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Chapter 33 The Miraculous Subconscious.

We talked about our conscious mind, and its positive thinking. Now let us probe deeper into our subconscious. Have you never noticed that whenever you decided to wake at 6 AM, you always did automatically? Sometimes, I was trying to get through to a friends phone while he was busy dialling to me! On other occasions, we „talked of the devil and he appeared. We often gossiped and laughed through miles of demanding city traffic, without even knowing we were driving! Many „perceptive people can often guess a word we have written or something we hide inside one of our palms. That is the naughty behaviour of our subconscious. Its operation is outside our awareness, but it is always there, running 24 hours a day, and it even serves as our alarm clock!

Today we know the computer better than we know the mind that created the computer! The mind is so mysterious that it earns its place in Gods Divine Scheme, more than other earthly things. We must revere it and tend it well. It is divided into two parts. Psychologists call the conscious the objective, waking mind, the surface self. The subconscious is termed the subjective, sleeping mind, the deep, hidden self.

The conscious mind is voluntary because you can easily control it; but the subconscious is involuntary and you can only manage part of it in a special way. The experts recognise that the conscious deals with immediate experience; while the subconscious goes off silently, into a world of its own, but there it is quietly cooking something for you! It runs the vital processes, including breathing and heartbeats. It is life-preserving. It provides your amazing intuitive capacity, and knows the answers to most problems. The outer mind reacts dramatically to whatever you think, but the inner subconscious is recording things secretly. Then it starts to affect your behaviour and destiny, in a way imperceptible to you. Those emotions and understanding that are stored away form our beliefs system that sways the outcomes in our lives. Those who have been negatively programmed over the years will therefore, have a tougher time reaching success. So be careful with your subconscious, and watch over your thoughts. It deserves good inputs just like the body, otherwise, you have a „garbage in and garbage out situation.

Here are the important guidelines for you:

1. Make the best use of your subconscious in your sleep. This power functions round-the-clock and works best in slumberland. The reasons are obvious; daytime bustles and hustles unsettle this hidden faculty. Harness your subconscious through prayers and deepfelt wishes before bedtime. An example is: „Almighty God, my Heavenly Father, I cant thank You enough for everything...I know Youll protect and guide me continuously towards joy and well-being...all problems will be solved in my sleep...Ill wake up stronger for a better day... Add visualisation and affirmation, and the mind will take over automatically from there. Successful composers and writers professed that they prayed before they slept. Even cat-naps boosted their creativity and accomplishment.

2. Use your subconscious to erase any trace of negativism. You should not say, „I cant afford this, say „I will buy this later. Never think: „This is a long-drawn and difficult project, think: „This task takes time and is easier done in stages. As I mentioned before, you must also replace negative thoughts with positive ones quickly, never give them even a split-second chance to tarnish your spirit and substance. Develop specific mental rehearsals too, to counter any snags that may pop up later. For feelings of recurring fears, confront those fears in their real-life situations, and prove to yourself those fears are unfounded. If you can do all the above, I can assure you, you will go a long way. All fears, frustrations, gripes and grudges, etc, must go. 

3. Harness your subconscious for beautiful human relationships. Do this by visualising and dwelling on others strengths and goodness, with altruism. Expect and earn their affection and support in return. Over the years, people reported meeting someone by „coincidence, who inspired and empowered them to make plans which led to success. We shall see these funny, subconsciously-triggered coincidences later. 

4. Manage your inner mind for healing, happiness and achievements. Mental images and anticipation of desired outcomes can do wonders, if supported by tranquillity, prayers, beliefs, cheerfulness, enthusiasm, drive, determination and excellent performance; try them!

The subconscious accepts straightforward auto-suggestions, but it is strong enough to pose a hiccup or blockage when it smells a rat. Most people aspire to be rich and happy, yet many are not successful, even with the right goals, desires, and self-suggestions. This is because the subconscious detects values and beliefs which are not sincere and absolute. These people are half-hearted, or they force themselves to go against their true conviction. The unconscious system overrides the conscious wishes of these people. It does it so silently that people fall short of their goals in surprise and frustration. In other words, your values must be truly embraced by you, your faith must be total, your goals must have wholehearted commitment, your desire and enthusiasm must be real and consuming. You get what you deserve!

Funny enough, the opposite can also prevail. Some people think they are plain, yet they breeze through to great success without efforts. Their faith (probably programmed since childhood) is so deeply-rooted that they are thrust easily onto grand achievements. Despite the paradox here, be assured that when you are fervent and sincere, your subconscious will always obey your command. That is why yogis can decrease their heartbeat and body temperature subconsciously; others can bar incoming injuries in religious trance. This hidden spirit is success-directed, problem-solving, and pain-reducing in all of us. In concluding, I want you to know that even the subconscious played a part in making McDonalds the largest chain of eateries world-wide. Its creator Ray Kroc said, „I saw in my mind hundreds of McDonalds restaurants in all corners of the land. Isnt life exciting?

"I believe in the God force that lives inside all of us, and once you tap into that you can do anything." - Oprah Winfrey, TV star.

"If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves." - Thomas Edison.

"Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions."  - O. W. Holmes.