Real Faith that can Deeply Inspire You Forever by Godwin Ihagh - HTML preview

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4. The Reality of Invisible Worlds & Life: Physical & Spiritual

It’s a bit shocking that in the midst of all the astonishing scientific and technological knowledge that has been discovered or invented over the ages, confusion, and disbelief still abound regarding the existence of other invisible or inaccessible parts of creation; there is also uncertainty as to whether human souls live or exist before and after physical death.

Science and technology, which have helped to discover or reveal a lot of infinitesimal living things and particles that were once considered to be invisible, have both played a huge part in proving that everything, seen and unseen, is really alive, and alive to such an extent that even the people who don’t believe in the invisible or “spiritual” life, seem to be drawn or gradually drawing away from the abyss of their disbelief in invisibility or spirituality.

In the present day, nothing seems to be “that dead” or completely inexistent. Advances in science and technology have even made science-practicing atheists and other non-believers in GOD and spirituality rethink about their convictions which deny the existence of GOD and the spiritual and greater part of creation.

For thousands of years, many religious leaders, believers in GOD, spiritualists, and spiritual mediums have always sounded it out, wide and loud, that all the things we see with our physical eyes are simply the result of invisible or spiritual life which has its roots in the Almighty GOD—and they seem to have been right all along before the age of scientific and technological advancement started proving this belief bit by bit.

It would do the world a lot of good if mankind could “harmonize” the “visible” life (here on Earth) with the invisible life (in the spiritual sphere) by cooperating with it, or properly using the spiritual power given by GOD—a power which continues to permeate through all creation in its seen and unseen parts.

Evidences of invisible life

Countless instances have proven how greatly limited the capability of man’s physical eyes and brain are to see and perceive, respectively. The brain, like the physical body, is limited to this physical world’s space and time and is not naturally able to see things beyond these limits. The human eyes are not even capable of clearly seeing many “physical” things.

Take a look at a drop of water: in many instances, it looks neat, clean, and free from stain and blemish; but when viewed through magnifying lenses, the same water has been proven to contain millions of living organisms fighting and destroying each another.

Are there not innumerable bacilli in water and soil that have been found capable of causing lots of harm and destruction to human and animal bodies? Are bacilli not invisible to the unaided human eyes? Are there not energetic atoms and molecules in constant motion even though they are invisible to the human eyes?

However, these atoms and molecules immediately become visible when certain substances are viewed under magnifying glasses. Who would be able to state that nothing new will be discovered or seen after existing physical types of equipment are further improved upon?

Everyone would agree that if physical types of equipment are improved upon by 100-fold or 100,000-fold, other objects much smaller than bacilli and atoms of elements would also multiply in size and become viewable. More unseen worlds would become visible and unfold before the naked human eyes; even time travel, which has remained in the domain of fiction, can be understood and accepted as a natural reality that deserves to be placed in the realm of non-fiction.

Logically, it can be inferred that the discovery of more unseen objects and worlds by science and technology would continue until “mysterious” or “spiritual” things become natural to mankind.

The reality of the spiritual world, and life after death

If we believe in the possibility of the invisible or spiritual world continuously unfolding before the eyes of mankind, we might want to ask: what is the next world or next life that is to come? What is life after physical death? Many people seem to be confused when they hear “the next world”.

“The next world” can be regarded as the world that any person meets after death; or, it could be used to refer to physical and spiritual objects or life that can’t be seen or perceived by the human brain, ears, eyes, and other senses that belong to our physical bodies.

The next world is beyond the detection of our physical senses. From the perspective of viewing bacilli, atoms, and molecules— without considering many other forms of life—we can easily agree that there is no “cloak” or “wall” dividing this physical world and the unseen/spiritual world: there is no gulf.

All of creation and everything in it is interwoven and unified. There is nothing like “this world” and “that world”; rather, there is one uniform existence just like it was in the days when GOD seemed to converse more often with mankind than in the present age.

The concept of “this world” and “that world” or “the next world” arose, probably due to mankind’s inability to see everything that is visible and invisible; this might be because man looks upon himself as the center of importance in all creation; likely because he cannot see invisible organisms, invisible atoms, invisible angels, invisible nature spirits, invisible devils, invisible heavens, etc.

Invisible organisms and atoms were revealed by science, while angels, spirits, and demons have been perceived mostly by laypeople who have very sharp and refined spiritual senses.

In holding a wrong perception of the invisible world, it can be rightly assumed that mankind has forcibly hindered their spiritual progress. We would likely be on a better eternal path if we have been looking at various parts of creation (seen and unseen) as a single unit, and not try to distinguish between “this world” and “the next world”.