Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Step 4 - Becoming Friends With De-Motivation

Another key element to remove the sting from de-motivation is to “be-friend” it. As illogical as this may sound, de-motivation thrives on dislike, being hostile, and generating negativity. Nevertheless, a very simple and effective tool is to “turn around with a friendly face and be-friend it”.

De-motivation does not like being friends, as when this happens, paradoxically it lessens, gives up the game and eventually jumps sides. So, during the process of acknowledging, and allowing, please make an effort to progress any observations into a “friendship”. As challenging as it may be, do try your best at viewing de-motivation as “O.K”. Then take OK one step further and make friends with de-motivation.

Though you may now be asking, how do I make friends with a formless energy of de-motivation? Well, It really isn't that difficult. Like a real life friendship, we just take an interest, develop a little intimacy, get to know, and seek to understand.

After some time, this is extended to encouraging de-motivation. As when performed in one’s own mind, if you welcome de-motivation with a suggestion, then with surety, it will lessen; By chanting self talk invokes “interactivity at the sub atomic level of electromagnetics”. Though we will not expand too much, please allow it to be noted that what is really going on is “awareness communicating with overall consciousness”.

Give this a try; though bear in mind it will take a few attempts to feel comfort in chatting to yourself. Nevertheless, it has worked for others and there is no reason why it will not work for you.