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Chapter 61 Provide the Environment and Rewards for Excellence.

I hope that you will attain a good level of success as early as possible, that will put you on a higher springboard for greater accomplishments. This higher launchingpad will provide you better environment, facilities and strength for reaching goals, and bring a fuller life sooner! Conversely, those drowned in long periods of hardship and low spirits find it harder to make a change. It is best to make a break as early as you can, and jump from the donkey onto the train!

Your spiritual and intellectual well-being is a powerhouse for achievement and greatness. You have empowered others, it is time to empower your entire being, mentally, physically and socially. Your environment starts from within. Fill and nurse this 'fountain with calm, clarity, confidence and contentment. We know that talents and self-esteem were built in the early years. If your self-image is not strong enough, you should make amends immediately with affirmations and visualisation. I will teach you prayer and meditation later. You can remove your weaknesses conclusively because you live with yourself 24 hours a day and you know yourself best, even your most secret thoughts; besides, you are now older, with better control over your surroundings. Top up your feelings of power, worth and wizardry now!

Your health and vitality must be in superior form . Deep breath is your first step to health. Oxygen is - as medical research has testified - the single most important agent. It drives the cleansing power of the lymphatic system that removes toxins. Your physiology and disposition affect your capacity too. I will discuss these in full in another chapter. Maintain mental clarity and sharpness with exercise and rest. The Greek Tycoon Onassis praised Judo and Yoga. He swam regularly, so did Paul Getty, Pope John Paul II, Chinas Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and many notables. Prominent statesmen go fishing, jogging and retreating. Goethe, and other great writers go for long walks to gain inspiration and genius. Take special care of yourself. Use the best personal care products. Eat nutritious, water-rich and vitamin-rich foods. Avoid smokers, pollution and unhygienic places. Your body is a precious, precision machinery, love and treat it well.

Your physical environment should be conducive to efficiency and excellence. This is aided by all the amenities and catalysts for achievement, which provide serenity and power. Your working space must be quiet, clear, cool, cosy and conducive to problem-solving, inspiration and creativity. Use the magic of music, colours, nature, fresh air, plants and flowers. Create the climate, the ambience and the probability of using all your resources in the most fruitful way.

Your social sphere is paramount . Mingle with successful people and emulate them. Win many friendships. Promote cordiality, enthusiasm, cheer and harmony in all aspects of your life. You just cannot progress and prosper amidst doubts, tension, discord and stress. A champion needs and deserves the best environment and empowerment.

Pamper yourself after each accomplishment . but avoid lavish and conclusive rewards. Once a rich man told me that those who are less wealthy are more fortunate, because they value, enjoy and treasure everything they have. I agree totally with him. Money can become as meaningless to a rich man as snow to an Eskimo. Sheer monetary and physical rewards may excite initially, but ultimately it is the quality of spiritual and emotional experience that outshines all. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. In life, besides the quality of experience, it is best to be compensated intermittently and progressively. Such 'carrots provide the push and the pull towards victory. Both instant and anticipated rewards are effective; the current ones pamper and invigorate you, the forthcoming ones become part of your goals. Rewards that help you towards success are best, such as a better house, car, office, better clothing, literature, tools and facilities.

Oscar Wilde noted, 'To love ones self is the beginning of a life -long romance. You will have no rivals! If you feather your nest, pamper yourself along the way, build an excellent environment and make progress everyday of the year, life really could not be better! You are in for the best. In this auspicious setting, may you unfold into a model of society, a masterpiece of the universe.