Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Step 5 - The Difference Between Observing & Identifying

Observing is observing. Whereas identifying is where you begin to see, feel, and perceive emerging patterns.

Identifying is not unearthing, and it is not taking action.

This process is identifying only. During which, please try to remain as open-minded, and as detached as possible.

By now, you should have a rough list of the six categories outlined in step one;

Physical actions.

Physical reactions.

Emotional feeling.

Emotional reactions.

Mental thoughts.

Subtle level of reality.

When looking for the identification link, on a separate form head it up ’identifiers’; begin to list out the following.

1 - How do your actions relate to the de-motivating task, event, etc. For example; Tony was actively engaged in deflectors such as spending more time in the office, increased colleague chats, and longer journeys too, and from the office. Though these actions could have easily been mistaken for positive motivation, looked at reflectively, it is de-motivation in a guise.

Identification is by observing Tony’s actions. During his periods of self-motivation, it was observed Tony consumed a lot less office time. He was more engaged with his clients, and his journey times too and from work were shorter. Though it will be demonstrated later, Tony’s motivation had switched polarities. The de-motivating energy had an overlaid ‘positive motivator’. This was acting as a positive encourager to spend more time in the office, and less time with clients, etc.

Though unconscious of these actions, it is highly unlikely that Tony was aware of his increased office time, extra colleague chats, and longer journey times were due to factors of de-motivation.

Please remember the identifier is not the root, and there is no single, or current event that motivated him towards de-motivation. We have not yet come to that. As all we are looking for here is the identifier. Nevertheless, we are now one step closer.

2 - How do your physical reactions relate to de-motivation. For example, are you verbalizing, making physical gestures, negatively influencing, or convincing others, etc? Is there a link between your physical reactions, actions, and your overall de-motivation? Or do you see this as your normal everyday character?

Please make notes.

3 + 4 When observing, it was stated that both states of emotions, that is feelings and reactions, were perhaps the easiest to detect. The same can be said in identifying.

Does your emotional state vary dependent upon your level of motivation?

What emotional changes did you observe that could directly link to your state of being, i.e. de-motivation?

Are your sub-unconscious emotions rising and projecting onto others? If so, what are these emotional feelings and reactions? Is there a link?

5 - While observing your mental state, were there states that could link, acting as identifiers? For example, Tony’s actions led to more office time, yet it is highly likely he would also be displaying a relative mental state, whether that be emotional, verbal, written, or physical actions. In short, when moving from one state of motivation to another, it is almost impossible to conceal every indicator. As it all stems from the mind, and what thoughts he is thinking, ask yourself what changes were detected?

Again, please make notes.

6 - Now that you have observed your subtle realities, what is your subtle self saying to you? This part is subjective and for you only. Ask yourself, “What are the links, and identifiers of your your de-motivation?”

This part will not fail, and it will not fail because you are asking subtle reality, which is beyond daily surface life. This is beyond everyday mind, opinions, attitudes, character, personalities and judgments. For this part, please listen intently to your own inner voice, for this is where you will glean a great deal of valuable information.