Reaching Out by Stephen Tan - HTML preview

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Chapter 70 Relaxation and Meditation.

Success, health and happiness require that we relieve ourselves from the stress and strain of daily living. We can do this by putting aside a quiet hour each day for relaxation, which benefits from the intimate mind-body relationship. The mind and body mirror each other, so we can use our physical disposition to alter our spiritual condition, and vice versa. Breathing for example, an integral part of relaxation, is affected by the state of mind, yet it can influence the mental state in return! On the whole, relaxation is a built-in tranquilliser, and it can untangle and enhance various aspects of our lives. Ashleigh Brilliant said, "Some-times the most urgent and vital thing you can possibly do is to take a complete rest. Now let us look at the techniques for relaxation:

Start by doing stretching exercise with the muscles of your neck, waist and limbs, then sit or lie comfortably in a pleasant place. Take regular and deep breathing, then begin autosuggestion that repeats the following: "All my irritations, resentment, worries are evaporating away, and I am reconciled with everything and everyone in this universe. My eyelids are heavy... my whole body is limp and relaxed... my face, neck, arms, hands, chest, stomach, legs, feet are relaxed... all my muscles are relaxed, all the way to my finger tips and toes... my heartbeats and breathing are so easy and effortless... nothing can disturb my deep relaxation now... my whole being is calm...

Hobbies are good substitutes and supplements to this resting exercise; they have relaxing and reviving effects. Examples are: reading, listening to music, tending the flowers, bird-watching in the woods and walks on the beach. Another alternative or extension to relaxation is meditation.

What is meditation? Meditation expands observation, creativity and the ability to see meaningin life. It is a journey, an unfolding world, to show ones undiscovered potentials. Beautiful events are recalled and successful outcomes are foreseen. It is different from trance, hypnosis, visualisation, reflection and falling asleep, instead it keeps an alert and attentive mind with heightened consciousness. It is not an escape from reality, but rather a greater awareness of the world. It is a deliberate and natural undertaking, an act of will, not temperament. We can also indulge in spontaneous meditation, in a natural setting where we are drawn to the experience. Most religions have meditation techniques to establish and deepen our spiritual well-being; initiating growth in virtues, harmony and human capacity. This practice is more deeply entrenched in society than we normally realise. Aldous Huxley wrote, "Meditation has been used in every part of the world and from the remotest periods, as a method for acquiring knowledge about the essential nature of things.

What then are the benefits of meditation? Its usefulness is now widely accepted, and some 6,000 doctors in USA prescribe meditation therapy. Various studies and medical reports show that it lowers blood pressure, reduces irritability, negativism, stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, stuttering, addiction, phobias and even chronic pain. Increases in feelings of self-worth, identity, independence, emotional freedom, optimism, peace, creativity, memory, concentration, energy and productivity were documented. Meditation changes and improves the way we view things, sharpens insight, and unifies our dispersed emotions and spirits. The more clearly we see the harsh realities of life, the better we are in dealing with them. As meditative people we tend to be more thoughtful, sensitive, more creative and compassionate. We can stop, start or calm our mind at will! Silence allows better insight into difficulties and dilemmas. We can introspect, retrospect, identify our weaknesses, inconsistency and errors, then clarify and strengthen our moral values.

Through meditation we have a choice, to make ourselves what we really are or should be, allowing better self-help and development. In the process, cloudiness turns to clarity, aggression to ambition, fear to fortitude. Were no longer victims, but masters, with the ability to relate and co-ordinate with focus and vision. This brings self-discovery, a new outlook and provides awakening and insight in our perception and actions. Other benefits include: Solutions to problems; freedom from worry, fear and anxiety; understanding and empathy for others; enlightenment, contentment, bliss, youthfulness and even intuition and psychic powers. We dive deeply into the conscious and subconscious to come up with "gems and treasures. We can scrutinise what is going on, both in the outside world and inside ourselves. As life becomes more coherent, both understanding and meaningfulness develop; things take on more significance and life becomes richer. Later, the meditation session can be extended into our daily routine, allowing the benefits of meditation to fill and enrich a wider sphere of our lives.

How is meditation done? Basic meditation is available to anyone who wants it. You do not need spiritual faith or tutors, only the desire, the topic and the discipline to do it regularly. Basically, it is the focusing of the mind on a single subject of your choice, other distractions are filtered out. Sit comfortably in a quiet place and concentrate on "being me and observe things with detachment, objectivity and a clearer perspective. You may use more involvement and subjectivity at will, for greater benefits in the areas of happiness and success. Your selftalk may go along the following line: "I am in complete rhythm, flow, and harmony with myself, my environment and the universe. All the peace, contentment, intuition, sage, prudence and power are within me.

Some words of caution here: Too much meditation that runs into several hours a day may detach the meditator from the reality of life and bring illusion. An hour of relaxation, and half an hour of meditation a day is ideal. Meditation must cultivate the right attitude, values, virtues, and bring wisdom and well-being. It is hard to go through life as a tense and tired person. So begin now, other things will follow and fall in place, and you will benefit from the tranquillity and changes in your life, and create a first-class future.

"Time must be found for relaxation or you would break down nervously." - Al Koran.

"When we cannot bear to be alone, it means we do not properly value the only companion we will have from birth to death ourselves." - E. Le Shan.

"You have to stop in order to be able to change direction." - Erich Fromm, psychoanalyst.

"If you make friend with yourself, you will never be alone." - Dr M. Maltz.