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Chapter 34 Visualisation and Affirmation, the Magic Carpet.

A singer-musician got into a horrific accident 21 years ago. A log from a timber truck burst through his windscreen and squashed him. Doctors gave up hope as he lay in a coma for days, linked to a life-support machine. Then came a lady from the music company. She held his lifeless hand - the only visible thing under the massive bandages - and sang a spiritual song loudly to him. Soon his subconscious heard her and his hand began to twitch! He recovered, and months later he went on to do the famous hit You Are the Sunshine of My Life. He is none other than our great Stevie Wonder. The singing was a special affirmation to his subconscious.

There is an interesting story from Al Korans book Bring Out The Magic In Your Mind. A lady was craving for a piano, but had no money to buy it. She often visualised it there in her room, and fantasised dusting and playing it. Weeks later, someone called and asked if she wanted to buy a piano - an idea he got when he passed the house! The lady declined as she could not afford it. One day, she gave her seat in the bus to an old lady. They got off the bus at the same place, then the lady asked: „Would you know anyone who could keep my piano for me? I have to live abroad for a few years.

In my own home, the same has happened in our midst! My second daughter has been begging for a puppy for 2years, and I told her: „Try visualisation, and feel the puppy in your hand. „Dad I do! She replied sadly, „But it doesnt work. As her birthday drew near, My wife decided to give her what she craved so much for, as the deprivation was beginning to hurt her. The puppy came. Visualisation did work for Lavinia after all!

An Australian Medical Journal once reported: „Chinese doctor and nephew lost in snow...temperature below freezing point...alive the next day! The doctor recounted his meditation and visualisation throughout the night, based on a mythological dragons fire. They diffused themselves with warmth! Such tools were also used by Australian psychiatrists Dr A. Meares and Dr C. Simonton, who claimed many successes in treating cancer patients.

Such mind manipulation has been used since the 1950s by the Russians in training programmes, and since then they have won numerous Olympic medals. Nowadays, most sports champions and super salespeople employ visualisation and affirmation. Those who do not risk being outmatched by those who do. A case in point is A. Schwartznegger, who said, „Its all in the mind. When I was young, I visualised myself being and having what it was I wanted...The mind is really so incredible. Before I won my first Mr Universe, I walked around the tournament like I owned it. I had won it so many times in my mind that there was no doubt that I would win it. Muhammad Ali, the great boxer, always chanted 3 words before his winning fights: „Im the greatest! He had affirmed and predicted his victories! The great Buddha commented, „All that we are is a result of what we have thought.

You can recall that Mr Hilton of the global hotel chain, who finally bought the hotel he dreamed of buying for his mother. In another incident, I learned that a marketing millionaire in North America ended up - to her surprise - buying the exact Rolls-Royce she had visualised in a picture on her wall! Experiments in schools also showed that students who were told that they had done well in previous tests, actually went on to do better in the next attempt! Tests showed patients who were given „good pills got well on dummy placebo pills. John Robinson, head of the International Harper Group said, „Without my belief system, my company would be a quarter of its current size...I see a hand signing the completed contract. I do this everyday, sometimes for years, until it happens. Well, if the above incidents are not enough to convince you of the magic of visualisation and affirmation, few things will.

The Bible says, „As a man thinketh, so is he. Elbert Hubbard gave the best advice: ‘Picture in your mind the able, earnest useful person you desire to be, and the thought you hold is hourly transforming you into that particular individual you admire.’ Successful people in many fields use imaging. They rehearse their beautiful, faultless performance, step by step the night before. Learn to visualise, it is easy; just relax in a quiet area, then form vivid mental pictures of desired situations and outcomes in your mind. If you can physically touch the piano, car or house that you want, it is even better. Do it as often as you can. The subconscious has no past, present and future. It is all here and now; that is why traumatic experiences and phobias can affect people for years. Neither does the subconscious worry about truth or fantasy. This is a blessing in disguise, because whatever you fantasise and want in the future can be made here-and-now, sooner!

Now, here are examples of affirmations: „Fun! Everyday Im getting better in every way...My beliefs system already puts me ahead of others...I came this way but once, so Im making the best of every minute...Theres a giant inside me, waiting to burst through...Nothing real or imaginary can stop my advance... You can build your own lines. My favourite one is the C.A.T line, saying: „Im Capable, Accomplished and Talented. Whichever line you build up, say it many times a day until it sinks in. I will tell my secret here: Before I started this book, I frequently affirmed and prayed: „My heavenly Father, please lead me through my resources to bring success and happiness to myself, my loved ones, and my fellowmen. Now I have no doubt where Im heading!

Look around us, it is funny how people go to great lengths to protect their houses against burglars. Then they allow a more ghastly robber, full of negativism and poison to enter their minds, which are infinitely more precious possessions. If you dont fantasise your wishes, your life may wither, soon your aura darkens and the „thief sneaks in! The destruction is more extensive than you think. You should instead, build mental images of splendid actions and achievements. Then you will grow stronger by the day, and capitalise on opportunities and fulfil your dreams. Visualisation and affirmation are powerful magic carpets, so are the habits of believing and expecting. Put together, they lead you to accomplish whatever you desire. They cost nothing but shower you with boundless well-being. Would you ignore such a big bargain in life? I can conclude now and say to you: „Thank you for believing me and congratulations, on your great oncoming success!

"Be very choosy therefore upon what you set your heart. For if you want it strongly enough, you'll get it." - Emerson.

"When an object or purpose is clearly held in thought, its precipitation, in tangible and visible form, is merely a question of time." - L. Whiting.