Rise Light, Fresh and Shine with an X Factor (Transforming De-Motivation) by Beyond Timelines - HTML preview

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Step 1 - Beginning The Transformational Process

As the energy of de-motivation is not a physical thing, transforming is not so difficult. Nonetheless, the physical effects of de-motivation will have created habits that when disturbed, naturally bite back. As with all human energy, resistance is a defense mechanism that must be prepared for. There is a saying, that failing to prepare, is preparing to fail, and this is none more evident than when the core of de-motivation is unearthed. While it was stated that the root core will naturally and effortlessly dissolve, and that is true. What we are talking about here are the gates to the root that once approached, the likelihood is they will rumble like thunder. Though like all human resistance, once raised to the conscious mind, like butter melting in the sunshine, resistance too will dissolve.

Though before we get going, consider that when de-motivation displays itself, it is not always negative. Consider that this may be an indicator of outgrowing duties, tasks, goals, and it may be “positive adversity” in action. While it might sound esoteric, “human consciousness” is constantly in a state of flux. The consequences are that formless energy requires variants of stimulation. To add weight, studies have shown that no matter what level, people are de-motivated by repetitive tasks.

Also in the transformational process, let us go back to the primal drivers of male and female motivation. For it was said earlier, that modern man may have changed, yet their primal drivers of motivation have not. We must always keep in mind that man has been motivated by his purpose in life, while women have been motivated by the emotions in their life. Therefore, when a happy, or content individual says, “I love my job”. What they are really saying is, “All of my subjective motivators are currently being met”. Conscious or otherwise, fear or desire, their internal motivators are all in order.

This is the journey you are now going to embark upon guiding your own self towards.

Now for a moment, let’s go back to the Caveman story...

Remember Cavemen1, who was the carver of beautiful caves, and Caveman2, the incredibly skilled hunter? Remember that after only one week, Caveman1 became lazy, while Caveman2 continued to carry out his agreed obligations? Well, what do you think it was that changed Caveman1’s energy of motivation into de-motivation? What made him become lazy?

There could be a million and one reasons. Yet, because this reality includes a subjective element, we do not really need to analyze this to an end. Nevertheless, like all things in life. There is a trail, and all we need to do is follow that trail.

As an example only. Caveman1 stated that irrespective of him carving or not carving, Caveman2 continued to supply food, which caused him to become de-motivated. Whilst one could easily accept this as a plausible answer, it is not the root. Downing his tools was an effect from a cause, a little like Tony’s increased office time. Caveman1’s de-motivation was much deeper and further back, and unless Caveman1 was in the here and now, then we cannot get further than already outlined. However, preventing Caveman1 from carrying out his agreed duties will be a negatively charged, “associated experience”.

For instance; Caveman1 had already “consciously” agreed to carve a new cave in exchange for food from Caveman2, yet one week into the agreement, his motivation waned. This is so because until his overall consciousness experiences what is embedded within his subtle levels of reality, he does not take physical action. In other words, he only downed tools, became lazy and de-motivated when his sub-unconscious self was reminded of a past experience. This is only triggered when he gets to work carving his neighbors’ new home, though please make a note that the physical trigger is a bi-product and not the actual core de-motivator. Though in his fully conscious mind, there was a turning point, and a change where he made an alternative decision, that is, he said to himself, “I don't want to build this new home anymore”. Remember this decision is not made from the conscious; it is made from the sub-unconscious, yet the expression is into his real life physical reality.

The truth is that carving the home is not the actual issue; it is a link, and a reminder of another experience, but it is not the actual issue. In short, it is the subconscious communicating with the conscious mind. If it were the issue, then he would be fully conscious, and would not have agreed to build the cave in the first place. The fact that he was not conscious is an indicator that it resides in the sub-unconscious subtle levels of reality. Because it resides there, it cannot be a conscious action; therefore, Caveman1 will have no awareness of this issue until it comes up against an associated trigger, or experience. That is, in building a new cave.

Though a simulation only, it is likely that Caveman1 met with a previous negative experience in “doing” something for others. This has since dropped into his subconscious, reminding itself through new experiences, such as building a new cave, etc. So when anything that remotely reminds him of “doing” something for others, this pushes on the original negative experience and then creates a motivational energy to move him away from the reminder.

What is being stated is the following; that which looks like a de-motivator is actually motivation propelling him to not do. In other words, at his subtle levels of reality, his motivational energies are in complete order, and functioning well. They are motivating him away from.

So now it is time to outline another of life's paradoxical truths.


De-motivation is still the energy of motivation; it just depends how it is viewed, filtered, and ultimately perceived

The same can be said for yourself. It is most unlikely that present events are the factors of your de-motivation. Past negatively associated experiences are triggering and actioning as de-motivation. Yet in truth, it is the energy of motivation functioning correctly. Like all human energy, it does not discriminate. How it is viewed, filtered, and ultimately perceived, deters it’s use. Though since it is viewed as a de-motivator, and that view point may be correct. It is still the energy of motivation, which is operating to motivate away from what is not desired.

While this might appear a mind bender, it is not meant to be. What is thought to be a de-motivator is still a motivational energy moving towards or away from something.

The point being that what you are now looking for is beyond the trigger, so let’s just recap.

The event is not the actual de-motivator. For example, while Caveman1 became lazy, no longer desiring to carve a new home for his neighbor, and while Tony spent more time in the office, avoiding client contact. These were triggers, not core de-motivators.

Though in observing, Caveman1 and Tony will both exhibit physical, emotional, and mental actions and reactions that will lead to identifying. For example, Caveman1 became lazy, yet as there are only ever de-motivators, that is motivation in its opposite polarity, lazy people do not really exist.

When someone is acting, being, or referred to as lazy. What is it that they are really trying to convey? Are they saying “They feel de-motivated, though the de-motivator has not yet been identified and processed”? Laziness, like de-motivation is also the effect from a cause and is a bi-product of a core issue.

In the case of Tony, the triggers are “identifiers” such as increased office time, long journeys to work, etc. Through observing his actions and reactions we can get back as far as these labels. Though, once back as far as the identifiers, unearthing the root can continue. Though please be under no illusion, that unless enough research has been conducted. Unearthing is not possible. However, assuming there is a good understanding of the situation, and of the triggers, actions, reactions, and identifiers. Unearthing the root can progress.