Real Faith that can Deeply Inspire You Forever by Godwin Ihagh - HTML preview

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3. Your Outcome in Life Is Determined By What You Believe in: Faith or Fact

“For we walk by faith: not by sight”. The literal meaning of the above scripture is that we are meant to live our lives, have high hopes, and carry out actions on the basis of faith, which can be referred to as “the ultimate and unseen reality”.

Faith, which can be referred to as “the ultimate truth”, belongs to the spiritual world, while “facts” are only limited to the physical world which we see with our physical eyes. Faith is superior to and stronger than fact! Fact is temporal and changeable, but faith (ultimate truth) is eternal and unchangeable.

As stated in the previous chapter, even history has shown that fact can become untrue without divine or supernatural intervention. For example, it was a fact several years ago that malaria had no cure, and many people died because of it; but that is no longer the case today.

In the past, it was considered a fact that iron could neither fly nor float: but today, heavy tons of iron (in steel form) are floating and flying from one part of the world to the other in the form of ships and aircraft, carrying both people and cargo wherever they wish to go to. In the past, there were no drugs for the cure of several diseases, but today there are so many types of drugs and cures for various types of ailments.

So, if time can alter fact, your faith can instantly destroy many things that are considered as fact today! Despise all facts, and rather believe in faith or “the ultimate truth”. Your physical experiences and that of other people should not guide your life’s journey. Believe in the ultimate truth about the supernatural ability that GOD gave man to turn unfavorable circumstances into favorable ones. Allow your faith and belief to guide you towards your destiny.

Romans 10:17 of The Christian Bible says: “The just shall live by faith”—in addition to your good and just lifestyle, live by faith. This faith is based on how GOD sees ease and solutions to every situation and difficulty in this physical world. The scripture didn’t say that the just shall live by experience, night dreams, personal wisdom, skill, or expertise! It said that the just shall live by faith!

Many people elevate their experiences, personal wisdom, and skills above faith in the power of their minds, and the power of GOD; they do so to such an extent that they are continuously living in the realm of frustration and dissatisfaction.

We have stated that faith (the ultimate truth) is superior to fact; a lot of people know that the real battle of a man lies between fact and faith (ultimate truth). What is the difference between them?

Well, fact is a natural reality which has evidence only to the physical senses, and in the physical plane of existence; i.e. you can see, hear, feel, smell or touch it. On the other hand, faith (or ultimate truth) is supernatural or spiritual reality; and this reality is not always obvious to the body’s physical senses: you might not be able to sense faith physically, but it’s real; it definitely exists!

Based on some people’s so-called “facts”, experience and expertise, there might not be any hope; but the faith (the ultimate truth) says: “launch out your heart with hope”. And in many instances where faith was strong, the ultimate truth prevailed. Allow the truth to prevail in your life!