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Chapter 32 The Magic of the Positive Mind.

The workings of our minds are of such complexity and endless intrigues that experts will probably never stop wondering and probing, for the remainder of human existence. Something strange and elusive is determining the vast difference in the success and happiness of people, and it is not as simple as luck or talent. Since the outside environment is complex and difficult for everyone alike, the chief determinant of success and happiness is none other than our positive attitude and inner selves. The world is beginning to realise that what really matters is the way we think and plan, the way we direct and mobilise our resources. Our thoughts affect the way we act, and mould the kind of lives we will live. The belief that we can succeed boosts our likelihood of success tremendously.

The great Psychologist William James commented, „The gr eatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitude of mind. He added, „Most people live, whether physically, intellectually or morally, in a very restricted circle of their potential being. Without a doubt the human intellect is one of Gods most wonderful creations. Besides, there are immeasurable power and cosmic energy in the universe. Part of this energy permeates our minds, which are centres of some kind of human electro-magnetic field. This power can do much wonder, and nothing on earth can match it in intelligence and potency. The human being has conscience, will, reason, emotion, imagination, the 5 senses, and the subconscious with its 6th sense and extrasensory perception. The average person is potentially a greater person than we normally realise. We can make just about anything of our lives, anything we wish and work for!

You are so lucky, nothing is more fortunate than someone who discovers his minds powers early in life, this saves you years of hardship and problems! I wish I had made this discovery earlier myself. Now, if you want success, you can have it. Your future can be excellent and smashing, far beyond your dreams!

Thoughts are so powerful that they can sicken or heal, freeze or motivate, win friends or make enemies, and eventually make or break us! The medical world abounds in evidence of the minds effect on health. For example, Dr G. Solomon and R. Moos (of Stanford Universitys Medical School) examined the histories of 5,000 rheumatoid arthritis patients, and concluded that the patients emotional states influenced their physical conditions. In other medical researches, feelings of depression were matched to the recurrence of genital herpes. Mental stress was found to be a suppresser of our human immune system. Then there is the miraculous healing power at Lourdes in France. So far some 7,000 people have been cured of diseases, many of them recovered as a result of their beliefs. Can you recall Mr Addingtons conclusion in his book 100 Per Cent Mind Power after working on over 20,000 people? Whenever a person rights his thinking process, his outer experience changes and rights itself!

So remember always: All our thoughts tend to take tangible forms and materialise in our lives, they create our reality. Now, Let me give you some guidelines, please digest and memorise them:

1. Awaken your mind. It has all the mental wealth for prosperity and joy. Make it an adventure and personal challenge to learn more about it and to use its immense power. Practise first, by thinking positively.

2. Daily thoughts are crucial. They can be creative or destructive. Even a few words spoken here and there are full of impact and can change your life. Sometimes these words do not even have to be true for the mind to accept them. Words of praise and high expectation, for example, can motivate people. You can also think your way out of laziness, problems, anger or depression. For the next 24 hours, think and speak positively about everything in your life. Do that for a few weeks and see its amazing results.

3. Limitations and negativism were acquired by people after birth, and selfimposed. Cowardice and lethargy crept in over the years and tightened their hold. These were bedevilled by other additives: Underrating and selling themselves short; allowing worry and concern to dominate their living; blaming others; letting other people run their lives; failure to organise and direct their resources to higher goals and indulging in wishful thinking instead of purposeful thinking. In contrast, the man with a positive attitude never gives up, he always finds a way.

4. You can choose your thoughts, and consequently, your future. You also have divine guidance and protection from God, there is nothing to fear. He has given you full control of your mental faculties and you can think whatever thoughts you like, no matter what happens. This freedom is very precious. In times of hardship and distress you can focus your thoughts to right the wrongs and turn things around. Such strengths can cushion you against great misfortune. You must always select the thoughts to advance your best interests.

5. There are ways to develop positive thinking. Firstly, nurture a strong sense of control (something parents should cultivate early in their children by singing praises of their little triumphs). Tackle problems swiftly with a feeling of infallibility and invincibility. Regain that original state of human mind, free from timidity. Secondly, think big, without limitations. Thirdly, use regular visualisations and affirmations, a skill I will impart to you later. Fourthly, avoid forcing the mind to accept suggestions, it may not work; instead convince it in a natural way. Lastly, shun negativism and negative people, and put in positives as replacements.

Go on, and replace your concern with confidence, despair with hope, problems with opportunities, discontent with gratitude, suspicion with trust, spite with love, gloom with cheer, etc. In another chapter, I will give you a useful „vocabulary to handle daily situations. It is interesting to note, that among friends I can easily spot the negative ones. They habitually say: „Not that easy...Dont count the chicken before they're hatched...its so competitive and difficult... and true enough, they turn out to be the unsuccessful ones!

In ending, I beg you to carve these words in your mind: All our thoughts tend to take tangible forms and materialise in our lives, they create our reality.

"Success or failure in business is caused more by mental attitude even than by mental capacities." - Walter D. Scott.