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Chapter 52 Climbing the Ladder of Success.

In this world, many people began at the bottom and remained there, others started low and went right to the top. The Chairman of a Malaysian bank for example, was once only a bank clerk, and he sold his shares 3 years ago for a few hundred million U.S. dollars! The popular Sugarbun chain appears to be matching McDonalds and KFC in many parts of Malaysia, because it does everything deliciously and perfectly. It was sold for millions of U.S. dollars recently, and the founder had started as a bakery worker only some 15 years ago! In Hong Kong, a newspaper boy Mr Harilela ended up with a big business empire. I heard too that in USA, a petrol station attendant went on to become the top man in a big oil company! These people progressed daily, while others slept. You have probably just started your career, and you will commence now your steady climb of the corporate pyramid. Put your best foot forward now and achieve, and use every opportunity to prove you deserve a higher position. Eventually you will reach the pinnacle and even own your own business. You cannot climb the ladder of success with hands in your pockets. Sometimes this ladder is more like the slippery pole that firemen use for sliding down swiftly. Nevertheless, your will-power and determination always find their way, and I know you will grind and file this slippery pole down, to get your grip. The techniques of soaring into the corporate clouds are ironically, down to earth! There are no mysteries about them. Here are the 10 keys:

1. Your value to the company. Research has shown that among those who reached the top, the largest percentage were financial (30%) and marketing men (25%). So sales, profitability and financial control are vital areas in business. The best-rewarded worker is the one who brings ideas, progress, profits and well-being; his salary strives to keep up with his great value! All over the world, experts who turn huge enterprises around from losses to profits are lavishly paid. Your employers are human and they desire to prosper just like you do. If you help them succeed, they will help you in the same way too. Enhance your worth with the qualities listed below:

2. Your visibility. Can you get a promotion or raise if you are not even seen or remembered? Your character, abilities and accomplishments must shine consistently, and be recognised.

3. Resourcefulness and initiative. Resourcefulness means you will use all available resources to solve problems and accomplish things. Use the creativity I taught you before. How can a job be done more efficiently, a product be made better to increase profits? Remember Lazy Jim? Success stories like his abound. Never say you have bitten off more than you can chew. Chew it or get people to chew it for you! Being initiative means always making good interaction, involvement, inputs, innovations and improvements without being told. Stay positive, and do not be discouraged if your ideas and efforts are not appreciated. Welcome criticism and extra duties. You must, on a daily basis, continuously find or invent better methods to advance yourself and your company. Become valuable!

4. Undertake difficult responsibilities and assignments. A sure way to success is to do more and go farther than others. If you are just average and show little concern for the companys welfare, you do not deserve extra rewards. Let hardship strengthen you. If you can make good decisions, shoulder bigger responsibilities, complete tough assignments and tackle challenges for the firm, you will go far.

5. Interpersonal capacity, harmony and teamwork. Lee Iacocca, the great American entrepreneur said, „One of the main reasons why many people do not advance in their careers is the problems they have working well with their colleagues. It is of supreme importance that you cultivate and enrich your subordinates, your peers, your bosses and even the higher-ups. Support and empower them as much as you can and your blessing will return tenfold. Remember too, that to be humble to superiors is a duty; to subordinates, nobility. Ensure that all your ideas and actions are positive, so that they benefit everyone. You should never advance at the expense of others, if you do you may succeed temporarily but not conclusively, believe me. The great Henry Ford said, „The secret of success - if there is one is the ability to put yourself in another persons shoes, and to consider things from his or her point of view. Sensitivity and empathy are essential, and your office etiquette and mingling skills must be second to none. By the way, gossips and loose tongues are huge pitfalls, avoid them.

6. Enthusiasm, health, vitality and drive. Your hunger for excellence and your high level of thrust will propel you to success. Your impetus and diligence are blessings, not only to yourself, but to your co-workers and the company, because enthusiasm is contagious, so is the lack of it. Love your work and your workmates.

7. Compatibility with the company, loyalty and dedication. Share the same objectives with your employers and see things through their eyes. Be reliable, adaptable, obliging and faithful. Good conduct and image must radiate from you. Elevate the firms reputation, promote its products and services and flow with the corporate spirit.

8. Information, knowledge, skills and experience. Information and knowledge are powerful. Seize every opportunity for learning, training and growing, both within and outside your department. Sparkle with knowledge at work, and increase progressively your skills and experience. Adorned with these, you are a fountain of knowledge and wisdom, a powerhouse of competence and abilities.

9. Courage, wisdom, maturity, foresight and leadership. Cultivate these superior qualities, they groom you for greater offices in the days ahead. Build the executive and leadership mentality. Think of efficiency, lower costs, increased sales and profits.

10. Character, integrity and ethics. Honesty is not only imperative but noble. It beautifies your character, glorifies your life and helps keep your job too. The lack of integrity has ruined many careers; gain respect and trust instead. Sincerity and genuine dedication are vital, and none of the falsehood and applepolishing can culminate in lasting success. Benjamin Franklin said, „Well done is better than well said. However, my concluding words here are: If you perform excellently and earn more for those below and above you, your rise will be inevitable, and dont forget all those who were holding the ladder while you were climbing to the top!