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Chapter 53 Empowering Others.

Once I boarded a bus where the driver greeted everyone, cracked jokes frequently, and whistled nostalgic tunes like The Happy Wanderer and Over the Rainbow. The busload of complete strangers started smiling and talking to each other. Think of the wonderful environment and good life he has made for himself and others. The impact is not only immediate and deep, but remembered for a lifetime. Words and actions may take a second, but they last forever. If we could make others feel enlivened and honoured, we could work miracles. If we could empower everyone we meet, the world would be a different place.

Human relationships fill our entire lives and determine our success and happiness. Everyone, including our parents, brothers, sisters, spouses, colleagues, and those we come into contact with, should be treated as a hero, a star and someone special deserving respect. Let us see value, potential and greatness in people beyond their imperfections. After all, everyone is unique and has a contribution to make. This fresh attitude and approach to human interaction will bring strength, support, growth and fulfilment for each other. Surprisingly, we can empower people with very little effort. It is a wonderful way of touching their lives and they will enrich us in return. This is done by making them feel wanted and treasured; those who feel worthless are convinced they are priceless instead. In this world, countless relationships have been redeemed by the inflow of new thoughts and outlook. The following are important points, etch them in your memory:

Thoughts, words and actions can work wonders. You can empower people just by saying a few words, or even through kind, loving thoughts! Try it and you will believe me. My own experiences have amazed me. I need not give real life examples here; I want you to discover for yourself. You can practically turn nasty persons into nice ones, foes into friends, and devils into angels. A few lines said or written can inspire and energise people, brighten a day, or even change someones life! A persons greatest need is to be appreciated. A pat on the back or a word of praise is never a waste, and seldom out of place; it brings a smile to a weary face and gives people greater zest. Even a word of encouragement means so much to those who are striving to do their best. I have said it in rhymes!

The reputable Mr Charles Schwab said, „I consider my ability to arouse enthusiasm in people as my most precious capital asset. It is by encouraging and uplifting an individual that you can awaken and develop his best qualities. Han Suyin noted, „There is nothing stronger in the world than gentleness. Over the years, Mr George Bush wrote an endless stream of cordial short notes to numerous people he dealt with. If that could help him to become the president of the US, it could help you to go places!

People hunger for respect, recognition and the feeling of importance. Treat people as unique individuals with needs for recognition and fulfilment. Dr M. A. Carrera said, „To feel valued and nurtured can change the course of a life. Mary Kay Ash of the giant cosmetic company reflected, „Whenever I meet someone, I try to imagine him wearing an invisible sign that says: Make me feel important! I respond to this sign immediately, and it works wonders. People are stimulated when they are appreciated; they feel they are doing a terrific job, something valuable and fruitful. Research has shown that students who were told they had done well in the previous test, went on to do better than those who were not congratulated. Dale Carnegie said, „Theres only one way under the high heaven to get anybody to do anything... And that is by motivating the other person to want to do it.

Love is a great healer on this planet. People are invigorated and vitalised when you cheer them up, care for them and love them. We all need affection, warmth and a boost every now and then. Nelson Rockefeller, the American statesman reminded us, „Never forget that the most powerful force on earth is love. Show concern and empathy for peoples feelings and difficulty; without being overbearing, of course. Be sincere and simple. James M. Barrie urged us, „Always be a little kinder than necessary. Love to a human being is indeed like sunlight to a plant, and praise is rain to a desert.

People have sensitivity and needs. We motivate people best and change them when we know and fulfil their needs, values and priorities. Lest we forget, we are sensitive creatures; easily slighted and offended. When were hurt, were resentful; when were happy, we radiate joy. Unpleasant people must therefore be understood and forgiven. Be kind to them, theyre fighting lifes tough battles.

A person tends to become what he is expected to be. His development responds to expectation and treatment from others. His confidence and self-image are continuously being shaped since infancy. If you groom him like a champion, he will perform well, but if you repeatedly tell him he is an idiot, he will soon believe it! Such self-fulfilling prophecy is called the Pygmalion Effect.

In life, you will never achieve much without the help and support of others. Life is short, strive to make others and yourself happy. When you make others feel good, you feel good too. Millions of lives sink into failure and sadness, all because people are waiting for the world to change towards them, without wanting to change themselves. They do not realise that they only get something in return for what they put in; otherwise, they get nothing for nothing!

The way you treat society will be the way society treats you. The great success teacher Og Mandino told us, „Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness...Your life will never be the same again. For the next 4 weeks, treat everybody you know as the most important person on earth and you will be surprised with the results. Leave people with warm words, especially the elderly, it could be the last time you see them! As I end this chapter, I know you will master the skills of enchanting, encouraging, endearing, energising and enthusing. This art blesses the giver as much as the receiver.

 “Be genuinely interested in people. Remember, every person - be he duke or beggar has some unique experiences.” - R.. Maxwell. “Treat people as if they were what they ought to be, and you help them to become what they are capable of being.” - Goethe. “Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances.” - Solomon, Biblical proverb. Chapter 54 Human Resources.

This chapter follows aptly the last one on empowering others. I know that soon you will be supervising some workers; eventually you will be employing your own. Thomas Watson Sr, who built the giant IBM computer company once noted, „You can confiscate the factories, burn the buildings, but leave me the employees and I will rebuild my empire. T. Peters & R. Waterman observed, „Unusual effort on the part of...apparently ordinary workers is one of the main indications of a superior enterprise. All commercial undertaking can be summed up in 3 words: Staff, service, success, or people, products, profits. Note that I always put personnel first, without a good team you will not get the rest. Mary Kay, founder of the great cosmetics company stated, „A company is only as good as its people. Bernard Tapie, the French industrialist said: „Any company philosophy that does not consider its human resources as its most important asset is doomed sooner or later to certain failure. Workers can make or break a company.

Managers want results, but it is people who produce them. Tending the human spirit is the core of management. The billionaire J. P. Getty affirmed: „The key to all directions in business lies in directing human activities. All aspects of an enterprise is coloured by the motivation, competence and performance of its workers. It is not the number of people employed that makes it successful; it is the number working! The best workers are those who work as though they own the company. That is why bonuses and profit-sharing work wonders. Y. Yamasaki of Mazda declared, „You may have the best projects in the world, or the most sophisticated equipment, but without good employees you have nothing. Here are points to help you:

1. First, search and select. Get the best people in the first place. If you lack expertise, get those who can select for you. 

2. Believe in subordinates. If your faith is sincere, deep, unwavering, and attested by words and actions, it will bear fruits.

3. Support. Give workers training, information, authority and various facilities to do the job well. Provide regular feedback to improve their work. Lee Iacocca said, „The only way to motivate people is to communicate with them. Instead of criticising destructively, help them to learn from mistakes, and continuously impart to them more knowledge and skills. 

4. Attachment and aspiration.A. Morita of Sony observed, „To motivate people, you have to make them feel part of a family and treat them with respect due to members of a family. Give them belonging and involvement in objectives, decisions, activities, rewards and visions on a bright future. Workers must have a sense of direction, purpose and anticipation. Without all these, they dwindle away. D. Burr, founder of People Express Airlines said, „Our personnel need a perspective on the future. Without the opportunity for growth, they would all leave.

5. Recognition and reward. Create a lasting environment for top performance. Boost hope, beliefs, self-esteem, and the will to achieve. Catch workers doing things well and praise them - a highly motivating gesture. Reward them well. Bill Marriott Jr, president of the Marriott Corp. asserted, „The attention and consideration given even to the lowliest employee has always led to improvement in the business.

6. Make work enjoyable. Ensure that tasks are interesting; providing learning, challenge, responsibility and fulfilment. Without the congenial human climate and the right „tone, even the best efficiency and performance may slacken. We allwant to work or do business where its pleasant and interesting. Enthusiasm and elation are contagious too!

7. Empathy and expectations get results.Its proven that workers take pride in their work; they satisfy demands for results if you have respect, concern and empathy for them. They tend to accomplish what is expected, especially with joint expectations on both sides. Greater responsibilities build confidence too. The ability to use not only our own knowledge and skills, but those of others, is vital. Attract, develop and keep good workers always. Remember, you will have the ones you deserve! The way you treat them will be the way they treat your business and customers. Good staff produce good stuff. Kindness and diplomacy are best. We are need each other to survive and thrive. Take care of those under you and you will be lifted to prosperity and greatness by their achievements!