven distribution is also caused by tax evasion, greediness of the rich, corruption, the unjustifiable use of power and lack of democracy). Many politicians should remember: That which is morally wrong cannot be politically right.

There are many roots of evil. Take the common, everyday example of vice and violence on the mass media. The quantity shown in TV and cinemas is shocking. There seems to be endless shouting and shooting, contriving and conning, arguments and brutal fights, torture and killings; turning humans into hyenas. What a culture to display, to develop and to keep! Have we no sense of shame? It is appalling how governments and communities could condone these, or even turn their coats to enjoy or propagate such degraded human behaviour. The impact on society is very grave. I am speechless. Words fail me here…

This is where the seeds of misery are sown. If children and adults see cunning and cruelty, wantonness and wickedness as an integral part of life, they will unconsciously learn and assume such roles. The world is so rich in variety, beauty, scenery, wonder, opportunities and experiences, why should we immerse ourselves in torment and grief on the screen? The way I see it, even junk TV and magazines are bad enough, especially those supporting superstitions, voodoos, black magic, social misfits, weird clans and sects. I think they should be curtailed. Whatever happened to music, humour, science, nature, wild life, sightseeing or religious teaching? Have they never thought of imparting ping-pong or piano skills, engineering or economics, even handicrafts or invention ideas on TV? Let this chapter be a challenge to law-makers, community leaders, parents and teachers. Let them search their hearts and scratch their conscience.

Evil is also brewed by ignorance of ones potential, and by a lack of moral conviction. It also springs from false beliefs. We have created wars under some strong misconceptions: That competition, territorial disputes, force and aggression are natural and necessary; that life is a competitive, dog-eat-dog game, not a complementary and co-operative one; that the end (gains, settlement of disputes) justifies the means (exploitation, fighting); that you can derive good from bad and peace from war. Mans selfish greed for wealth and power clouds his conscience and this brings more vice and problems to society.

Psychologically, cruel acts can further develop cruel attitudes, until actions and attitude boost each other in an escalating spiral. When people are no longer bothered by anguish, they begin to inflict agony on others. Eventually they become brutal to shield themselves from brutality. One global danger is that, when people live amidst injustice and conflicts, they tend to become insensitive to cruelty, eventually they may even perpetuate evil themselves. This explains why in war time, soldiers become heartless and they kill with ease, then more atrocities are committed. Those who start a war should remember, two wrongs do not make one right; they only bring more wrongs. Over the years, war criminals who gassed or buried thousands never questioned whether what they did was right or wrong. They thought their obsessive missions outweighed everything else, even their conscience and moral laws.

The mind and heart are the basis of human thoughts, words, actions and the various outcomes. Many forms of misfortunes are man-made, be it poverty, conflicts or bloodshed. Even seemingly natural disasters like erosion, flooding and famines are caused by humans, through long periods of carelessness and complacency. If we populate a poorer country with the diligent and progressive German and Japanese people, I believe a better picture would emerge after 20 years, or sooner!

Fortunately there are rewards and retribution in this life. Take a case in point: It was thrilling to hear that the suffering of Laszlo Tokes, a Romanian priest (who protested against the cruel dictatorship of President Ceausescu) actually flared a revolution that deluged Romania and downed Ceausescu in 3 days! Similar punishments have emerged around the globe. Meanwhile, let us dress the worlds wounds. Let us substitute bread for bombs, health for hunger, peace for pain, virtue for violence. Let us find the cures.

The likely cures. It is reassuring to know there are still redeeming features in us, Kind acts further breed kinder attitude in a virtuous (and not vicious) spiral. We need to cultivate sensitivity and empathy, otherwise, we become numb to other peoples anguish. Fairness, and provision of welfare and amenities on the part of governments will eliminate much of the jealousy, spite and lawlessness among citizens. While much violence comes from external inputs, more is generated from the core. A person with neither moral codes nor control of his emotions is at risk, as grudge and vengeance are breeding grounds of wickedness and crimes. Imagine such a person leading a country, or its government troops, or the rebellion army!

The world comprises people; its future and welfare start at the individual level, before things move out into society. The civilians, parents, teachers, community and national leaders must instil moral values daily. They have very weighty responsibilities indeed.

Much of the earths suffering would go if people could find love, warmth and fun at home, instead of looking for excitement elsewhere. Every infant should be lured to healthy sports, reading, music, arts and science…, the list is long. Each must be taught the perpetual integrity of siding righteousness against wrongdoing. Maturity and wisdom are important, they give us values and virtues, and shields us from sin. Above all, everyone must be loved.

The elimination of evil can only be done with the spread of love, goodness and justice among all. Rockefeller, the American statesman reminded us, "Never forget that the most powerful force on earth is love. Dr Joyce Brothers supplemented this: "But the miracle that still does most to lengthen life, to make it happy, is the oldest miracle we know. It is the miracle of love... people who are good are happy. To change the world we must change the hearts, the values and beliefs within; we must instil love and understanding. Religious guidance and practices are the best ways to go about this.

Religion is a powerful force on earth, embraced by some 1,900 million Christians, 1,200 million Muslims, 760 million Hindus, 340 million Buddhists and millions of others. Imagine a world without a creed! Furthermore, religious bodies help us cope better with personal losses and failures, especially when crises are insurmountable, and are likely to compound themselves. Spirituality provides hope, inspiration, solace, a meaning in life with something to live and die for; it brings acceptance of self, life and the world.

Religious groups improve social belongings and erase loneliness and despair. Love is always in the mosques and churches and other places of worship, where people run to in moments of difficulties and desperation. Moral knowledge and principles are for living and acting rightly. They bring with them moral courage, uprightness and strength of character.

Sociologist and related experts surveyed and found that religious people gave more to charity than the non-religious ones, which is not surprising. Religious consciousness takes people out of the narrow I-Me-Mine world, into one with greater concern for others. Consequently, this led to the set up in various countries of hospitals, schools, shelters, care and counselling centres for the disturbed and distressed. Religion spreads kindness, forgiveness and peace, which the world needs badly. A common religious saying is: "Love your enemy. I think it is a good idea. It would embarrass them, make them feel foolish and soften them!

A belief in God makes society wholesome. A wholehearted submission to Gods teaching and grace makes the world a better place. Otherwise, politically- made laws and wishes can turn society upside down as they have done in history, when perpetuators of wars and bloodshed turned their backs to God. Francis Bacon stressed this point, "They that deny a God, destroy mans nobility... and if he be not of kin to God by his spirit, he is a base and ignoble creature. Lenin, following Marx, hated the religious and believed that Christianity, preaching humility, should be removed. Hitler believed that "the will to power had replaced God, and started the horrific and devastating Second World War.

All the following have big parts to play: Governments, welfare institutions, eradication of corruption, guns and drugs control, liquor laws, parents, teachers, religious bodies, social ties, friendship, and lastly, ourselves. The lives of children also bear testimony to our success or failure as parents and governments. You can tell the direction and future of a nation by looking at how its youngsters are developing. As they learn and grow, we must impart to them spiritual values beyond money and mansions, dollars and diamonds, beyond material interests.

It is time we befriend right and banish wrong, and teach righteousness to the young and old. The recognition of morality is only half the battle, it is the practice and perfecting of it that completes our world mission. How worthless it is, to have affluence without aim, opulence with no objectives, and prosperity void of purpose. Let us have healthy competition rather than envy; generosity against greed; understanding, reconciliation and forgiveness instead of suspicion, vengeance and war. It is time earth-saving projects replaces nuclear tests, and care and harmony are in place of neglect and conflict. Lets make a concerted effort towards social wellbeing and world peace. Lets solve environmental issues, preserve green habitats, eradicate illness and famines, end poverty and hunger, and settle disputes and conflicts.

We can do it now, we can start immediately, from within ourselves, our homes and neighbourhoods. This would be a better world if we could love others as we love ourselves, and if the power of love could replace the love of power!

We fervently hope that soon the human race would find some kind of a spiritual revival with a flood of charity, goodwill and love; a world family and brotherhood of man; the unity of various religions to spread morals and to pray in unison. That will be the day!

"The greatest men in all ages have been lovers of their kind. All true leaders of men have it. Faith in men and regard for men are unfailing marks of true greatness." - Emerson.

"The only medicine for suffering, crime, and all the other woes of mankind, is wisdom." - Thomas H. Huxley.

"Morality is the best of all devices for leading mankind by the nose." - Nietzsche.

"Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing wonder and awe - the starry heavens above me, and the moral law within me." - Immanuel Kant.

"Who is mighty? One who makes an enemy into a friend." - Hebrew proverb.

"Resentment and anger, these are foul things. He who exacts vengeance will experience the vengeance of the Lord." - Ecclesiasticus.

"Man must evolve for all human con flict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love." - Martin Luther King Jr.