Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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The Effects of Self-Motivation

It has already been said that the energy of self-motivation is more attractive and desirable than de-motivation, and the effects are equally as impressive.

Self-motivated people tend to exhibit more external awareness. They generally operate with vast amounts of autonomy, at the same time they are self-managing. Operating from self-motivation radiates and emits a very different electromagnetic signal, and while it might be suggested that these people make great sales people, and they do. It is not confined to just selling. Self-motivated individuals can, and do, operate throughout every level of business; they are achievers, go about their business in a calm manner. They are patient, cheerful, confident and loyal.

Though the effects are inspiringly positive, like de-motivated people, most self-motivated individuals are not aware of their core motivators, and that goes for their effects on business. This is not mentioned as a negative, it is a highlight only. While self-motivated individuals are more autonomous, yet like all staff; they too require purpose and direction.

Though, as you already know, self-motivated people naturally and effortlessly magnetize business, while de-motivated individuals repel.

That is, when de-motivated people enter a room, meeting, or otherwise, you know and want them to avoid you right? Without words, their negative impact upon others is felt immediately. However, the same can be said for self-motivated individuals with one exception - they are the polar opposite, emitting positive feel good, uplifting and inspirational energy. Positive people are the ones we naturally feel attracted too, not because they are attractive, but because their positive energy appeals to us.

As the gap between science and metaphysics bridge closer, new understandings are coming to light. That is when a person enters the room, like a mobile phone, they emit a signal. Invisible to the naked eye, this silent buzz is electromagnetic in nature, which enters not just the minds, but the entire realities of others. Nonetheless, everyday awareness, that is surface reality, does not perceive this signal but for the subtle levels or life, there is no overlooking. (These electromagnetic impulses are now recordable with appropriate apparatus, and are re-defining reality as you read). This is now explaining what has for a long period of time been unanswered. Why it is that one person picks up and perceives much more than the other.

As these studies are work in progress, it has been discovered that people impact others, not by their physical presence alone, but in their whole being. That is, conscious or not, seen, or unseen. Like a telephone signal moving through the airways, there is an invisible message that reaches all targets. In short, when a self-motivated individual enters the room, he or she will without doubt impact the mind, and overall reality of others. Again, conscious or not, intent or not, the impact is a positive radiation through others.

This is perhaps why it is said that some managers, without any effort can plug into, and identify future talents of self-motivated individuals.