Reaching Out by Stephen Tan - HTML preview

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Chapter 69 Courage.

If the average people were asked which traits they admired most in their heroes, many would say bravery and gallantry in the conquest of great danger and hardships. Someone immediately comes to my mind here: He was a school dropout, then he went bankrupt at his little store and spent 15 years paying off debts. He lost 18 elections, was afflicted with physical problems, attacked by the press and despised by half the nation. He finally became the U.S. President. His term was the bloodiest period in the countrys history. He went through everything with sheer fortitude. He was none other than... the great Abraham Lincoln!

An intimate link exists between courage and well-being. Courage brings enterprise, self-confidence, a sense of daring, mastery, etc, which cure the cold feet. It is developed through tough experience and training, coupled with in-depth knowledge, personal alertness and competence. Regular visualisation, affirmation, meditation and prayer help tremendously. Valour is not the absence of fear, but rather the conquest of it. Kill your fear, make it disappear. To me fear is often False Evidence Appearing Real. The moment we are afraid of something, we give it power over us, but the minute we summon courage, we begin busting the ghost of cowardice. Our perception, previously clouded and chilled by apprehension, is altered. We snarl at fear in the face and say: 'Ill settle with you NOW! The emphasis on now, instead of past and future, and on facts rather than fiction, is powerful. Try it!

In the business world, courage is a superb ingredient. Regine, the business magnate said, 'I refuse failure. I never give up. Victor Kiam, the President of Remington Corporation stressed: 'To succeed in the world, remember these three maxims: Entrepreneurs are risk-takers, willing to roll the dice with their money or reputations on the line in support of an ideaor enterprise. The successful Estee Lauder announced, 'Risk-taking is the cornerstone of empires. Fearlessness and adventure are parts of an eventful and fruitful life. Would you like to look back one day with regrets and say; 'Oh, if I had only done that.?

Fortitude is a sublime form of courage, with the added capacity to suffer, accommodate, adapt, and win ultimately. The qualities and blessings that come with it have many facets: The abilities to take calculated risks, to overcome fear and failure, to surmount sudden crisis or misfortune, to stand up for rights, righteousness and convictions, to pursue self-determination as well as noble and independent goals. The reputable Dr Maxwell Maltz said, 'If you fail you must find the courage within yourself to pick up the pieces and go on. Hal Borland supplemented this beautifully: 'No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.

Helen Keller, the blind and deaf writer remarked, 'Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Dale Carnegie urged us: 'Take a chance! All of life is a chance. The man who goes furthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. Consider how much we could do, and reap in life, if we would only try? A lack of courage means little accomplishment, if any. Alfred de Musset, the famous French writer wrote: 'To see is to know; to desire is to be able to; to dare is to have. Life is challenging, it demands bravery to risk defeat, and to fight for the good life. If many others can do it, you can do it; go on and carry the mark of human greatness!

“If you attempt the ridiculous you can achieve the impossible.” - Anonymous.

“All problems become smaller if, instead of indulging them, you confront them. Touch a thistle timidly and it pricks you; grasp it boldly, and its spines crumble.' - William S. Halsey.

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." - F. D. Roosevelt.

"I never allow any difficulties. The great secret of being useful and successful is to admit of no difficulties."- Sir George Gipps.

"When written in Chinese, the word "crisis is composed of two characters - one represents danger, and the other represents opportunity." - J. F. Kennedy.

"Winning without danger means triumph without glory." - Corneille.