Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Section 4 - The Mentor’s Role

Though we are not talking of motivational speakers, positive mentors, or life coaches, the first step is to nominate and appoint a mentor. This is a necessary process, as whether you are training and developing yourself, or guiding other individuals. A team leader must be defined.

As human beings, part of our internal structure is to search for guidance, and who better to take on that role other than you!

So now there are no prizes for guessing who is going to be the mentor of your own motivation - Yes, it’s YOU! But please remember the definition of a mentor is one that leads not by brut force, but by inspirational encouragement. In other words, instead of the traditional telling your self what to do, you stand back observing without self criticism and blame, allowing yourself to encourage yourself.

This may be a brand new concept, yet it works with astonishing positive results.

Lengthy studies have shown that individuals are not and have never been motivated to follow by way of forced instruction. They may have to follow because they have been told to, but in reality, people are not inspired with instructional telling’s.

For example;

When away from his hotel management role, Ralph likes nothing more than to relax with in his favorite pastime. i.e. gardening.

Now imagine Ralph arrives at work and his boss tells him that as we have a VIP coming, tomorrow you must do a job that your not in the habit of doing, and he must trim the lawn grass. Furthermore, Ralph’s boss re-enforces this by stating that if he doesn't do it, then the consequences will be dire.

Can you imagine how Ralph will react? As much as he enjoys gardening, there are two human dynamics that will naturally trigger.

1 - Resistance

2 - Defense

First Ralph’s system will auto-pilot into resisting cutting the lawn simply because his own internal system will attempt to preserve itself, and secondly he will autopilot into defense by coming up with a plausible excuse as to why he might not be able or available to do it.

However, if Ralph’s boss rephrased the same task with encouragement rather than instruction, then it’s likely Ralph will engage.

For example;

Ralph’s boss might suggest something like; “You know Ralph, there is a VIP coming tomorrow and presently our lawns don’t match the high standards of our guest. How could we present our hotel whereby it would not only be acceptable, but our guest would go on to remember us by it?

While the above is a fictional exaggeration, the second example encourages Ralph to come forward and express his personal passion. The suggestion serves to seek for a positive solution and encourages creative talent to come forward, for Ralph knows the task at hand is a worthy one. He is encouraged to come up with a solution to a problem, one where he may be remembered and recognized for it.

In short - example one is the will of another, while example two is the will of Ralf, that is, by nature (like most all human beings), Ralph wants to do a great job.

If your own past internal chatter has been instructional rather than inspirational, then please consider this a personal challenge for change.

With that in mind, please familiarize yourself with these subtle levels of life, not psychology, not metaphysics, just the natural everyday subtle levels of reality. As this is the place where you can unlock, influence, and change yourself for the better. You have heard the phrase; ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’. Well, it could also refer to the subtle levels of life where data from a single image is being processed at such a rapid rate, that in one fleeting glance, the image conveys a thousand words. It is also the place where most of life’s decisions are made.

Now imagine yourself processing, analyzing, and making decisions based on your overall persona, because as you are constantly picking up the energy vibrations that you yourself are radiating, this is exactly the case.

It is well understood that humans make decisions based on their perceptions, and as approximately 80% of perceptions are away from immediate awareness, surface reality has very little influence. This is why when motivational speakers leave the auditorium and people return to their normal duties, the majority of their motivational influence remains in the theatre.


Any and every human being operates 80% sub-unconscious of their daily life, with approximately 20% used for moment-to-moment thinking, feeling, perceiving, etc.

So with that in mind, when you come up against yourself on a difficult to motivate day, give some thought that you are operating 80% sub-unconscious of your entire reality.

Now here’s another brief but necessary step into the deepness - Studies have shown human beings cannot ignore, or become unresponsive to inspiration. Additional studies have shown that irrespective of and individual awareness, when a person is projecting negativity towards another, at their subtle levels of life and reality, i.e. meaning their 80% sub-unconscious “awareness”, they have no choice but to respond positively to positive input, and negatively to negative input. Though the exhaustive science has been omitted for simplicity, it is fair to say that like really does attract like.