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Chapter 62 The Recipe for Success.

Being successful is basically being healthy, wealthy and happy. Let us have an overview of the various agents for achieving this. This will give us better insight and control of our resources and our lives as a whole. For simplicity, I have reduced the recipe to 20 items:

1. Powerful self-image and confidence. Success originates in infancy, even as far back as the womb. Calibre and confidence are developed over the years, enriched by a high level of affection, assurance, approval, admiration and acclaim from parents, family members and friends.

2. Coherent, energetic, warm, supportive relationship and home atmosphere. There is a lady behind every successful man, and a mother for every genius. The great Edison confessed: 'My mother was the making of me, ... I felt that I had someone to live for; someone I must not disappoint. Bill Cosbys mother admitted that what she had to give him was plenty of love, and he was determined to be something. Many outstanding people admitted that their loved ones were the wind beneath their wings.

3. Early experience and development of interest in certain fields. Lloyd Webber grew up surrounded by music. According to P. Pierce who wrote  Bill Cosby - Laughter With Lessons, Cosbys humour was shaped in childhood in a Philadelphia ghetto, where he studied intently how funny materials were delivered on TV. He spread jokes around the neighbourhood, and left his shoe-shine customers in stitches. His teacher said he would rather clown than study. At the college pub, he served jokes with drinks. The world is teeming with such examples of success-building.

4. Reading, research, exploration, even obsession in these fields. Inquisitiveness, intense interest, captivating studies and the amassing of knowledge and skills are powerful channels to a prosperous and fulfilling life. Among successes like Ford, Disney, Spielberg, Honda, Bill Gates and others, their great love for their work was true as steel.

5. High level of creativity, ingenuity, natural ability & intelligence. These traits, when strongly developed and reinforced, and given the right environment, support, opportunity and timing, are mighty assets. Consequently, business acumen and entrepreneurial capacities are cultivated, culminating in great enterprises and wealth.

6. Physical and psychological good health, with vitality. This is the basis for vibrancy, energy, contentment, inner beauty, peace and general well-being, the components of a blissful and bountiful life.

7. Dreams, burning desire, ambition, goals, plans and priorities. Most great men and achievers were dreamers, because nothing happened unless first there was a dream. An idea can turn pebbles into pyramids. Dreams fuel the burning desire that translates into goals and strategies and subsequent actions. These invariably find their way to accomplishments and fulfilment. Scott Reid said, 'This one step - choosing a goal and sticking to it changes everything.

8. Readiness to capitalise on opportunities, resources, and the environment. An observant, inquisitive, creative and proactive nature that makes things happen is a great attribute; likewise, the vigilance to seize opportunities, even from a glimmer or casual remark! The capacity to use OPM,other peoples mind and money, and various resources helps too. (Ref: Tyler G. Hicks 1974) Eddy Murphys big movies on Beverley Hills Cop were the idea of Michael Eisner; inspired by the police who stopped him for speeding on his first day as president of Paramount Pictures! In 1984, Andrew Lloyd Webber was browsing in a second-hand shop in New York and spotted an old book called The Phantom of the Opera!

9. Vision, direction, strategies, decisiveness and performance. Successful men are men of great foresight, insight, clear perspectives, smart decisions, ingenious plans and execution of these plans. Willa A. Foster commented rightly: 'Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skilful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives.

10. Motivation and the capacity for taking action. Motivation and action are almost the be-all and end-all of great achievements. Ideas without action are passive and fruitless. Thinking is important, but creating and doing things are even more important.

11. Mastery of the powers of the mind. This employs the subconscious, imagery, affirmations, belief, wealth consciousness, positive thinking and the sheer stoppage of negativism. Expectation is a powerful denominator, similar to the natural anticipation of marriage and family-raising. Success should be seen as a birthright, not just an attainable thing. You must be convinced that you can and you will succeed. Whether you think you can or you cant, you are right!

12. Determination, perseverance and single-minded pursuit. These are formidable forces when combined with focus, job-loving, spiritual flow, dedication, industriousness and the going of extra miles.

13. Courage and a pioneering spirit that dares to be different. Fortitude and toughness provide the fighting spirit for lifes battles. A unique, independent, aggressive, assertive, go-getting, spearheading style can break new grounds, conquer fresh frontiers and reach magnificent victories. Most great men come under this category.

14. Enthusiasm. ‘ Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. Said the renowned R. W. Emerson. This is indisputable and is as sure as egg is egg! Jest and zest go hand in hand in delightful living and big accomplishments. You can do many things, perhaps anything with enthusiasm. It brings energy, cheer and sparkle.

15. Strong guiding principles, values, character and integrity. A life based on good attitude, discipline, religion, morals and righteousness is the foundation for love, peace, grace, gratitude, contentment, fulfilment, joy and lasting success. A healthy lifestyle with excellent habits are really conducive because failure is a tough habit to break; so is success! When you get into the snowballing momentum of winning, you are unstoppable. Values are equally commanding, because what you value is what you think about, what you think about is what you become!

16. Love, empathy, altruistic nature & motives. When you empower others you empower yourself. You will receive more than you give. The world abounds with happiness and success that grew from a persons love for his work, products, customers and his fellowmen.

17. Pleasing appearance, charisma, communication and social skills. A person with such a personality, graciousness and capacity will definitely go places and go far. This needs little elaboration.

18. Positive outlook, optimism and a sense of humour. These ingredients build and enhance social and commercial success. They can surpass rejections and hardships, weather many storms, cope with failure, learn from mistakes, rebound and emerge unscathed, in triumph.

19. Setbacks or incidents that lead to strength and a new perspective. Sufferings, traumas, failures and even accidents have hardened and spurred people towards relief and solution. Often the regeneration and revival bring renewed strength, or even a revenging force that pushes forward to victory. The capacity for adaptability, flexibility, tough decision, creativity, change, improvements and growth is important here.

20. Specialised knowledge, skills, products or service that fulfil needs. As I said, specialised capabilities and niche markets attract big incomes. Products and services that satisfied global needs have brought great successes, be they pop songs, suspense novels, thriller movies, fast foods, computers or beauty products.

History has shown that the availability of venture capital and formal education is not the prerequisite for success. The self-educated or less-educated stood out so well that there seemed to be more of them! They included Picasso, the Wright brothers, Will Rogers, George Bernard Shaw, Charlie Chaplin, Walt Disney, Harry Truman, Frank L. Wright, Henry Ford, and many tycoons in developing countries. Although the 7 Ds are important, namely: Dream, desire, direction, determination, diligence, dedication and discipline; different qualities propel people under different circumstances. People who excel as employees may not do well in self-employment. Talents and capacities that succeed in a certain career, community or country may not succeed in another. There are many variables in timing, situations, inputs and results, but every man is the architect of his own fortune and mind can move mountains, and some people will thrive anywhere; I know you will.